购买门票 *** 电脑系统要求 OS requirements: *** 64位win 7, 或64位Mac OS X 10.8, 或更高版本 64-bit Windows 7 or newer and 64-bit Mac OS X 10.8 or newer 请一定网上报名。非网上报名参加者将收取RMB200元。 Please do register online. RMB200 for walkins. Fusion360是美国autodesk公司推出的一款三维可视化建模软件。该软件是autodesk在工业设计和机械设计领域很多相关技术的试验田,很多成熟的技术都被运用到其他autodesk的商业软件中。该软件中比较流行的技术包括直接建模技术,T样条建模技术,基于联结的装配技术,自顶向下的参数化建模技术,云端数据管理等。Fusion 360对学生和设计爱好者完全免费。同时支持Windows和Mac,是MAC下最好用的CAD软件。 Fusion 360 is a new 3D modelling software for industrial design, mechanical design, 3D printing and CAM, aimed at design enthusiasts, hardware startups and small product design businesses. Itis free for students & enthusiasts (non-commercial users), and works onboth Mac and Windows. It’s designed to be a ‘cloud-connected’ software, meaningit uses online storage for file saving, and has built-in tools for onlineproject collaboration and sharing. Quickly and easilyexplore product ideas in Fusion 360. Start by using simple free-form modeling tools to get just the right shape, or take a shortcut and seamlessly pull your existing data into your Fusion 360 project. Engineer and test it for function. Then prepare it for manufacturing by generating tool paths or using the 3D printing utility. Access your projects from your mobile device where you can view designs, see the latest updates, and make notes. Edit your designs from a Mac or PC. There’s no limitto the number or type of machines you have Fusion 360 running on. All yourproject information, always up to date, securely accessed, virtually anytime,anywhere.]]>
sketchup工作坊 Sketchup workshop July 27th
July 15th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
Register 报名参加 SketchUp 是一款人皆适宜的最佳(且最具创意的)工具,借助它可进行从咖啡壶到摩天大楼等各种设计。”其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,是三维建筑设计方案创作的优秀工具。是一套直接面向设计方案创作过程的设计工具,其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,与设计师用手工绘制构思草图的过程很相似,是目前为数不多的直接面向设计过程的设计工具,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,随着构思的不断清晰,细节不断增加,这样设计师可以最大限度地减少机械重复劳动和控制设计成果的准确性。 SketchUp is a 3D modeling program for applications such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanicalengineering, film, and video game design. A freeware version, SketchUp Make, and a paid version with additional functionality, SketchUp Pro, are available. There is an online Open source repository of free-of-charge model assemblies (e.g., windows, doors, automobiles, etc.), 3D Warehouse, to which users may contribute models. The program includes drawing layout functionality, allows surface rendering in variable “styles”, supports third-party”plug-in” programs hosted on a site called Extension Warehouse to provide other capabilities (e.g., near photo-realistic rendering).]]>
制作发光毽子工作坊flashing shuttlecock workshop – July 26th
July 15th, 2014 § 7 comments § permalink
Register 报名参加 7月26号星期六下午1:00 – 2:30. 见过用电子制作的毽子吗? 每当踢一下则会发光,在傍晚和夜间玩将成为一道亮丽的风景。本次工作坊将使参加者体会电子焊接、制作、运动和合作的快乐,接触一些电子、力学的知识。 你会在工作坊中学习: – 电子焊接 – 电路原理 – 毽子构成 – 毽子的运动 *** 警示:焊接操作有一定风险,请注意安全。未成年人请家长陪同(陪同家长不另外收费)。*** July 26th 1pm – 2:30pm Shuttlecock is a traditional Asian game in which players aim to keep a heavily weighted shuttlecock in the air by using their bodies, apart from the hands. To attract kids’s interest on electronics, we embed LEDs inside shuttlecock to make it blink when people kick it. It will create a much more fun and appealing experience for sports in the evening. Play it at night for even more fun! In this workshop, participants will learn – How to solder and – Build a basic circuit – Structure and mechanics of shuttlecock ***Caution: There are maybe some risks in Soldering, Parents please take care during this step.***]]>
