Makerspace & Education Workshop

November 25th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Over the weekend, we hosted a “Makerspace & Education Workshop” in collaboration with IMA of NYU Shanghai. Thanks for Marianne Petit for arranging everything. More info and photos can be found here and here.

Opening by Marianne Petit

Marianne prepared her opening speech in Mandarin and delivered it beautifully!




Learning about assistive technology


XinCheJian and Makerspace by David Li


Make your own device by Huang Zhenxin

Teacher Huang is now a regular presentor of Wednesday open night in XinCheJian. He brought a lot of his home made devices. The photo is a wireless powered LED submerged in water. The power source is hacked from a electronic hot plate. Amazing ingenuity!

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Afternoon Workshops on Lasercutter by Vivian Xu, 3D printing by Marianne Petit, Arduino by Ricky Ye and Ardublock by David Li

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Xie Zuoru from Wenzhou presenting his STEAM class


Wu Junjie presented Edumaker


NYU IMA students presnted their mid-term projects

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Ding Xiaoyong presented classic Chinese architecture works


Chen Tong from SIVA presented his work on integrating folk craft into art school


At the Maker Carnival

October 23rd, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

Hackerspace in the container!



Luts gave workshop on Insect Bots


L11 0106

The Snake!

IMG 0093


Projects from Make+

IMG 0094

L11 0204


Mengqi and his home made instruments

L11 0134


L11 0179

Urban Farming from Goodtochina

L11 0217


The World's First Pop Up Hackerspace in a Container

September 8th, 2013 § 24 comments § permalink

Creative Carnival in Shanghai. We have done it and launch it over the weekend! It has been a success attracting a lot of visitors interested in 3D printing, robotics and Maker Culture! The pop up hackerspace will start its journey around China after the Shanghai Maker Carnival on Oct 19-20.

Lining up to see Maker’s Works!


Vivi working her art on the container


Sumo Robot!


The Ham is here! Antenna went up!


Kids having fun with Sumo Robot!


Passing by taking photos of the space


Wonder of 3D Printing!


People working on their projects at the space


Nice skyscrapers of Pudong as backdrop


Night falls!


Vivi works wonder on the container


Two 3D Printer experts talking shop about new printer


Doraemon robot built by a team of 10 years old!


Flying machine!


Freda’s talking cat painting


Qichen’s brainwave and LED heart hack!




Hackerspace at night


Amazing view from the pop up hackerspace!

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Trip plan

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XinCheJian Maker Culture Exhibition in Shanghai Library

June 20th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

Paul 创造了世界上最贵的,也是独一无二的老鼠旅馆。此旅馆用单片机做的,会红外感应老鼠的到来。老鼠一进门,大门就会自动锁上,只有人类才能放它出来。


屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 24 09 贾蜀的PM2.5盒子,利用廉价的灰尘传感器加上Arduino系统,通过参考其他牛人的文章,稍加改动,集成了灰尘、温度、湿度的传感器,可以对当前环境的灰尘量(直径〉0.4微米的灰尘)进行监控。想知道目前身边、办公室、家里的空气质量如何?想知道买的空气净化器是否有效?那就一起来做吧! 目前电路图、软件、已完全开源,成本不到100元。 Mika热爱图形,动态影像,声音,之所以设计了这个“心跳”,希望借助实体物件去表达,让大家能把自己的心传达给对方,让物件与人之间的联系更加紧密。Mika在2011年底加入了新车间,他很高兴能在一个聚集了各路精英的开放式交流平台,以前卫的想法和面对面的交流,与各位创客们一同实现各种梦想。 屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 23 57 李大维设计的低温慢煮器让你可以在20分钟内吃到一颗美味的温泉蛋。创客空间的午休伙食就靠它了。 Lucio的3D打印机 屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 24 26 想玩游戏吗?来新车间!Lio用几片木板、一台二手电视、操控杆、若干按钮和自制电路板,做成了一个开源游戏机。 迷你四轴飞行器是由现在高三的孙维泽设计的。它利用四个独立控制的电机作为动力使它能够产生足够的升力让他飞行。通过控制每个电机的不同转速,能够让它产生测滚、俯仰等动作。 屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 24 41 Rocket是DFRobot的宣传达人,旨在推广3D打印机及开源硬件。 何琪辰是最早开始玩四轴飞行器的。它利用四个独立控制的电机作为动力使它能够产生足够的升力让他飞行。通过控制每个电机的不同转速,能够让它产生测滚、俯仰等动作。 屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 24 14 陈世凯与他的RoboPeak团队 不断研究关于机器人的各种方面。并设计了RoboPeak Mini机器人。 何琪辰用NeuroSky的脑波玩具MindFlex作为采集脑电波的传感器,从人们额头上采集导电信号,并输入Arduino当中,通过Arduino的分析,就能获得脑波中的各个分量,得知人们现在的心理活动状态。目前,项目使用Arduino来控制一个心型LED阵列,当戴上传感器的人专注做某件事情的时候,心型LED会闪动的更快,而注意力分散的时候,就会闪的比较慢。 屏幕快照 2013 05 24 下午1 24 20



Everything you want to know about Electronics Market in Shanghai but are afraid to ask…

February 24th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

a comprehensive map of electronic markets in Shanghai
View 上海电子市场 in a larger map]]>

#Aquaponics# Sun Shade Cover Up!

August 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Also, 100 earth worms are added to help process the organic matter in the system. Hope they can survive with constant ebb and flow. 🙂 IMG 3260 Finally, over 300 Chinese green, tomato, cucumbers, eggplants, and sun flowers are transplanted and we should be ready to harvest in about 4 weeks. IMG 3253
IMG 3256 The basils and chives transplanted into the system are growing amazingly. IMG 3257]]>

Aquaponic: Survived The Typhoon Haikui

August 12th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

在系统里面加入了珊瑚做为PH的调节,也加入了铁肥,补充这样还在初期的鱼菜共生系统这个方面的不足。 Image]]>

XinCheJian on 88Bar

December 22nd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink


XinCheJian on That's Shanghai: "New Frontier: Is this innovation ground zero?"

December 3rd, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

“That’s Shanghai” with Gilbert on the cover. Untitled Untitled]]>

Dorkbot Shanghai #4

June 3rd, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

XinCheJian is proud to host Dorkbot Shangahi #4 on Sunday May 29th. Dorkbot is a group of affiliated organizations worldwide that sponsor grassroots meetings of artists, engineers, designers, scientists, inventors, and anyone else working under the very broad umbrella of electronic art. The dorkbot motto is “people doing strange things with electricity”.

There were 4 artists who presented their work:

Wu Juehui // Juehui is a New Media Artist. In recent years, Wu Juehui operates on the potential interface between art and science, between body and media in close collaboration with research institutes for neural engineering, automatic control and computer graphics.

Harald Haraldsson // Harald is the founder of Wonwei and presented some of their latest work, he also talked about how creative coding can be applied to computational design.

Wang Changcun // Media artist based in Hangzhou, with works exhibited in China, France, Netherlands and Belgium. He talked about his creative process using Max/MSP, Processing, and Flash.

Jingni Wang // Media artist based in Shanghai. She graduated from China Academy of Art, Intermedia Art Department and has completed artist residencies in Netherlands, Belgium, and China. Jingni Wang presented her wearable computing project called Lover’s Instrument. She also talked about social sustainability.

More pictures


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