This weekend: Shanghai Maker Carnival

October 31st, 2012 § 5 comments § permalink


Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 31/10/2012

October 31st, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述 Jared from Picarty will be presenting on his new app, recently famed for his presentation at barcamp “how i built my first app but still cant program” and it’s also adhoc wednesday, so get up and talk, just keep it to 9 minutes Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍 Jared from Picarty will be presenting on his new app, recently famed for his presentation at barcamp “how i built my first app but still cant program” a good insight into what it take and where he is taking it – get hands on with his app this evening. who else? *your name here* it’s adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards Upcoming Events/近期活动安排 Friday, Saturday and Sunday Join us at maker carnival shanghai for shanghais first maker carnival, its located in century park and xinchejian will be demoing projects, we’re still looking for more helpers over the 3 days.]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 24/10/2012

October 24th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

Andy Shum from BASF will be in tonight announcing the new global product design competition which has been opened up to hacker spaces to participate, with 6,000 Euros on the line and a paid for trip to France for the winners – dont miss out, we’re also opening up the floor for ad-hoc presentations of 9 minutes, all are welcome, surprise us all.

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

Andy Shum participated in a spaghetti bridge building competition previously, he’s going to talk about the product design competition and why they opened it up to Hackerspaces around the world, get the scoop and ask some questions.

who else? *your name here* it’s adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards

Upcoming Events/近期活动安排

Saturday 27th 1:00 to 5:30pm Build your own award winning swarm robot and help the team out, they will continue to develop the swarm robot platform and your contributions during the workshop will help them do so, build your own 10dollar robot for only 300rmb, act now and register and pay only 280rmb


Robotics Spectacular at XinCheJian!

October 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

周三晚7点至9点新车间将举行机器人专场演示讨论分享会。每个演示时间限制在8到20分钟之间。你拥有自己的机器人但是还没有机会将它展示给大家吗?欢迎来参加这个分享会,你可以在会上进行展示,也可以参见会后讨论! 新车间地址: 上海市徐汇区长乐路1035号2楼 (乌鲁木齐路口) 来自瑞士苏黎世大学实验室的Rolf Pfeifer 教授将介绍他在机器人领域的工作成果 “Roboy”,他的题目是 “Embodied Intelligence”。Rolf Pfeifer 教授是世界领先的研究者,他主要研究设计卓越的智能机器人将如何显著地减少非线性控制的复杂度, 他也是瑞士NCCR (National Competence Center for Research in Robotics ) 组织的副主任。 Ricky Ye (叶琛)博士和来自DFRobot 的Rockets Xia (夏青)将展示他们的一系列商用机器人, 并讲介绍他们是如何用开源代码和开源硬件来做开发的。 Spencer Featherstone 和 Edward Jiang (姜昊) 将介绍新车间Swarm Robots 小组的新进展。我们的Swarm RobotsAFRON大赛中获得二等奖,介于哈佛和麻省理工之间! Rodolfo “Rudy” Cossovich将展示用Multiplo制做机器人,Multiplo是一种机器人制做系统。Rudy 最近成功在Kickstarter 上为Multiplo地完成了一轮融资! Announcement by Ricky Ng-Adam (伍思力), translated to Chinese by Amaca Wang, revision by Min Lin Hsieh. Robot drawing by  Kevin Chen.]]>

Paper Circuit

October 15th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

既上次Sunny Sun老师在新车间推出深为孩子们喜爱的“导电面团”以后,这回我们又推出了更为方便,好玩的“纸电路”。纸电路是MIT High Low Lab开发的新奇互动电子艺术项目的一个子项目。它成功的将表面贴装发光二极管(LED)和艺术结合在一起,制作出各种互动的电子卡片。看看下面的这些纸电路作品,你带能猜出来我在说什么了。



在此次工坊, 我们将提供所有纸电路需要的全部材料。您和您的孩子将在电路中将学习到

1) 什么是纸电路

2) 孩子们将会在制作一个基本纸电路的过程中明白电路的基本原理

3) 制作纸电路需要注意的事项

4) 纸电路材料从哪里获得?

5) 活动的最后,孩子们会有一个自由创意时间,通过基本电路的掌握,孩子们将发挥自己的创造力,创造出他们自己的纸电路,并带回家中。

6) 同时为了方便孩子们回家继续创作,每个孩子将获得一个材料包,里面有一些家里不容易获取的材料。




上海新车间: 上海市长乐路1035号2楼(长乐路,乌鲁木齐南路路口)地铁7号线出来步行10分钟即到)


每个孩子:100元(陪同大人免费),通过新车间网站报名 90元(点击活动报名链接即可报名)




注: 纸电路(paper circuit)是美国MIT 互动媒体实验室开发的互动电子电路。此次活动得到了发明人 Jie, Qi的指导和准许。再次,也感谢MIT Media Lab和Jie, Qi的无私奉献和指导。


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