3维打印机已迅速普及,开始在相关行业产生影响。所想,所见,即所得。 我们将进行一系列的workshop来探索如何通过3维打印机实现最酷的想法,把概念变成实际的模型,充分发挥3维打印机的无限可能。我们从最开始的知识普及,经过头脑风暴,然后在3维软件里面建立设计模型,输出到打印机进行打印。经过这一流程,工作营的成员将获得关于3维打印得系统知识,并开启个人基于3维打印系统的项目。 9月1日下午2点在新车间Kickoff 位于新车间的聚会将宣布工作营的开始。我们从一个小项目开始,先用3维扫描仪扫描生活中的一个物品,玩具,茶杯…..或者身体的一部分,手指,耳朵,脚踝….然后基于扫描数据设计一样相关的“物品”,打印! 一组幻灯片3d打印的基本知识。起源,发展,和趋势。 头脑风暴,能做什么,需要掌握什么知识和工具,鼓励跨界,协作和新奇想法。 学习:3到4个周末或晚上 如何使用打印机,什么是STL文件,哪些软件可以建立设计模型。 学习使用3维软件Rhino以及Rhino的参数化设计插件Grasshopper. 3ds MAX 和Sketchup. Processing,脚本,arduino。 项目:4到6个周末或晚上 workshop将基于项目展开,成员制定自己的计划。穿插以上3d扫描,打印及软件技术的学习应用。每个人最终完成自己的项目。玩具,首饰,建构,互动装置,环太平洋机器人…. 展览,final review! 导师: Michael Peng/彭武 建筑师 ,美国Gensler事务所亚洲区技术总监 DADA–中国建筑学会数字建筑设计专业委员会发起人 DigiInt 数字整合研究机构创始人 Michael 曾任教于香港大学建筑学院上海学习中心数字媒体工作室,致力于前沿的数字化技术与设计的整合研究 ,受邀在多个大学和国际性论坛教学和演讲。Michael负责目前在建的中国最高的摩天楼—632米的上海中心的设计和施工监督。作为该项目的核心成员,Michael通过运用全球领先的数字化设计平台对系统性设计进行优化。使创意性的战略思考能迅速的付诸实施。]]>
August 20th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
经由三个月,Make+艺术与科技计划终于将对世界展示自己。欢迎在8月28日到9月2日之间,来上海展览中心-瑞士科技文化中心的展厅看我们的第一个展。展览将展出Make+其中三个项目。到其官网上可以下载免费参观券。kyz.shkp.org.cn Make+第一站@2013年上海国际科学与艺术展 “融合 — 十年纷呈” 展览地点:上海展览中心瑞士科技文中心展厅 (延安中路1000号) 展览时间: 2013年8月28日 (9:30 – 16:30) 2013年8月29日 – 9月1日 (9:00 – 16:30) 2013年9月2日 (9:00 – 15:00) 8月28日晚7点,我们还将在新车间庆祝2013年计划的结束。欢迎新车间的各位朋友来玩。下半周将会有更详细的信息。 Make+计划由林哲水创立,与新车间和视界艺术中心合作,并由DFRobot,swissnex China支持。更多信息,请见我们的官网@makeplus.org 或新浪微博@makeplus-sh]]>
Busy week for Helper and Assistive device group
August 13th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
Code is is on github. The Helper sessions are about sharing and learning anything. The Assistive devices are used as one focus for learning. If you would like to join in and just explore a big range of hardware including the new Xadow, a wearable Arduino, that has eight add on modules and a wearable frame to mount the modules inside, all just shipped directly from the SeeedStudio research lab – hence at least one minor issue to fix. There are also bluetooth devices, 3D printing, eyetracking and heaps of code to write, so come and join in Thursday night from 7:30, no experience required, just Xinchejian membership. Group members also arrange to meet at other times, so make contact directly or via the mailing list to arrange! Several wiki updates including this new page for heaps more good stuff to work on! More information is here and here.]]>
Upcoming Workshop-Processing & Grasshopper
July 8th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
下周末,美国建筑师和哥伦比亚导师Biayna Bogosian会在新车间教大家如何用Processing 和 Grasshopper 两个软件。工作坊座位有限,报名尽快! *同时参与两个工作坊的学生,将会有20%的优惠。 July 13/Crowd Simulation in PROCESSING: Originally developed for computational media design and interaction education, Processing platform is arguably the easiest programming language to learn and experiment code-based digital media design. This workshop will introduce focused use of Processing in order to simulate crowd behavior using real-time or simulated data. 登记链接 July 14/Motion Tracking in GRASSHOPPER: Originally developed as a plug-in for Rhinoceros, one of the most versatile 3D NURBS modeling software in the market today, Grasshopper (GH) is a generative design tool that has been supported with a wide array of add-ons developed by an international community of programmers. During this workshop, students will have a quick introduction to the software environment of Rhino and GH and then we will focus quickly to specific add-ons developed for GH, such as Firefly to capture, translate and abstract movement using web-cam, smart-phones or Kinect into 3D geometry and visual images. 登记链接 ]]>
Helper sessions at Xinchejian
July 5th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
- All questions welcome
- We all share and help each other
- Make & hack stuff – anything!