旧物改造创新工作坊Upcycling Invention workshop – July 20th
July 9th, 2014 § 4 comments § permalink
报名参加 Register This creativity workshop will allow you to think innovatively and ‘outside the box’; creative and transferrable skills important in many aspects of life and education. 创新工作坊可以拓展思路,让你不走寻常路。在生活与教育中,创新技能都越来越重要。 You will use old clothes, plastic bottles, pieces of card and many more used objects to create and invent artwork, fashion pieces, or functional items like an umbrella or a chair. This is up-cycling or creative recycling.You will be encouraged to express themselves using a creative outlet. Self expression and creativity helps to make well rounded, healthy people. 我们会用到旧衣物,塑料瓶,卡片等用过的旧物进行改造,用于创作艺术品,时尚品,以及生活中常用的一些实用物品。这就是创新旧物改造。 Workshop outline: 工作坊介绍 · You will be introduced to the theme and concept of upcycling in a fun and creative way. 讲解旧物改造的乐趣何在 · You will be given demonstrations on how to use different materials and tools, such as sewing equipment,glue guns, spray paints and basic hand tools. 介绍不同物料和工具以及使用 · You will then be teamed up in small groups and given a series of short upcycling challenges using a variety of waste or redundant objects and materials, such as old clothes, plastic bottles, buttons, food packaging etc. 参加者分组参加挑战,用就物品挑战你的创新能力 · You will finish off by each crafting an upcycled creation to take home. 带着你的完美作品回家 · You will learn to think creatively, use their imaginations, become inventors and be innovative. 创新思维,充分发挥想象力进行创造 · You will learn the importance of being environmentally friendly through upcycling and recycling. 通过旧物改造保护环境,节约能源 · You will learn and expand on craft skills. 加强动手制作的技能 · You will learn how to use different tools 学习使用各种工具 · You will build on their teamwork skills. 学习团队合作 · You will expand their English vocabulary and learn about British art and culture. 增加英文词汇,学习英国艺术和文化 · You will have the chance to meet other children and have fun in a relaxed and creative, yet educational workshop. 在愉快的创作环境中进行交流与学习 Good things to bring include: 适合携带至现场的物品 old clothing, shoes,accessories, costume jewelry, 旧衣物,鞋子,饰品,首饰 Plastic bottles, glass bottles, tin cans, food packaging, cardboard, 塑料瓶,玻璃瓶,饮料罐,食品包装,纸板 Buttons, jewels, bottle tops, 扣子,瓶盖 Any broken electrical appliances, old or broken toys, 坏了的电子产品,新旧玩具 Magazines and newspapers. 杂志和报纸 If you have something you are going to throw away then think about bringing it before you do! 任何你想要扔掉的东西 ]]>
hydroponics workshop 新车间水培工作坊 July 6th
July 2nd, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
报名参加 主题:学习种子培养、植物活体克隆和窗台水耕种植系统的建立 时间:7月6号星期天下午2点-5点 地点:新车间,愚园东路28号3号楼一楼西侧 费用:现场付费375元/人,网上付费享300元每人的优惠价格;费用包括:种培育苗盒、窗台水培系统所需材料、水培营养液 (可持续6-8个月植物所需)。 如果对以下任一课题有兴趣,你可不能错过这个水培工作坊: 同传统种植方式相比,水耕有什么不同和其特点? 想知道如何从种子开始植物种植和栽培 希望在家建立小型的窗台水耕种植系统 下午2点开始,将在新车间举办有史以来信息量最大,系统最完善的水耕种植工作坊,由Roger主持。除了和大家分享同传统土培截然不同的水耕种植方式,以及其诸多好处,还会介绍全球水耕种植领域较为流行的不同系统,从中挑选出适合自家的解决方案。 同时,工作坊将提供材料,让你学习如何从种子开始植物栽培,并且实现植物活体的克隆种植。 最后,将会动手做一套适用于家庭种植生菜,草本植物或是樱桃小番茄的窗台水耕种植系统, Subject: Seed Starting, Cloning and Windowsill System Construction Time: July 6th Sunday, 14:00-17:00 @ XinCheJian, F1 of building 3, No. 28 Yuyuan Road Fee: RMB 300 (pay online) and RMB 375 (pay at door), including: seed starting equipment, parts for windowsill system and enough nutrients to refill the system for 6-8 months. Description: Ever wanted to know what hydroponic gardening is and how it is different from regular gardening? Ever wanted to know how to start a plant from seed? Ever wanted to build your own urban gardening system? