wednesday meetup – Free – XinCheJian – 7-9pm

December 7th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


XinCheJian on Usable Devices

December 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


MakeSense at XCJ on Wed Nov. 30th

November 28th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

什么是社会企业家? 维基百科的解释是:“社会企业家是用商业的眼光来看待社会问题,用商业的规则去解决问题。他们根据商业规则组织、建立并且管理社会企业,以此解决社会问题。商业企业家通常用利润和回报来测定绩效,而社会企业家则强调建立社会资本。”更多信息请看
通过头脑风暴,我们试图回答什么问题?向你们迅速呈现我们在MakeSense思考的方案之后,我们希望得到你们创客的反馈意见,通过反馈的方式,我们将为你们创客改善方案的内容! 谁会对这个感兴趣? 根据我们的统计,任何喜欢“新车间”的人.. 😉

我们将如何跟进? 在小小呈现和你们的头脑风暴之后:我们,MakeSense承诺在50天内为你们组织一场为期1天的活动。

人们将从中得到什么益处呢? 创客商业,新的互动交流产生新的影响力: 创客+社会企业家,愉快的合作。

This Wednesday November 23rd at XinCheJian

November 23rd, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink



Mendel RepRap assembly update

November 15th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Alex update on the progress of the new Botmill 3d printer:

I was working on the 3d printer with Mike last Saturday and the parts for the frame, Z and Y axes are almost ready and calibrated.

We are missing some parts to assemble the motors and the head. And the X axis is still work in progress.

It’s a bit strange that Botmill would sell kits with missing parts. Some of the reprap parts are low quality (misprinted gears)and you have to be extra careful tightening nuts as I’ve accidentally cracked the extruder carriage.

Work on this will continue on Wednesday evening at the space; feel free to help out!


Robot and Makerbot repairing

November 2nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

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Photos of the open house today. Alex looking at the Makerbot, cutting a protoboard, repairing the Dirt Dog vacuum robot, Angie and some of the guys looking at getting a stepper motor to work.


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