Roboracing Competition – 2011/07/10

July 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink




比赛赢家: Nelson Zhang (自主瓦力) and Michael Liao (遥控坦克)
非常感谢 盛大创新院 赞助了2台电子书做为奖品!


感谢参赛者们的努力,你们是最棒的! 感谢盛大创新院慷慨的赞助! 感谢 TimeOut 杂志 报道这次的活动!感谢DFRobotRoboticFans 参与(尤其是叶琛Rocky)这次活动的筹备!感谢新单位帮忙做宣传!感谢昨天来围观的朋友们! 感谢那些没办法过来但是给我们精神支持的朋友们!感谢Andi 设计制作这次的活动海报与传单!感谢Paul 赞助海报印刷!感谢Bindy 帮忙翻译和贩卖饮料!感谢Michael 捐赠赢得的电子书作为下次的奖品和请参赛者们和饮料!感谢John 帮忙活动的筹备!感谢Airie 帮忙在人人网上做宣传!感谢旻琳负责整个活动的宣传、协调与筹备!感谢我们零距离家长论坛的j家长和孩子们的参观!



Roboracing Competition

July 8th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

欢迎有兴趣的朋友来围观!这里报名。 比赛分为两个部分: * 自动控制组 * 遥控组 ==>比赛细则<== 如果你的机器车也想参加比赛,请写邮件到: [email protected] 有兴趣赞助这个比赛请写邮件到:[email protected] 这里有上次的车赛花絮. 已报名的队伍: Team 1: Lauren Pan (Toy car modification robot) Team 2: Barry Xu (DIY robot) Team 3: Daniel (2WD Mobile robot kit) Team 4: Zhang Chen (Andriod control HCR) Team 5: Jiang Gui Long/Wu Tao/Zhang Jie ( Android Control HCR) Team 6: Rockets (Tank mobile robot) Team 7: Unknown (LEGO mobile robot) Team 8: Ricky Ye (HCR robot) Team 9: Ricky Ng-Adam (Autonomous robot toy car – ART) Team 10: Lutz Michaelis (Autonomous Beetleduino) Team 11: Paul Adams (Hoverbot Hubert) Team 12: Nelson Zhang (Autonomous Wall-E) Team 13: Lionello Lunesu (LEGO mobile robot) Team 14: David Li (Soccerbot) ]]>

HCR Roboracing

May 25th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Google SketchUp做的赛道设计图和赛道模拟



[GGHC] XinCheJian coming out of the depths of video streaming from Android!

April 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Ricky just make an update on his quest to streaming video from Android.

element14: XinCheJian GGHC: XinCheJian coming out of the depths of video streaming from Android!: “”


Pilot FIRST® Tech Challenge Robotics competition in Shanghai: April 23

April 19th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Pilot FIRST® Tech Challenge Robotics competition in Shanghai

Time: Saturday, April 23, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Location: Shanghai American School, Pudong campus

International school team robots will compete in the pilot FIRST® Tech Challenge high school robotics competition, developed by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a U.S. based non-profit. Teams design, build and program robots to compete in an exciting, sports-like challenge. Reaching 250,000 students in grades K to 12 worldwide, FIRST engages students in science and technology learning and leadership and provides an opportunity to apply classroom concepts to ‘real-world’ engineering problems, work on open-ended challenges and create their own solutions. The event is free and open to the public. Contact Paula Joseph at [email protected] for more information.

For more information, contact Shelly Shen at [email protected] 13564738316 or Paula Joseph at [email protected] 18601794144


Hacking HaiPad

April 10th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

posted a detail article on hacking HaiPad m701!

The M701 in itself is an example of hacking in China: here, hacking hardware that wasn’t thought to be workable together to achieve something close to a device that is much more expensive is not called a hobby but a full-time job! Like many others, the extremely low-cost of this 7 inch tablet is made out of a even lower cost chipset, the Telechips 8902. The Telechips was originally designed to fit high end automotive applications, not do tablets or robotics. This chipset powers a variety of similar devices: Augen Gentouch, Coby Kyros, HSG X5A, Haipad M701, Dawa D7, SmartQ v5/v7, Coby Kyros MID7005/MID7015, Imito iM7, Smartbook Surfer (Pictures) “Shanzhai” integrators prefer to keep their supply chain discreetly low-profile as they consider it their “secret” sauce. This is because in Shenzhen, manufacturers are in a race to produce a whole bunch and sell them before the local competitors do the same, often advertising capabilities of the underlying chipset that are actually unavailable to the user since unsupported by the OS.


XinCheJian and The Great Global Hackerspace Challenge!

March 22nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

element14.com提供的人民币5900元(约合900美元)赞助费作为购买零件(包括必需的微型控制器和便携式动力装置)的预算支出。 每家参赛的黑客空间都会收到10件焊接装置,而进入半决赛却未获得冠军的三家选手各将得到价值不低于人民币13000元(约合2000美元)的电子工具。获胜的参赛选手将获得价值在人民币36000元(约合5600美元)以上的Tektronix MSO2024示波器一台。作为额外奖励,进入半决赛的选手都将被邀请参加2011年度在加州举行的Maker Faire大展。 为迎合GGHC大赛宗旨,新车间将目光投向那些还在接受初等教育的孩子,希望让他们了解到通过合作以及打破传统思维从而解决问题的绝佳途径。这样寓教于娱乐的方式可以使孩子与学习的关系更为互动,并且鼓励了他们投入到更多样的挑战中去。 想要加入或是给我们的团队提供帮助?请致邮到[email protected]。 想联系大赛组织者请致邮[email protected]。]]>

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