…. one theme will be assistive devices as this covers a huge range of technology!
Anyone is free to suggest other themes! All languages are welcome. Proposed guidelines
- Display “Helper sessions” welcome sign – so people know were to come (don’t be shy !)
- Setup at one table/area – with chairs and clean workspace.
- Noisy discussions should move to another area, so main group can continue.
- Share and document – let other people know if you had a good time, or learnt something (or not)
- Ask for wiki account and how to use the wiki!
- You need to be a member
These sessions are intended to extend the always great help available at anytime at Xinchejian 🙂
Aim is to fit in between formal workshop Xinchejian learning and to give some relief to Xinchejian regular members as they often spend most of their time helping others. THANKS for all the interest and support after Wednesday nights talk! When:- Trial Thursday from 7:30 starting from 11th July. If any interest we can try other times, including weekends. Where:- At Xinchejian Cost:- Free, but members only (100RMB per month, cheaper for longer periods) Links – Early draft pages have been started on the wiki:- Helper Sessions Assistive Devices These will be added to in coming days and weeks. Note “Helper sessions” is a draft name – fits in with Maker, hacker, and also fits in with assistive technology. Any better suggestions?]]>Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/07/2013
July 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
7月03日周三开放日 Make something this summer! Tonight, it’s a back to normal @XinCheJian, several announcements, the possibility to receive the machineroom training with paul this evening after presentations and upcoming events, also keep an eye out on dotdotlab’s project “dotdotdot” launching downstairs in a joint interactive exhibition piece with W+K for the month. Just a reminder, if you would like to socialize or network please wait until after the presentations or go outside to give the presenters a chance to.. present.
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Biayna Bogosian – Synesthesia
- Spencer Featherstone – Assistive aids
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
- Biayna will present her research on design workflow automation that utilizes various physical and non-physical factors to add information resolution to the built environments. Biayna Bogosian is an architect interested in computational design and highly localized materialization processes that respond to data patterns. Biayna holds a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Since 2011, Biayna has taught digital media seminars and design studios at Columbia University GSAPP, and USC School of Architecture.
- Spencer Featherstone the key ingredient in swarm robots is back and is going to discuss his progress in trying to make affordable, reasonably functional assistive aids, a call for interest in having one or more mini hack nights/weekends, or individuals who want to get involved, or create longer term project/s to develop and publish.
