Wednesday Presenters
June 21st, 2012 § 1 comment
Ariel Yotam正在介绍他的太阳能项目,他通过这些太阳能的产品帮助贫困地区改变晚上无法照明的问题。
Oscar(在新浪微薄上叫 @口琴小子)为我们展示了他自己的电子鼓。
来自DFRobot的Barry Xu为我们介绍了Ecoduino,一个能全面照顾花草宠物,甚至我们自己的智能家居系统。
Hey guys!
Some really awesome talks you have there 🙂 Kinda sad I’m not in Shanghai anymore to come over and attend them. Is there any chance you can record them in the future and upload them? That would be amazing 🙂