Hackerspace in Shanghai
August 21st, 2012 § 5 comments
The planter built a week ago is doing well on my balcony. Here is the before and after photos.
Tagged hydroponic, urban farm
呵呵,是呀。等你的PH/PPM传感好了,我们来做个水耕用的Arduino. 😉
what exactly you plant there? I want the same! 😀
There are Sun flower, Cucumbers. I think I will need to build another box and transplant some of them to new box. The hydroponic solution is pretty good. 🙂
couldn’t make any seedling this evening @XCJ… will try on Saturday then
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You are currently reading Hydroponic Planter: One week after at 新车间 [XinCheJian].
呵呵,是呀。等你的PH/PPM传感好了,我们来做个水耕用的Arduino. 😉
what exactly you plant there? I want the same! 😀
There are Sun flower, Cucumbers. I think I will need to build another box and transplant some of them to new box. The hydroponic solution is pretty good. 🙂
couldn’t make any seedling this evening @XCJ… will try on Saturday then