November 21st, 2012 § § permalink
Due to last weeks unfortunate event we had to cancel the Kinect workshop, its always good to register for events as this time we were able to contact almost everyone before they headed out, unfortunately Patrick’s stay is coming to an end and he’s off soon, so drop in and say hi! when he’s back lets hope he’ll do some more awesome workshops.
Tonight: we have Kelvin from Shanghai Ureal a large scale 3D printing house that wants to print your stuff! and hopefully a special announcement from Lucio on the “build your own 3D printer” workshop coming up!
We have an open spot this evening for ad-hoc presentation so feel free to take the stage, just announce yourself upon arrival so we can prepare things in advance.
November 14th, 2012 § § permalink
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
Last Weekend it was great to see the multi touch tables working in no time! Patricks at it again, check out this weekend!
Francesca will be presenting on design buildings with locally available materials with an example of a school in the Himalayas, not to be missed
Zhang Chi (张驰) will be presenting on building your own oscilloscope (those pricey things with squiggly lines going up and down) and the workshop he’s got running, if you sign up tonight, you’ll get a 100rmb discount on the workshop! that’s up to 40mhz frequency or 20mhz if you want a little cheaper, it’s USB!
Upcoming Events/近期活动安排
Building interactive installations with the vvvv environment – vvvv与交互项目应用工作坊 (英语教学)
Date: Saturday Nov. 17th & Sunday Nov. 18th 2012
Time: 10AM – 12PM, LUNCH, 1PM – 5PM
This is the most in-demand for workshop, 2 days of feature-packed-fun-filled-action-play – only a few spots remain
be Secret spy, or a double agent! – 007秘笈之一~密信潜伏
Date: Saturday 24th 2012
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Perfect for kids and adults alike to explore and experiment with science and technology in a fun filled 007 workshop]]>
November 7th, 2012 § § permalink
October 31st, 2012 § § permalink
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
Jared from Picarty will be presenting on his new app, recently famed for his presentation at barcamp “how i built my first app but still cant program” and it’s also adhoc wednesday, so get up and talk, just keep it to 9 minutes
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
Jared from Picarty will be presenting on his new app, recently famed for his presentation at barcamp “how i built my first app but still cant program” a good insight into what it take and where he is taking it – get hands on with his app this evening.
who else? *your name here* it’s adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards
Upcoming Events/近期活动安排
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Join us at maker carnival shanghai for shanghais first maker carnival, its located in century park and xinchejian will be demoing projects, we’re still looking for more helpers over the 3 days.]]>
October 24th, 2012 § § permalink
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
Andy Shum from BASF will be in tonight announcing the new global product design competition which has been opened up to hacker spaces to participate, with 6,000 Euros on the line and a paid for trip to France for the winners – dont miss out, we’re also opening up the floor for ad-hoc presentations of 9 minutes, all are welcome, surprise us all.
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
Andy Shum participated in a spaghetti bridge building competition previously, he’s going to talk about the product design competition and why they opened it up to Hackerspaces around the world, get the scoop and ask some questions.
who else? *your name here* it’s adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards
Upcoming Events/近期活动安排
Saturday 27th 1:00 to 5:30pm Build your own award winning swarm robot and help the team out, they will continue to develop the swarm robot platform and your contributions during the workshop will help them do so, build your own 10dollar robot for only 300rmb, act now and register and pay only 280rmb
September 26th, 2012 § § permalink
August 22nd, 2012 § § permalink
创客官微宏 (围脖号
@aGuegu)很多想法和创作都已被成功的商业化,相信他的经验会给很多朋友们启发。当晚重头戏是聊聊70年代的数码官,还有晒晒他的3D8S作品 - 一个基于 Arduino 平台的 8x8x8 LED 光立方显示模块,包括一共512个LED!
Cyrill Ebersweiler是haxlr8r.coom的创始人,网站总部在深圳,着力扶持硬件加速项目。该网站的创始人和工作人员将在周三下午到访新车间;时间允许的话还能留下来参加开放日的演讲。可惜的是,Cyrill可能将要赶回家,和太太一同迎接家庭新成员的诞生!大家一同来祝贺!