October 15th, 2012 § § permalink
既上次Sunny Sun老师在新车间推出深为孩子们喜爱的“导电面团”以后,这回我们又推出了更为方便,好玩的“纸电路”。纸电路是MIT High Low Lab开发的新奇互动电子艺术项目的一个子项目。它成功的将表面贴装发光二极管(LED)和艺术结合在一起,制作出各种互动的电子卡片。看看下面的这些纸电路作品,你带能猜出来我在说什么了。
在此次工坊, 我们将提供所有纸电路需要的全部材料。您和您的孩子将在电路中将学习到
1) 什么是纸电路
2) 孩子们将会在制作一个基本纸电路的过程中明白电路的基本原理
3) 制作纸电路需要注意的事项
4) 纸电路材料从哪里获得?
5) 活动的最后,孩子们会有一个自由创意时间,通过基本电路的掌握,孩子们将发挥自己的创造力,创造出他们自己的纸电路,并带回家中。
6) 同时为了方便孩子们回家继续创作,每个孩子将获得一个材料包,里面有一些家里不容易获取的材料。
上海新车间: 上海市长乐路1035号2楼(长乐路,乌鲁木齐南路路口)地铁7号线出来步行10分钟即到)
每个孩子:100元(陪同大人免费),通过新车间网站报名 90元(点击活动报名链接即可报名)
注: 纸电路(paper circuit)是美国MIT 互动媒体实验室开发的互动电子电路。此次活动得到了发明人 Jie, Qi的指导和准许。再次,也感谢MIT Media Lab和Jie, Qi的无私奉献和指导。
September 28th, 2012 § § permalink
August 22nd, 2012 § § permalink
创客官微宏 (围脖号
@aGuegu)很多想法和创作都已被成功的商业化,相信他的经验会给很多朋友们启发。当晚重头戏是聊聊70年代的数码官,还有晒晒他的3D8S作品 - 一个基于 Arduino 平台的 8x8x8 LED 光立方显示模块,包括一共512个LED!
Cyrill Ebersweiler是haxlr8r.coom的创始人,网站总部在深圳,着力扶持硬件加速项目。该网站的创始人和工作人员将在周三下午到访新车间;时间允许的话还能留下来参加开放日的演讲。可惜的是,Cyrill可能将要赶回家,和太太一同迎接家庭新成员的诞生!大家一同来祝贺!
April 18th, 2012 § § permalink
Unfortunately those wishing to hack tonight will not have all of the tools normally available, but nothing stopping us from getting them out and putting them away when we’re done!
=Wednesday Presenters=
James Tichenor, interaction designer from Rockwell Lab (http://www.rockwellgroup.com/lab) has just flown into Shanghai and will present tonight at XinCheJian on some of his crazy-out-there projects he’s worked on using electronics and arts!
Qichen and Rockets will present their Home Sous Vide machine that they hacked together in 20 minutes, along with some egg tasting which i hear is out of this world.
=Coming up soon=
机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/04/22 – http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=110
Are you ready!? Line followers, Autonomous’rs and remote specialists, take part in the 2nd race of this year, come show us what you’re made of! the 2012/04 track has been published on the wiki and demo’d at Barcamp! http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/RoboRacing
Processing class (English instructions) – 2012/04/28 – http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=114
Finally, given the huge success of the Ravens Processing classes in chinese, he’s -beenforced- agreed to run the class in English! he is doing some awesome stuff.
=Recent changes at XinCheJian=
Membership is now Just 100rmb per month per member, for an additional 200rmb a month you can also store your projects/stuff in the space in a box that does not exceed 50x50x30cm, you can contribute more money if you want as a donation. Failure to pay membership will result in your junk being stored at XinCheJian becoming a donation to the space. XinCheJian will no longer offer community parts but instead sell them in sets, for example 10 resistors for 1rmb to cut down on waste and mess. Members will have access to the space and the tools, strangers must be accompanied by a member at all times and will be responsible for that friend during that period at XinCheJian. For Full details see http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Policy or http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Policy/zh]]>
January 14th, 2012 § § permalink
- 向大家展示你的作品,给予大家熟悉了解你的机会;
- 结识志趣相投的朋友,组建自己的艺术(产品)团队;
- 吸引对作品(产品)感兴趣的展出方或投资方。
[email protected];
- 在“新车间”与“觉”的Dorkbot上向艺术家与电子爱好者展示您的技术与产品;
- 通过举办工作坊的形式让艺术家与电子爱好者进一步了解您的技术与产品;
- 近距离体察用户体验,及时获取到来自潜在用户的反馈信息;
- 寻找未来的艺术或技术上的合作伙伴。
[email protected];
December 19th, 2011 § § permalink
December 2nd, 2011 § § permalink
November 13th, 2011 § § permalink
November 11th, 2011 § § permalink
Lio just finished getting the wood plate for the joysticks and buttons. He’s showing off the hacked TV driven by a Commodore 64 to generate a mirror image that can be itself “projected” on a mirror. He still has some work to do to wire everything up and make the case nicer, but the hard part is over. Interesting factoid: the speaker at the right is hiding a broken piece of the mirror!
November 6th, 2011 § § permalink
…built by Edward. The simplest machine: when turned on, it turn itself off.