Quadcopter project on DemoHour

November 2nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

http://www.demohour.com/projects/297265 ]]>

Got new toys thanks to DFRobot

September 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

有这些:Mega ADK, USB Host Shield, Midi Shield, X-Board, FTDI Basic,在www.DFRobot.com 网站可以找到相关资料。]]>

Vote for XinCheJian's Beckoning Cat

September 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

http://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2011/09/28/toy-hacking-contest-vote-for-your-favorite-project/ 感谢支持! XinCheJian's Beckoning Cat Video on YouTube]]>

Nanode: network connected microcontrollers

September 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Nanode 是一个带有网络接口的Arduino兼容改进板,它的设计让创客们很容易以手工焊接组装。Nanode有连接到网络的能力,带给我们整个互联网连接设备的新宇宙。 再次感谢Ken Boak 和 Toby Yu他们的慷慨捐赠,新车间将收到5个免费Nanode板子来做测试和宣传。 Nanode的售价将在200元左右。 下面是新车间今天刚收到的2个测试板的图片,我们运行了默认测试程序(闪烁的LED连接针#6)。板子上用的ENC28J60网路控制器是和我们在 Transfabric的互动门项目里使用的相同。 image ]]>

爱上Arduino: Getting Started with Arduino

September 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


We’re selling them for 45 RMB (to cover shipping), the book comes with a learning CD. Buy one and get started with Arduino!


Photos from RoboRace

September 26th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Another exciting afternoon racing robots with friends. 😉

Taken by @vnsavitri Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

Taken by Ricky

IMG 0245 IMG 0249 IMG 0251 IMG 0247]]>

wednesday meetup – Free @ XinCheJian 7 – 9 pm

September 21st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

==== Hacking Wednesdays ==== If you want to try your robot in this weekends race and have yet to finish it or build one, dont fear, come down to XinCheJian tonight and buy a R/C car like rickys 70rmb, rip the guts out and replace it with an Arduino 180rmb, theNelsons h-bridge shield 50rmb and 2 ultra sonic sensors 35rmb.. everything you need is in the space, not only will you be a hacker but you’ll learn some awesome skills while you do it. Tonight Min Lin and Ricky will be around to share stories from their recent hacking journeys. Get an insight into processing. we have a special guest coming down who’ll be setting up a processing workshop, find out whats involved tonight. Michael (RubberDucky) will be drilling into the walls to setup some computer benches, and also hooking up his mega-super-awesome-button-box for the new restricted toys (lathes, mills, bandsaw, drill) Paul will be discussing the lock-picking study with interested participants. Lio will be figuring out how he’s going to do the bamboo go-kart with those interested for the ben heck challenge (find out more tonight) and how you can be involved. After the event around 9pm the hackers will take to the tracks for some go-karting “research” at Chang Feng park indoor race track for some super awesome driving skills “bring a head mounted camera” If you thought this Wednesday is fun, wait for the weekend..

==== This Weekend ====

Saturday – all day: Organic waste workshop.. find out how to make bio-diesel, sign up and more information here: http://xinchejian.com/event/?regevent_action=register&event_id=55&name_of_event=OrganicWasteRecyclingWorkshop Saturday afternoon – 5 presentations from XinCheJian will be delivered at _Barcamp_ Shanghai so come and show your support for xinchejian.. sign up and more information here: http://techyizu.org/shanghai-barcamp-2011-september-24 Sunday morning – Ardublock workshop.. never programmed in arduino before? use ardublock to visually program. sign up here: http://xinchejian.com/event/?regevent_action=register&event_id=58&name_of_event=ArduBlockWorkshop Sunday afternoon – Robo Racing championship, find out if the Title stays with XinCheJian for a 3rd victory, find out if anyone can take on theNelsons or mindstorm robots! Man vs Machine will Machine win again! Sign up here: http://xinchejian.com/event/?regevent_action=register&event_id=57&name_of_event=RoboracingCompetition ]]>

Arduino shield assembly workshop

August 5th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Register! ]]>

Rudy Bike @ XinCheJian

June 18th, 2011 § 5 comments § permalink

We are really happy to have the opportunities in hosting the Rudy Bike in the past few weeks so they can finish the bike for the Demo Day. Rudy Bike is a cool looking electric bike controlled by Arduino and Android.

Rudy Bike

Rudy Bike

Rudy Bike

Rudy Bike


Android & Robots

June 8th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Android Open Accessory Development Kit.

Android3.1平台(也向下移植到了Android2.3.4)引进了Android Open Accessory support,这使得外部USB硬件(An Android USB accessory)能够与Android设备在一个特殊的“accessory”模式下互相通信。当一个Android设备在这个accessory模式下时,接入的硬件作为一个USB host(为总线供电以及枚举设备),而Android设备作为一个USB设备来使用。Android USB附件是特别设计的,用以附加在支持Android平台的硬件设备上并且遵守一个简单的附件协议(Android accessory protocol)使他们能够侦测支持附件模式的Android硬件设备。
工作坊是每周举行的(目前是英语教学)。我们将探索包括开发Android软件部分和单片机部分,涉及到的方面包括机器人的机械,电子以及软件工程学。 特别的,我们将一起研究那些兼容ADK的硬件开发板,比如Google IOIO boardSeeedstudio提供的新硬件。 付费的新车间会员可以免费参加。非会员需要支付50元/次。 更多的信息请查看“Android & Robots” wiki. 不要忘了做好准备工作以及加入我们的[email protected] mailing list!注意,这是一个需要大家合作的讨论会,我们希望每个人都能积极的参与和贡献自己的力量。


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