Wednesday Meetup – Free as in beer – or 5rmb – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/04/2013

April 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

4月3日周三开放日 Holiday folks! it’s time to hack stuff! Thursday -> Saturday, Check the website often over this holiday time, we’re going to be doing all sorts of magic.

Announcements this week:

  •  Valentin from Social glasses is back in town, catch him around the space!
  • Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. last week
  • Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season – we’re waiting on a special location announcement for this race, i think you dont want to miss it, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
  • May is dedicated to the month of Cinematography – keep an eye out for events revolving around cinematography
  • June is dedicated to “intro” for everything, from introduction to arduino, machine room, 3d printing, 3d modeling, electronics, this is the ultimate makers month!

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  • Tom Igoe – one night only! see him in XinCheJian – Internet of Things Expert: Author, Arduino Team Member and Teacher

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

Tom Igoe is an Associate Arts Professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). Coming from a background in theatre lighting design, Igoe makes tools that sense and respond to a wide range of human physical expression. He is the aread head for physical computing courses, and teaches courses in networking as well. He is also interested in how to lessen the impact that making things has on the environment, and how open hardware development can contribute to that. He has written three books for makers, and is working on a fourth. He is an occasional contributor to Make magazine as well. He is a co-founder of Arduino. He has consulted for various museums and interactive design companies as well. He is currently living a personal dream of working with monkeys, and wants to visit Svalbard someday. Also if you use Processing and Arduino you can thank him tonight! ONE NIGHT ONLY! DONT MISS OUT!]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/05/2013

March 6th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


热烈祝贺@lucio鲁修3d打印机工作坊完满结束 本周有如下信息更新:
  • 自下周开始,非新车间会员来访新车间,将收取费用5rmb/次;如当晚加入新车间成为会员可取回5rmb
  • 女士优惠如下:如一次性缴纳3个月会员费,则可获得1个月会员免费机会
  • 本月新车间2 周岁了,3.26将如期举行聚会,希望各位父老乡亲,有钱的出钱,有力的出力,新车间需要你的帮助,现急需1个蛋糕(50人份大小),
  • 瞩目以待的机器人竞赛即将于 4.6下午2点-5点举行 (请带上自己亲手制作的自动避障小车或巡线小车来一决雌雄吧)
  • make+邀请大家加入,关于如何加入可直接邮件我们,谢谢。




Daedalus City project是一个令人震惊兴奋的项目,起源于新车间,本周三将现场演示机器人、灯光、相机等一系列动作的场景,那场景可谓是惊天地泣鬼神,值得大家期待哦

Mind+ Demo

February 25th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

@Rex陈正翔 将带来大量范例演示, 现场更有各种传感器 可以让你亲自尝试体验 制作自己的互动项目 就在本周三(2月27日)晚7点半 新车间见,免费入场! mind+event    mind+]]>

City project new video

February 10th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink


Project City

February 2nd, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink

Metropolis“. More about the project will be in the wiki soon as we just begun. Today we built the table where the city will be installed. IMG_6316 IMG_6317 IMG_6321 IMG_6315 IMG_6329 The project will be a fusion of 3D projection and robot hardware combined with mechanics and interactive components. This project is open for all members with interest. There will be a huge part in 3D mapping/projection and this content has to be created too. The robotics and mechanical part will include Arduino based hardware for the movements, communication between the central computer and the city and interface for interactive components. If you think you could help with something then just let us know.  ]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 30/01/2013

January 30th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


Just a quick note: this weekend on Saturday morning the scouts are coming! from 9am til 12noon – you might want to lay in bed a little longer as they will be cutting, drilling, hammering. sign up for Lucios 3D printing workshop next month! Checkout a recent post by him called “Brazil through lucio’s eyes”

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述

  • Andrew Hakim Lie, 3D Artist from Indonesia
  • Lutz and MaTz, 3D fusion and robots
  • Rockets and Rex, the boys from DFrobot

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

Andrew Hakim Lie, will be talking about a genre in 3D Graphics called ‘Photorealistic 3D’, where images made using 3D softwares that are so life-like they appear like photographs. Mainstream public may not realize it, but its application ranges anywhere from the movie industry, design visualization, even Live Concerts and also tie into what his project at xinchejian will be. MaTz of the 3D visualization last week and Lutz from Swarm robots will introduce a new project idea about the fusion of 3D mapping/projection and robots. Rockets and Rex will be unveiling their latest 3D printer from DFrobot and the worlds smallest Arduino compatibible wearable low powered great for beginners and so cheap you’ll not want to miss it!

