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Milkymist One video synthesizer
December 28th, 2011 § 2 comments
Milkymist One 是一台不用接电脑,可以即开即用的视频合成器,它可以将现场输入的音频和视频转换成奇妙的视觉艺术效果,通过投影仪或显示屏展现出来。它可以用在音乐会,演出,俱乐部,艺术节,会展,和聚会中。
对于更高级的和更具创造性的用途,Milkymist One 还提供了如下的接口:
- MIDI 设备/控制器
- DMX512 输入/输出
- OpenSoundControl 客户端
- USB 电脑键盘及鼠标
- 红外线遥控器
简单而又丰富的 Flickernoise Patching (FNP) 语言,让任何一个人都能创造出独特而具个性化的视觉艺术效果,即便你不懂任何计算机语言也没有关系。
对于开源软件和硬件的爱好者来说,Milkymist One 是你新的选择。
- XC6SLX45 Spartan-6 FPGA
- 128MB 32-bit DDR400 SDRAM
- 32MB parallel flash
- VGA output, 24bpp, up to 140MHz pixel clock
- Multi-standard video input (PAL/SECAM/NTSC)
- AC’97 audio
- 10/100 Ethernet
- Memory card reader that accepts microSD cards
- Two USB-A receptacles that accept USB peripherals
- Two DMX512 ports
- MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports
- RC5-compatible infrared receiver
- RS232 debug port
- JTAG port
- Flickernoise VJ 应用软件
- RTEMS real-time 操作系统
- YAFFS flash 文件系统
- Verilog HDL code for Milkymist SOC (LM32 CPU, MIDI, DMX, etc)
- libpng, libjpeg, openjpeg 和 jbig2dec 图片解压库.
- freetype font rendering system.
- MuPDF library for the online help system.
- MTK, a modified version of the Genode FX embedded GUI toolkit.
- liboscparse, a variant of liblo, for OpenSoundControl communications.
Milkymist One 是大家共同努力的结果,包括它的设计者 Sébastien Bourdeauducq (,它的开发者和参与者 Qi Hardware 社区的软硬件工程师们 (,还有它的制造商 Sharism at Work Ltd (。
在下面的网站中,你可以找到更多有关 Milkymist One 的信息:
[…] a more public showing, Yi from Qi Hardware is presenting about the Milkymist tonite (中文 at Xinchejian, the Shanghai-based hackerspace we held the first Sharism Presents […]
[…] a more public showing, Yi from Qi Hardware is presenting about the Milkymist tonite (中文 at Xinchejian, the Shanghai-based hackerspace we held the first Sharism Presents […]