Kits from Mitch Altman

May 4th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


Video of Mitch Altman (Soldering Wisdom) explaining some basic soldering techniques

April 19th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


Hacking Cool Things with Microcontrollers with Mitch Alman

April 18th, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

I Love My Job! 我热爱我的工作!

来自美国San Francisco的大牛黑客Mitch Altman呼吁我们去做自己想做的事,如果每个人都热爱他的工作,这样世界就会变的更美好! Mitch Altman发明了TV-B-Gone(可以关掉任何电视的遥控器),他会发明这个遥控器是因为他发现自己和周边的人都是“电视控”,突然觉得自己浪费了太多宝贵的时间在做没有意义的事情。他说:“根据调查有80%的美国人花了一生中1/3的时间来做不喜欢的工作,花1/3的时间来睡觉(梦想自己想做而没做的事),然后把剩下的1/3时间花在看电视上”,所以他觉得这个社会需要改变对电视的依赖!他的TV-B-GONE一开卖就卖了20几万个,他也从爱好中赚了钱。 如果你不爱你目前的工作,那你就改花点时间好好的思考你想做什么,然后勇敢的朝着梦想前进!

Mitch Altman来访新车间的活动照片:

DSC 8215

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XinCheJian and Xilinx

April 15th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Kevin Xie from Xilinx (University Program Greater China manager) came by to visit XinCheJian last Sunday as he’s very interested in helping Hackerspaces in China. He sees Hackerspaces like XinCheJian as a potential opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they gain in university in real devices while inspiring them to do cool stuff. Xilinx programmable logic devices is what is powering many industrial strength devices and an important building block in any larger project. Xilinx offer capabilities that complement micro-controllers very well when continuous signal processing is needed. This could offer us interesting alternatives to real-time sensors data processing and actuators control in a very compact package. ]]>

Mitch Alman, inventor of TV-B-Gone

April 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Mitch Altman是美国著名的TV-B-Gone的发明者,TV-B-Gone是一个能在公共场所关闭任何电视的遥控钥匙串。Mitch是旧金山Noisebridge黑客空间的共创办人,是大脑机器(Brain Machine) 的创造者,也是Cornfield Electronics首席执行官。 Mitch在世界各地教导过焊锡和如何用微控制器做出很酷的项目。我们很幸运能邀请到Mitch Altman 4月17日来新车间教导大家!每个人都可以学习和享受亲手做电子项目的乐趣! 有兴趣参加的人请报名


XinCheJian opening hours

April 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

[email protected] 发信息到Google邮件讨论组请寄邮件到 : [email protected] 关注我们 : 脸书, 微搏, 推特, 豆瓣 ]]>

Hacking HaiPad

April 10th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

posted a detail article on hacking HaiPad m701!

The M701 in itself is an example of hacking in China: here, hacking hardware that wasn’t thought to be workable together to achieve something close to a device that is much more expensive is not called a hobby but a full-time job! Like many others, the extremely low-cost of this 7 inch tablet is made out of a even lower cost chipset, the Telechips 8902. The Telechips was originally designed to fit high end automotive applications, not do tablets or robotics. This chipset powers a variety of similar devices: Augen Gentouch, Coby Kyros, HSG X5A, Haipad M701, Dawa D7, SmartQ v5/v7, Coby Kyros MID7005/MID7015, Imito iM7, Smartbook Surfer (Pictures) “Shanzhai” integrators prefer to keep their supply chain discreetly low-profile as they consider it their “secret” sauce. This is because in Shenzhen, manufacturers are in a race to produce a whole bunch and sell them before the local competitors do the same, often advertising capabilities of the underlying chipset that are actually unavailable to the user since unsupported by the OS.


Hacking Cool Things with Microcontrollers!

April 5th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink

Mitch Altman是美国著名的TV-B-Gone的发明者,TV-B-Gone是一个能在公共场所关闭任何电视的遥控钥匙串。Mitch是旧金山Noisebridge黑客空间的共创办人,是大脑机器(Brain Machine) 的创造者,也是Cornfield Electronics首席执行官。 Mitch在世界各地教导过焊锡和如何用微控制器做出很酷的项目。我们很幸运能邀请到Mitch Altman来新车间教导大家!每个人都可以学习和享受亲手做电子项目的乐趣! 演讲结束後, 有兴趣的人可以参加Mitch教授的工作坊: 想参加的人只需支付材料的费用,做完後还可以把您的酷项目带回家! * TV-B-Gone (turn off TVs in public places!) 材料费:130元 * Brain Machine (Meditate, Hallucinate, and Trip Out!) 材料费:130元 有兴趣参加的人请报名


XinCheJian and The Great Global Hackerspace Challenge!

March 22nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

element14.com提供的人民币5900元(约合900美元)赞助费作为购买零件(包括必需的微型控制器和便携式动力装置)的预算支出。 每家参赛的黑客空间都会收到10件焊接装置,而进入半决赛却未获得冠军的三家选手各将得到价值不低于人民币13000元(约合2000美元)的电子工具。获胜的参赛选手将获得价值在人民币36000元(约合5600美元)以上的Tektronix MSO2024示波器一台。作为额外奖励,进入半决赛的选手都将被邀请参加2011年度在加州举行的Maker Faire大展。 为迎合GGHC大赛宗旨,新车间将目光投向那些还在接受初等教育的孩子,希望让他们了解到通过合作以及打破传统思维从而解决问题的绝佳途径。这样寓教于娱乐的方式可以使孩子与学习的关系更为互动,并且鼓励了他们投入到更多样的挑战中去。 想要加入或是给我们的团队提供帮助?请致邮到[email protected]。 想联系大赛组织者请致邮[email protected]。]]>

Opening Speaker profiles: RoboPeak

March 21st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


非常高兴上海 RoboPeak 机器人研发团队会在 3/26的活动 上为我们带来演说。非常期待。


RoboPeak是国内由一群软件工程师、电子工程师、新媒体艺术家所组成的机器人及相关技术领域的设计研发团队,团队于2009年底创建。 团队致力于民用机器人平台系统、机器人操作系统(ROS)以及相关设备的设计研发,并尝试将日新月异的机器人技术融入人们的日常生活与娱乐当中。同时,我们将尽力为机器人技术在开源硬件、开源软件社区的普及做出贡献。 团队在嵌入式系统、系统级软件/固件、图像识别等领域拥有丰富的经验,拥有独立设计,开发机器人操作系统、相关传感器设备硬件/固件的能力。


Rp intro 001

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iPad 遥控

Rp intro 005


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