On September 14 to 16th JavaScript developers are converging in Shanghai for a new JavaScript event, HuJS (http://hujs.org). The event will feature two solid days of international and local speakers giving hardcore sessions on both client and server JavaScript development. The event will feature a mix notable international and local JavaScript experts. The hope is the event will help build bridges between the international and local community and will help further establish JavaScript development in China.
The main event will be held at the Knowledge and Innovation center in the YangPu district with a Hackathon in 2 locations including KIC and People Squared Yanping Attic in Jing’an.
HuJS is a grass roots effort organized by folks from Microsoft, AppFog, TaoBao and the CNode community. It is has a list of sponsors both in China and abroad.
If you are interested in sponsoring HuJS please contact me at glenn.block@gmail.com.