Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/05/2013

May 22nd, 2013 § 0 comments

Announcements this week:

  1. Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
  2. sign up for the basics of Character Animation and learn the tricks that Pixar and Disney used to create some of the most long running cartoons to date.
  3. Movie night this friday: Moulin Rouge – 730pm

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  1. Paul – sha256({Human})
  2. Enno – Character Animation
  3. More..

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

  1. Paul will be demoing sha256({Human}), a talk he wanted to do at barcamp but was unable to make it this year, this uses face tracking and recognition using opensource tools
  2. Enno will give an introduction to the upcoming workshops this weekend at XinCheJian, A teacher, an Artist both in Design and Music, this is one cool cat!
  3. Ad-Hoc.. this could be you


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