Robo Racing – Sunday 7th – 1pm – 3pm @ Shanghai Library 3rd floor
July 1st, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
XinCheJian Maker Culture Exhibition in Shanghai Library
June 20th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
Paul 创造了世界上最贵的,也是独一无二的老鼠旅馆。此旅馆用单片机做的,会红外感应老鼠的到来。老鼠一进门,大门就会自动锁上,只有人类才能放它出来。
贾蜀的PM2.5盒子,利用廉价的灰尘传感器加上Arduino系统,通过参考其他牛人的文章,稍加改动,集成了灰尘、温度、湿度的传感器,可以对当前环境的灰尘量(直径〉0.4微米的灰尘)进行监控。想知道目前身边、办公室、家里的空气质量如何?想知道买的空气净化器是否有效?那就一起来做吧! 目前电路图、软件、已完全开源,成本不到100元。 Mika热爱图形,动态影像,声音,之所以设计了这个“心跳”,希望借助实体物件去表达,让大家能把自己的心传达给对方,让物件与人之间的联系更加紧密。Mika在2011年底加入了新车间,他很高兴能在一个聚集了各路精英的开放式交流平台,以前卫的想法和面对面的交流,与各位创客们一同实现各种梦想。 李大维设计的低温慢煮器让你可以在20分钟内吃到一颗美味的温泉蛋。创客空间的午休伙食就靠它了。 Lucio的3D打印机 想玩游戏吗?来新车间!Lio用几片木板、一台二手电视、操控杆、若干按钮和自制电路板,做成了一个开源游戏机。 迷你四轴飞行器是由现在高三的孙维泽设计的。它利用四个独立控制的电机作为动力使它能够产生足够的升力让他飞行。通过控制每个电机的不同转速,能够让它产生测滚、俯仰等动作。 Rocket是DFRobot的宣传达人,旨在推广3D打印机及开源硬件。 何琪辰是最早开始玩四轴飞行器的。它利用四个独立控制的电机作为动力使它能够产生足够的升力让他飞行。通过控制每个电机的不同转速,能够让它产生测滚、俯仰等动作。 陈世凯与他的RoboPeak团队 不断研究关于机器人的各种方面。并设计了RoboPeak Mini机器人。 何琪辰用NeuroSky的脑波玩具MindFlex作为采集脑电波的传感器,从人们额头上采集导电信号,并输入Arduino当中,通过Arduino的分析,就能获得脑波中的各个分量,得知人们现在的心理活动状态。目前,项目使用Arduino来控制一个心型LED阵列,当戴上传感器的人专注做某件事情的时候,心型LED会闪动的更快,而注意力分散的时候,就会闪的比较慢。王伟达设计的药丸测量瓶盖,使用方便,精准控制,节约成本。
Lutz发明的虫虫机器人只需要3个小时就能做出来。它有点怕生,但喜欢跳舞,热爱生命。]]>BioPrinting, a new wave?
June 10th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Workshop and Panel Discussion on 3D Printing and BioMaterials The new industrial revolution – 3D printing, is rapidly becoming accessible to anyone and everyone. But with the growing revolution in 3D printing comes growing waste. How can we build integrated system solutions that favor recycling and sustainable, compostable materials (biomaterials) that still fulfill all the technical requirements to be used at the large-scale? Join a diverse panel of experts to tackle questions of sustainability and ethics in the 3D printing revolution. This event kicks off our forum on biomaterials and 3D printing. Discover innovations in 3D printing, biomimicry, and sustainable materials with experts and entrepreneurs, and interact with the creative makers and artists. Time & Date 22 June, Saturday Workshop: 9:00 – 16:30 Panel Discussion: 18:00 – 21:00 Venue Room A301, Sino-French Center, Tongji University Siping Road 1239, Shanghai Participation Workshop on 3D printing and BioMaterials: By invitation only, please send your CV and brief introduction to the contacts below if you would like to join the workshop. Ms. Yiwen SUN: [email protected] Ms. Lan XIAO: [email protected] Panel Discussion: Public event, limited seats, please click here to register! Program Panel Discussion 18:00 – 19:00 Buffet 19:00 – 19:10 Welcome Word 19:10 – 19:40 Speaker Presentations 19:40 – 20:20 Panel Discussion / Questions & Answers 20:20 – 21:00 Networking *Workshop details will be sent to the confirmed participants individually. Bios Co-organizer/ Moderator: Mr. Christian Haeuselmann Christian Haeuselmann is an innovation-driven Swiss economist and serial entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the Cleantech sector, both with startups and global organizations. Today he lives in San Diego, California, developing strategic partnerships between Swiss and US Cleantech entrepreneurs as the co-founder of swisscleantech, the leading business association driving innovation and sustainable policy development in Switzerland. Speakers: Prof. Chengtao WANG Vice Director of the Engineering Research Center of Digital Medicine (ERCDM), Shanghai Jiaotong University Dr. Qing LIU CEO of 3D Biotek, LLC Mr. Zhong FAN Lecturer, Design & Innovation College, Expert on 3D printing & Design *More information on the speakers will be soon available on our website: www.swissenxchina.org]]>