MakeSense at XCJ on Wed Nov. 30th
November 28th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
Cooling for aeroponic
November 28th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
The Most Useless Machine Workshop
November 28th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink
费用:160元(含材料) 各位大哥大姐,别跟我说你没听说过“史上最木有用之破盒子”,听说过才怪。反正也没用所以千万也别去上网查,查了也不一定查得到,查到了也不一定就查的对,查对了也不一定看得懂,看懂了其实也啥用没有,所以才叫“史上最木有用之破盒子”。
要是想让这木有用的鬼东西更木有用,最好的办法就是自己也做一个,新车间能为您提供所有您所需的零件以及工具,短短一个工作坊你就能让本来可以装东西的盒子变成一个完全没用的机器,真是太有建设性了,太神奇,太神经了,我要不行了,我先自己高兴高兴去,你先点下面这个连结注册去!]]>Reprap assembly ready for testing, debugging
November 26th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
Even with a mad scramble to find all the missing parts from the Botmill kit, Mike reports some encouraging news:
]]>I finished the wiring, opto flags, feet, extruder, and wired up the power. Basically all that’s left is to square the axis, locktite the frame bolts, then plug it into the computer. Actually, just plug it in the computer and see if you can get the motors going and try extruding some plastic. We can calibrate and fine tune it after all the bugs have been worked out.