Huodongxing: 上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
Alan是frog design的高级顾问。通常他给公司的软件工程和科技策略提供咨询,周末他则将时间花在Unity游戏编程,原型设计以及交互式艺术上。他的游戏编程生涯已经有20年了
What can Unity do?
Unity is used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites.
Unity3D是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity类似于Director,Blender game engine, Virtools 或 Torque Game Builder等利用交互的图型化开发环境为首要方式的软件。其编辑器运行在Windows 和Mac OS X下,可发布游戏至Windows、Mac、Wii、iPhone、WebGL(需要HTML5)、Windows phone 8和Android平台。也可以利用Unity web player插件发布网页游戏,支持Mac和Windows的网页浏览。它的网页播放器也被Mac widgets所支持。很多游戏设计师,用Unity3D来设计VR游戏。
Workshop Description
Workshop structure 工作坊结构
1. Introduction
2. What is Unity and how it compares to other game engines
3. Unity fundamental concepts – Scenes and GameObjects
Unity的基本原理 – 场景和游戏物件
4. Game Physics
5. Your first script
6. Managing Game State
7. An overview of more advance Unity concepts (animation, lighting, particles)
This workshop can help you 工作坊能做什么
– 知道怎么用Unity
– 知道怎么写简单的游戏
– 知识在你的游戏编程生涯中的下一步怎么走
In order to attend you should 工作坊准备:
– 至少知道loop(循环)是什么
– 带上笔记本电脑,并将电脑预装unity
– Unity下载地址:
The class will be taught in English only.
Time 时间:
11月12日,周六,14:00 – 16:30
Location 地点:
XinCheJian, East Yuyuan Rd, Number 28, Building 3 (Near to Tongren Rd) / 愚园东路28号3号楼1层 新车间
Fee 费用:
Ivan suspends 100g with YCBO levitation[/caption]
For the past two months, Sean Purser-Haskell and Ivan Tchekashkin have been developing practical demos to showcase superconductor technology. Using YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) cooled by liquid nitrogen to -196 degrees Celsius, they’re able to levitate magnetic materials. They’ve applied this special property to create what they call the “Hover Pen” – a white-board with a marker that writes on its own; and the “Hover Train” – a scale model transit system that suspends superconductor-enabled train cars with a magnetic rail.
[caption id="attachment_8078" align="alignnone" width="454"] From left to right: Maciej Dudek, Danny Kuo, Ivan Tchekashkin, Sean Purser-Haskell[/caption]
At last Wednesday’s open house the team demonstrated the “Hover Pen” to a mesmerized crowd.
Although it’s easy to use YBCO to levitate small magnets in place – a simple physics demonstration – scaling this property is another story. You quickly encounter problems when asked to achieve a certain level of control, or to “levitate heavy things.” The duo have had to rely on more than just past education and work experience; they’ve had to consider plenty of electromagnetic theory and have frequently risked their fingers playing with magnets and liquid nitrogen.
Although they’ve focused most of their time on issues with superconductor technology, they recognize that putting together the whole system required a large base of knowledge – most gained from past projects at Xinchejian. And without the contributions of Maciej Dudek and Danny Kuo, the demos wouldn’t have their clean form or peripheral functions.
Their demos were showcased by a superconductor manufacturer at the China International Industry Fair this past week. Stop by Xinchejian and take a look at the (almost) finished products!]]>
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
About the instructor/老师简介 :
I am Andrew, been in Xinchejian for a couple years now, currently a college student and an entrepreneur. Over the years my experience with electronics have left a couple proud creations, such as laser gun, DIY drone, tesla coils, and etc. A year ago I successfully crowd funded design project Eggie, “The worlds most advanced night light” this has given me ample of experiences in research and design,prototyping, manufacturing, marketing and etc. All of which you are very welcome to ask me.
Workshop description/工作坊介绍:
Most DIY drones suffer the lack of function, looks, and usability. Rendering them to be always considered atoy. This GPS assisted foldable drone allows, the builder to fully experience the joy of flight, with its GPS position hold feature it can stay in air even if you don’t touch the controller. Its aesthetically designed body is made out of carbon fiber composites for light weight and durability. The smart foldable frame of allows the user to take it where ever they want. If you are interested, please join the workshop and experience the joy of creating your own flying drone!
Workshop structure:
Hour 0: Explainingthe basic principles of the drone, such as its electronic systems, brief thephysics behind how it files. Introduce the parts provided by me, and explain what each component does. 解释基本的无人机规则,电子系统以及电子元器件。
Hour 1: Start ofthe assembly 开始组装
Hour2: Changing the settings and preparing drone for flight 调试无人机
Hour 3: Testflight, and further adjusting 试飞和调试
Over the age of 15, or accompanied by a parent. Bring computer, must bewindows operating system
要带电脑和热情, 低于15岁需要家人陪同. 带电脑。
Members and first 5 non-member: 3799 rmbfor the complete drone kit and lesson plan
Non-member: 3999rmbfor the complete drone kit and lesson plan
会员和前五名非会员:全套套件和课程3799 人民币
非会员: 全套套件和课程 3999 人民币
Time/时间: 10/22/2016 9:00am
I am notresponsible for any illegal or misuse of the drone. Please follow allregulation and rules of drones in China. I am also not responsible for anyinjuries that results from the drone, I will however discuss the dangers andwhat to be aware of while starting and flying. This is not a toy!
Sign up:
Send Email to [email protected] to tell her that you wanna make your own fabulous foldable drone!
报名请发送邮件到[email protected].]]>
Over a period of six months, architect/researcher Cédric Van Parys travelled to all the different corners of Shanghai, seeking the architectural landmarks that gloriously represent Shanghai’s breakneck progress since the early 1990’s. These urban centerpieces were located on top of the skyscrapers at the gravitational centerpoints of Shanghai’s rapidly expanding and merging districts. Climbing to the top of the numerous surrounding skyscrapers, he recorded (photographed and filmed) the crowns of each of these architectural landmarks.
Working from Xinchejian, he has reproduced the landmarks into a series of associated prototypes. These 3D-printed physical scale models represent a radically different aesthetic perspective on Shanghai’s progress of the last decades.
A first selection of the Monuments for Progress will be on show as part of the exhibition: Grain God’s Narrative at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel on the Bund – one of the city pavilions of the Shanghai Art Biennale.
For more information, please visit:]]>