Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 18/07/2012

July 18th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

本周三开放日活动安排 演讲者 * Richard Summers, 来自W+K公司(Weiden+Kennedy,中文名称”维登•肯尼迪”) – 多个项目介绍 * 冯佳 Freda,新车间会员 – 关注被遗弃宠物 本周演讲者介绍 Richard Summers 人生致高理想是避开人群住在海边的Richard Summers来自W+K,希望他的作品能模糊现实与虚拟现实的界限。 今晚他为大家分享众多项目及规划,包括完成时,现在进行时以及将来时的种种 – 大规模真空摄影 – 光合作用的复活节彩蛋 – 正在筹备中的新项目”涨潮” 冯佳Freda 有不少人认为饲养宠物只是玩玩的,是一时的兴起。就此话题,Freda想和大家聊聊她的创客项目,希望能唤起并提高公众对被遗弃的猫猫和狗狗的关爱。大家都来给她加油吧。 – 关注被遗弃宠物 有兴趣在周三开放日里和大家说说你的想法吗?欢迎随时联系我们: [email protected]]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 11/07/2012

July 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

=周三开放日演讲者= 今晚的安排有些特别,将有3位新车间会员联合为大家介绍游戏机 – 还是那~~~ 台游戏机啦 – 不过是有关minecrafting 项目及IRL计划的 (具体是啥,晚上你来就知道了) 经过前几周对新车间的实地考察,QU Wenzhen童鞋将在今晚为大家介绍如何将感应 器及无线科技运用在商业化的农业生产中;并且分享几个正在实施的项目,以及 这些项目对于地球人的积极影响。 新车间的李大维工头,将给大家晒晒他的宇宙计划 – 超级无敌无土栽 培。补充一句,经证实,该计划已被高级领导层首肯;大家如要仿效的话,请先征 求贤内助的许可;哇咔咔咔咔 =近期活动= DIY声音合成器! – OSC6 Make Your Own Sound Synthesizer! – OSC6 – 2012/07/14 – 课程及产品均由 MengQiMusic设计;届时由Clemence主持 – 在即将离开祖国的日子,这将是彭童鞋 在新车间的再一次,也是最后一次工作坊。大家珍惜啊~~ Arduino入门工作坊 (针对无电子和编程经验的人) – 2012/08/18 – 轻巧巡线小车工作坊 – Analog line follower workshop – 2012/08/25 – 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/08/26 – =新车间创客空间简介= 位于上海市中心的新车间是一个非盈利的创客空间;开放至今日非常感谢各位童鞋 的大力支持,尤其是部分会员及工作人员在百忙之中挤出大量私人时间,帮助维持 新车间的日常运营及组织安排多样的工作坊。希望有更多的朋友加入到大家庭来, 为新车间添砖加瓦,一同实现心中的理想 – 在创作中寻求快乐。 = 新车间即有空缺职位 = 作为工作人员,除了维护新车间的日常运营,还需协同其他工作人员一同出谋划策发展创客空间。同时,希望每个月至少出席一次工作人员的周会议。目前的工作都是由会员中的志愿者自发组织完成的,如果您和我们一样对新车间的未来怀有同样的信心和理念,请加入我们。 *铜掌柜Treasurer* 作为财务大臣,你当然就是铜掌柜啦!唯一要求,你需要自带计算器。或者,新车间也可以做个简易的借你使使。以下是每个月的工作内容: – 收入/支出帐务表 – 处理及整理银行账户中的租金及其他账单事宜 – 负责有关新车间空间的采购事宜 *记者Journalists* 作为我们的媒体大使,你需要每周至少完成一篇有关新车间的报道及负责实时更新;例如可以选择介绍正在开展的新车间项目,采访其负责人及其他团队成员;工作量大致是某个白天的采访内容,及之后的整理和出稿。 – 我们会为你建立新车间的邮件帐号 – 你需要有一台自己的相机 – 能说英语或中文;当然,双语更佳 – 希望你自信并且外向,善于沟通和交流 – 能在短时间内获取最大量的信息]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 04/07/2012

