=Wednesday Presenters= Rodolfo Cossovich from Rudy Bike Fame will be presenting Next Generation of Building Systems: Fab-Lab Compatibility, talking about hardware parts that are designed to be interconnected to construct different devices and their applications. With the onset of cheap laser cutters, 3d printing and free (as in beer) or opensource CAD software making it even easier for people to get started and making things often out of reach, rethinking and rebuilding a huge industry from the ground up, from education in maths, sciences, designs, user skills and manufacturing processes with resources available at the touch of a button, do you build once or build to modify? it’s a presentation you should not miss. Jim Hotary director of Eastworks Innovation Center of Faurecia will be speaking tonight about how they get down with R&D to create compelling user experiences, most of what they do is closed door but we’ve convinced him to share, he’ll be talking about SmartFit the ergonomic app for your phone that adjusts your seat to the correct position for your body. ]]>
Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/06/2012
June 6th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
Young Makers Open Day pictures
June 3rd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
Young Makers Open Day
June 1st, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
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