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should sign up for the Hydroponics 101 workshop! In this workshop you will learn the basics of hydroponics and what makes it substantially different from soil gardening. You will learn about the various hydroponic system types found in the world today and learn about how you can grow your own plants in a variety of urban environments, regardless of access to sunlight or soil. The second part of this workshop will be learning how to start plants from seeds and how to create clones of plants from existing mature plants. Finally, you will learn how to construct a basic deep water culture (DWC) system that you can place next to a windowsill to grow your own lettuce, herbs and cherry tomato plants. At the end of this workshop, you will have both the knowledge, the equipment and the supplies to start and maintain your very own urban garden, using a system that takes up about as much space as a desktop computer case. The first 6 people that sign up will receive a bonus: live plants and seedlings to take home in your system, so that they can start growing with their system right away!]]>
Spagetti bridge competition 意大利面桥梁赛
July 2nd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Register 报名参加 Date: Saturday July 12 @ 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM 日期:7月12号星期六下午1点-5点。 Location: XinCheJian, F1 of building 3, No. 28 East Yuyuan Road 地点:新车间,愚园东路28号3号楼一楼西侧。 Fee: free for Members; RMB100 for nonmembers. 费用:会员免费,非会员100块。 Who among you can build the mightiest bridge? Who has the superior spaghetti engineering skills? For those of you brave enough, register to join the fun on Saturday July 12th! Form your own team or join one, and get ready to architect and construct a bridge made out of spaghetti. 你会建桥?还懂得工程技术?那你有没有勇气挑战一下用意大利面建造最坚固的桥梁呢?有胆你就来参加7月12号新车间的意大利面桥梁赛吧! Bridges have to be able to cross a 50 cm distance, and hold as much weight as possible. XinCheJian will provide you one box of spaghetti,glue guns, and glue. You provide the nerd power. BRIDGE REQUIREMENTS 我们给你面,你来把桥建!可是先别急,把面条做成桥不难,难的是这座桥是要达到一些要求的哦,比如承重等。要求来了: Free-standing (stands by itself) 稳定性:不依靠任何其他物体稳定站立; Span two level surfaces, 50 cm apart. 两个跨度,每个跨度至少50厘米; Incorporate the hook into its structure 挂钩要做成桥梁的一部分; Maximum vertical height is 40 cm 高度最多40厘米; Maximum vertical depth is 20 cm 宽度最多20厘米; SUGGESTIONS 建议 Make sure your hook in firmly in the bridge 吊钩做得尽量牢固; Make sure your bridge is long enough 桥身长度要足够长; Try to use all of your spaghetti 尽量多使用提供的面条; Decide on a design early 建造之前先考虑设计; *** PRIZES: ARDUINO kits will be given to the teams with the bridges that can support the most weight. *** 奖品:获胜的队伍将获得一套arduino套件。]]>
机器人工作坊 MultiploRobot Workshop – July 5th
June 24th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
Register 报名参加 Time: July 5th,10am – 1:30pm 时间:7月5号星期六,上午10点-下午1点半 Workshop fee: rmb250 pay onsite (rmb200 pay online) 工作坊费用:现场支付250元(网上支付200元) Age: 10+ years who is interested in robots 年龄:10岁以上且对机器人感兴趣 Robot material fee: 机器人材料费用: Option A – borrow for free, but need to return it at the end of workshop 选项A – 免费借用老师材料 Option B – 500RMB pack, and take home your own robot 选项B – 购买500元的套件,工作坊后可带回家自己制作的机器人 ***Materials to bring: windows os pc ***请携带安装Windows系统的笔记本 Multiplo是专门为了能够简单快速搭建机器人而专门设计的开源工具套件。学生可以使用遥控器但是也可以使用Arduino或者ArduBlock图形化工具对控制器进行编程,来对机器人进行控制。Multiplo的组装非常简单,而且可以轻易扩展,轻松学习机器人知识 Workshop Content: 工作坊内容: theory about robots 学习机器人基本概念和原理 free assembly workshop 机器人部件组装 robot testing with remote control 机器人遥控操作 programming robots workshop 机器人代码编程 testing and robot interactions 机器人互动控制操作]]>