X-Bot in following mode

January 24th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

Build your own X-Bot in Xinchejian If you want to support the X-Bot, buy a couple of them or just help to develop it further then please go to and see more details there.]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 09/01/2013

January 9th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

RoboRacing – Bragging rights

December 16th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

Bragging rights, well deserved, the winner of this years Autonomous racing championship is EdwardRF with his entry XHD, a 10 second car that flew around the track, sticking like glue to the ground, nimble and hightech in one.

5 competitors competed for best time in time trials on the track for 2012, but only one would win. first up on the track was “Icecream Breaker” which unfortunately didn’t make it off the starting track.


The second contestant was Charlie “wallbanger” famed for it’s uncanny desire to hit every wall in the past, for this year it had an upgrade, 2 Sharp IR range sensors a powerful microservo, a high current motor driver all on top of an arduino nano built right into the original platform, he was no longer a wallbanger but a high powered racing car which clocked in at 7seconds in testing on the same course but different surface. Charlie set the time to beat at 14.62 seconds

XHD time to roll around, with a tough 14.62 seconds to beat, it started out on the track for 1 flawless lap, unfortunately the second lap was not as great, but it did clock in at 10.25seconds. this was the highest tech vehicle to race, PID controllers, wickedly expensive racing platform, 3 Sharp IR range sensors, 1 nano, 1 703n, 1 micro servo, 1 high power motor for the quad wheel drive-shaft with differential driving allowing it to take corners like no ones business.

With a little intermission Cherokey was ready to try again, this 4 wheel drive platform from dfrobot needed a little more time to work out the bugs but it was a great start, it could turn 360° on the spot! equipped with 4 Basic IR sensors, 4 powered wheel drive shaft and a nice base, unfortunately it’s fastest time on the track was 25.02 seconds with 1 collision making it 35.02 seconds.


With man behind the wheel in the only entrant into the User controlled group Stanley clocked in with Loader Shovel with 31.96 seconds, not a good start for human controlled. anyway he won by default.

Lio finally entered in with the Lone Ranger – unfortunately time and a new platform didn’t work out for him, it was a good show of walloping wall-banging!.

in winner takes all, EdwardRF took home the prize of 500rmb 🙂 congratulations to EdwardRF, if you would like to challenge him, make sure you have a 10 second car or you’ll be paying the price of loosing to the champion.


Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/08/2012

August 22nd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

 nixie tubes by aguegu

创客官微宏 (围脖号 @aGuegu)很多想法和创作都已被成功的商业化,相信他的经验会给很多朋友们启发。当晚重头戏是聊聊70年代的数码官,还有晒晒他的3D8S作品 - 一个基于 Arduino 平台的 8x8x8 LED 光立方显示模块,包括一共512个LED!
Cyrill Ebersweiler是haxlr8r.coom的创始人,网站总部在深圳,着力扶持硬件加速项目。该网站的创始人和工作人员将在周三下午到访新车间;时间允许的话还能留下来参加开放日的演讲。可惜的是,Cyrill可能将要赶回家,和太太一同迎接家庭新成员的诞生!大家一同来祝贺!
Ben Houge有着16年开发电子游戏的丰富经验,包括4年任职于上海ubisoft开发 Tom Clancy 的 EndWar。本周六(25日)他将在新车间开设 MAX/MSP工作坊 (具体介绍:; 之后即将离开上海,有兴趣的童鞋可不要错过。目前Ben身兼数职,一边在波士顿的伯克利音乐学院 (Berklee College)教授电子游戏音乐,同时与MIT麻省理工大学合作,共同研究音乐学分析

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