July 4th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 27/06/2012

June 27th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/06/2012

June 6th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

=Wednesday Presenters= Rodolfo Cossovich from Rudy Bike Fame will be presenting Next Generation of Building Systems: Fab-Lab Compatibility, talking about hardware parts that are designed to be interconnected to construct different devices and their applications. With the onset of cheap laser cutters, 3d printing and free (as in beer) or opensource CAD software making it even easier for people to get started and making things often out of reach, rethinking and rebuilding a huge industry from the ground up, from education in maths, sciences, designs, user skills and manufacturing processes with resources available at the touch of a button, do you build once or build to modify? it’s a presentation you should not miss. Jim Hotary director of Eastworks Innovation Center of Faurecia will be speaking tonight about how they get down with R&D to create compelling user experiences, most of what they do is closed door but we’ve convinced him to share, he’ll be talking about SmartFit the ergonomic app for your phone that adjusts your seat to the correct position for your body.  ]]>

Young Makers Open Day pictures

June 3rd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink ]]>

Young Makers Open Day

June 1st, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink , 或者我们新浪微博 “新车间”得到最新的消息或解答。小朋友们,”小小创客游乐会”,我们和你不见不散哦!因为场地有限,请务必先在网上报名喔!请填写下面的报名表格。 儿童嘉年华时间: 6月2号下午1点~5点 新车间地址:上海徐汇区长乐路1035号2楼 (乌鲁木齐路口)。 交通: 绿色环保,我们推荐您最好通过公共交通来参加我们的活动,您可以在轨道交通7号线常熟路下车,8号口出来,走10分钟即到) ]]>

Wednesday @ XinCheJian – Free as in beer! 7-9pm

May 30th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

=Wednesday Presenters= Hector from DFrobots will be giving a short slideshow and talking about the San Franciso makerfaire with some of the coolest gadgets coming! Nick a student from Concordia International school will be showing off some of his projects and some stuff they are working on in their hackerspace over in Jin Qiao. Scott Ballantyne, a professional at beer drinking is looking at forming a “XinCheJian macro-brewery”, a group to produce homemade beer! that’s free as in beer, more news from him tonight. =Workshops= * 新车间小小创客游乐会 – XinCheJian Young Makers Open Day – 2012/06/02 XinCheJian will host a young makers open day on June 2nd, lots to see and do in this afternoon event, ending with spaghetti bridge, if you’d like to help out please let us know. more information is available here: * Processing视觉编程入门课程 – 2012/06/03 Raven is back at it again, by great demand and popularity we bring you processing in Chinese, sign up here: * 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/06/24 Ladies and Gentleman it’s time to start your engines, keep a lookout on the wiki page for the latest line follower course, if you havn’t already built a car, Now is the time, for reference the track line is 1″ wide (same thickness as electrical tape) – Sign up if you’re racing]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 23/05/2012

May 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

=Wednesday Presenters= David Li, the Foreman of XinCheJian And Roger Mu king of the jungle, will be kicking off the Hydroponics corner, a group is forming around Hydroponics, Areoponics – lets see what seeds they will plant first. Li Xiang a Ph.D Candidate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University will be presenting his project and also seeking help in an experience involving machine learning and robotics along the lines of Factory Automation for Docks. The rest of the evening will be met with discussions and people working on projects XinCheJian will be holding a young maker faire on June 2nd, if you would like to help out or show your projects then please contact us.]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 16/05/2012

May 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

=Wednesday Presenters= theNelson is back for a week, and he’ll be talking about RankBin and his Solar Charger. Team Swarmbots will be giving us a little update and a way to join the team. Axel aka Guttertec from FabLab, Cologne co-working space Will be giving us the insight into his latest projects and projects out of FabLab. Steve Dalton visiting from Gold Coast TechSpace ( in Australia will talk to us about their space and their projects. =Workshops= * Portraits of Makers Photoshoot! – 2012/05/24 Dress in your best birthday suit, round 2 of “stars in their eyes” by the Shanghai Strobist Group ( will be taking place, dont forget to bring your projects. Help us out and sign up so we know how many are coming * 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/06/24 Ladies and Gentleman it’s time to start your engines, keep a lookout on the wiki page for the latest line follower course, if you havn’t already built a car, Now is the time, for reference the track line is 1″ wide (same thickness as electrical tape) – Sign up if you’re racing]]>

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