Meet Your Makers: Serge

October 22nd, 2015 § 0 comments

Who are you? – Serge ‘q3k’ Bazanski, I am from Poland. What’s your job? – I freelance in software development and system administration. Mostly Python stuff. Why did you started to do programming? – I was inspired by a friend, and I’ve always liked making and discovering. How did you start to learn programming? – In the beginning, I learned programming by reading books when I was 13 years old (10 years ago). I can’t remember what language I wrote. It was a weird language. But I liked making it. At that time, I spent most of high school evenings on learning programming. I dropped out of university after a month, because I didn’t want to lose 3 years in finding interests in university. Now, my paid job is about system administration, and I learned this by himself too. What project have you done? – Way too many projects started, almost none finished! However, I am particularly proud of the Warsaw Hackerspace network infrastructure I brought up with a couple of friends. What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? – Comfortable feeling. Too many things to describe at once. What do you want to learn at the space? – Physical things, wood things, metal machining, resin casting, switch software to hardware. I am a recovering software person. What do you want to learn at the space? Physical things, wood things, metal machining, resin casting, switch software to hardware. I am a recovering software person. Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) If it goes up to 11, then 12. How do you want the space to support you? For me, mostly provide a space, where people can provide content for, and help kind of incubate that. Do you have suggestions for people who wants to learn programming? – Do what you like. A 13 year-old boy who gave a speech at QingHua University made lots of interesting projects with Arduino by himself, all because he’s just interested in it. ]]>

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