3D Printing Workshop by Lucio 3D打印工作坊 – June 28th
June 22nd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
报名参加Register Learn How to 3D Print and see a real live 3D Scanning by Lucio (weibo: @Lucio鲁修)! 学习如何应用3d打印技术并观看实时三维扫描 (微博:@Lucio鲁修) Fee: 230rmb/person (200rmb/person for online payment) 收费:230元/人(网付200元/人) Date: June 28th 2:30pm – 5:30pm 日期:6月28号下午2:30 – 5:30. Preparations: 请携带: Bring your own laptop and pre-installsoftwares (Cura, Repetier and Sketchup) 笔记本电脑并预先安装三款软件:cura,repetier,google SketchUp What you will Learn: 您将可以了解如下内容: A brief story about 3DPrinters; 关于3d技术的简史 Setup a3DPrinter; 对3D打印机进行设置 Use the internet to Download 3D models; 从开放网络获取3D模型 Export a model using Google Sketchup 使用 google SketchUp 中导出你的模型 How to 3DPrint with Cura and Repetier Software 学习怎样使用cura 和 repetier 软件进行3D打印 Print by yourself a quick 3D model 尝试独立打印一个耗时较短的3D模型 What you will experience: 您将体验到如下内容: One person will be chosen to get 3D scanned 现场将有一人被选为模特,亲身体验3D扫描 3D printers in action 零距离接触3D打印机 a 3d Scanner in action 观看3D扫描全过程 A quick view to 3Dmodeling softwares; 概览主流3D建模软件 Optional: 可选的附加项目: If you want to have your own face scanned and later printed for an additional 350 RMB you will receive a 3DPrinted bust ofyourself by mail. 若您希望扫描并打印自己的特写,可以另附350元人民币,我们将在之后为您打印并快递送出。 If you have, bring your 3D printer if youdon’t have there will be printers at the workshop. 现场提供3D打印机;有3D打印机的朋友们欢迎带来进行交流。]]>
3D扫描与打印 3D Scan and Print – June 22nd
June 16th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
报名参加 Register Learn How to 3D Print and see a real live 3D Scanning! 学习如何应用3d打印技术并观看实时三维扫描 Fee: 230rmb/person (200rmb/person for online payment) 收费:230元/人(网付200元/人) Date: June 22nd 3:00pm – 6:00pm 日期:6月22号下午3:00 – 6:00. What you will Learn: 您将可以了解如下内容: A brief story about 3DPrinters; 关于3d技术的简史 Setup a3DPrinter; 对3D打印机进行设置 Use the internet to Download 3D models; 从开放网络获取3D模型 Export a model using Google Sketchup 使用 google SketchUp 中导出你的模型 How to 3DPrint with Cura and Repetier Software 学习怎样使用cura 和 repetier 软件进行3D打印 Print by yourself a quick 3D model 尝试独立打印一个耗时较短的3D模型 What you will experience: 您将体验到如下内容: One person will be chosen to get 3D scanned 现场将有一人被选为模特,亲身体验3D扫描 3D printers in action 零距离接触3D打印机 a 3d Scanner in action 观看3D扫描全过程 A quick view to 3Dmodeling softwares; 概览主流3D建模软件 Optional: 可选的附加项目: If you want to have your own face scanned and later printed for an additional 350 RMB you will receive a 3DPrinted bust ofyourself by mail. 若您希望扫描并打印自己的特写,可以另附350元人民币,我们将在之后为您打印并快递送出。 Preparations: 您需要做的准备有: Bring your own laptop and pre-installsoftwares (Cura, Repetier and Sketchup) 自备笔记本电脑并预先安装三款软件:cura,repetier,google SketchUp If you have, bring your 3D printer if youdon’t have there will be printers at the workshop. 现场提供3D打印机;有3D打印机的朋友们欢迎带来进行交流。]]>
We are finally home! 新车间乔迁新居!
June 16th, 2014 § 16 comments § permalink
After being stuffed in a small temporary space for a month and half, XinCheJian has finally reached home! We are now officially located at Building 3 (west side entrance) of Donghai Plaza, No. 28 East Yuyuan Road, Jing’an District. It’s behind Building 1 of Donghai Plaza which is right by East Yuyuan Road. You’ll need to go through the hall of building 1 to reach building 3. Entrance to XinCheJian is to the west side of building 3 (where you can see a huge pile of construction waste ;)). 经过一个半月的蜗居生活后,新车间终于乔迁新居啦!!!我们现在的地址是愚园东路28号东海广场3号楼西侧入口(看到门口一堆建筑垃圾就是了;))。需要穿过临街的东海广场1号楼的大堂。快来看看我们的新家吧!]]>