RC Transmitter reverse-engineering attempt

December 26th, 2010 § 1 comment

TX2C ATS302T which is available on Taobao) , so I thought I would try to figure out the circuit by looking at it.  Kind of inconvenient because the components are on one side while the circuit trace is in the other. Flipping over the board constantly is annoying and it’s rather hard to follow.  Best would be to see both sides at the same time, no? So this is what I did:

  1. took a picture of both sides in macro mode
  2. cropped both pictures
  3. created layers using GIMP (a cross-platform OpenSource software similar to Photoshop)
  4. Put each image on their layers
  5. Change opacity of top layer
  6. “Image > Transform > Flip Horizontally” one of the image
  7. Move one of the image until screw holes on both align
[gallery link="file"] Much easier then to figure out what is connected to what, but still difficult… Anyway, I decided to try instead to buy a TX2C and follow its datasheet to re-create the circuit.  In the meantime, I’ve removed the board entirely from the remote control body and I’ll connect to that directly with the Arduino.]]>


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