William's Internship Review

July 28th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

William Kim Internship Review

July 28th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

SMIC Private School, as a XinCheJian intern to our space for over 100 hours between July 15th and July 27th 2015 at our Hero Center location (Jing’an, Shanghai). XinCheJian is a community space focused on technology that provides its members with a space to work on their project, Internet access, tools and components in an atmosphere focused on making. As the space sees heavy use daily by members, it’s essential for us to have people in charge of the space to help and interns are very appreciated in that role. In school, William had already shown great leadership being president of both the computer sciences and the sciences club. He’s planning on pursuing studies in Computer Sciences or Electronic Engineering abroad so was looking for a volunteer internship relevant to his interests. To that end, he already acquired skills in programming and Arduino microcontrollers which are very useful within an Hackerspace. William first took on the space as a project in itself, completing over 50 different individual tasks. Increasing entropy is a natural state of things, especially in an hackerspace that sees many projects and many contributions. Regular cleaning and sorting is required to get the handle on the chaos. First set of tasks he took on covered a massive and much needed cleaning and installing of new shelves to allow better sorting of the electronics components that followed. Another good organization innovation was the labeling of the rental storage boxes to track usage. Another significant tasks was around XinCheJian computers: from testing the donated computers to making sure that as many of them were functional with Internet access. In addition, he’s taken the initiative in promoting the space through videos and welcoming personally members to the space, introducing them to the hackerspace. He signed up 7 new members to the space. He also supported the Arduino workshops organized by Yu, another intern. William’s contributions, completing his Objectives and Key Results set at the start at 100%, have made the space more efficient and a better working space for all makers. William’s work ethics, knowledge and initiative were impressive and all the senior members that have worked with him believe he has a bright future ahead of him.]]>

夏日里的Arduino工作坊 热情满满 / Enthusiastic Summer Day Arduino Workshop

July 25th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

1F, No.3 Building, No 28 East Yuyuan Road 周六,上海迎来了雨季后的第一个大晴天,艳阳炙烤着大地,室外温度已经达到了34摄氏度,但是却阻挡不了小伙伴们来参加Arduino工作坊的热情!不多说了,大家就直接看图吧,最后也要谢谢我们本次的Arduino工作坊培训师Yu和助教William的辛勤劳动! [caption id="attachment_7455" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Arduino 工作坊 725 Arduino 工作坊 725[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_7456" align="aligncenter" width="300"]LED Light Blink LED Light Blink[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7457" align="aligncenter" width="470"]William's the Yellow William’s the yellow[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7458" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Yu and William is teaching Yu and William is teaching[/caption] ]]>

Hi I'm the new intern Kevin

July 23rd, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

Smart Pet Collar Project STARTUP!

July 19th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

Smart Pet Collar Project Startup 王可可带上iwatch 宠物智能可穿戴设备项目启动介绍 你有骄傲地秀过你家萌宠的照片吗?小东西面色不好,你也担心过它是否生病,却手足无措,心如刀割么?甚至想起别家小狗被拐卖的新闻时,害怕自己疏忽而从冷汗中惊醒吗?你本该与它时刻尽享轻松乐趣,现实中你却总难放下心来…… 但现在,是时候让我的努力,解决你的困扰啦! 可穿戴式设备发展至今,我们已经在眼镜、手环、甚至鞋子上无所不用其极。某位土豪将智能手表戴上了汪星人的爪子,但测出的心率却低于普通狗的3倍!的确,可爱的宠物们需要专为它们定制的智能产品。 剩下的七月和八月里,我计划打造一款具有初步功能的智能项圈样机。下周,我将尝试熟悉Lua与安卓的编程、简单通信,以及通过Arduino了解加速度传感器的使用。届时将欢迎各路大神的指点,也在这里提前感谢你们。 暑假里,我将参加八月初的“黑科松”,在八月中下旬完成样机的制作,并进行项目的成果展示。样机将能够实现传感器数据采集、在wifi条件下的数据传输、以及与手机App的联通。这款样机也将成为宠物智能可穿戴设备的开发平台,为未来功能更完善的产品奠定基础。 同时,在今年年末的时候,一款具备追踪定位、健康监测、游戏娱乐、以及更多意想不到功能的成熟产品将依据规划进入试产,并在2016年实现技术的商业价值。 此外,作为一名有爱心的年轻人,我也非常希望在创造科技的同时,履行更多的社会责任。在产品发售后,我将把产品免费提供给上海正在使用的27条导盲犬(1条在三天前走失),本装置将极大地提升人与犬的安全性,保护珍贵的导盲犬资源,更让残疾人和他们的家庭更放心。 ]]>

Arduino新手系列工作坊 7月25-8月08|Arduino Beginners Serial Workshop Jul. 25 – Aug. 08

July 19th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

1F, Building 3, No 28 East Yuyuan Road illu-arduino-UNO 报名参加 Sign Up 愉快的暑假刚刚开始,想要做些有趣的事情充实一下吗?或是对于电子和计算机科学充满兴趣,亦或是想要学习点新奇的事物, 或动手做一件属于自己的智能物品,却不知如何入门??那就快来报名参加我们专门为入门者准备的Arduino工作坊吧! 我们特意策划了系列工作坊,可以让感兴趣的初学者对Arduino及其应用有一个基本的了解,内容包括: 1. 学习并了解一些基本电子元件的工作原理和如何将它们运用在你自己的设计中 2. 学习一些基本的编程知识,如:变量,条件及循环语句 3. 将学习过的一些元件组合在一起做成5个有趣的小项目 4. 在最后的工作坊当中完成一个相对复杂的项目:电子锁 希望在工作坊结束后,你能够有所启发,并开始制作属于你自己的项目! 时间安排: 工作坊1:7月25号 10:30am 工作坊2: 8月1号 10:30am 工作坊3:8月8号 10:30am 报名费用: 会员价:RMB 150/次, 非会员价:RMB 200/次 Arduino工具包:RMB 210 (原价300) 三次一起购买优惠价:RMB 710 (包含:3次工作坊+工具包+新车间1个月会员费) 报名或详情咨询,请联系 [email protected] 事先准备工作: – 麻烦下载并事先安装好Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software 地点: 上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼新车间   ]]>

Labels on the storage boxes!

July 18th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

8514261271539776165 The new label includes, name, email, phone, today’s date and expiry date. With these information, it is now easier to identify the information about the user. The new label is attached to each boxes, so if you own a storage box , please go fill in the labels up ASAP. If you want more label papers, they are available on the top of the fridge.    ]]>

Pablo's internship review

July 16th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

bold, bring in your own ideas and don’t wait for others to tell you what to do – in the end it’s all about making your own project.]]>

Hackerspace Cleanup

July 16th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

Increasing entropy is a natural state of things, especially in an hackerspace that sees many projects and many contributions. Regular cleaning and sorting is required to get the handle on the chaos.

熵的增加是自然规律之一。因为新车间有着许许多多的工程项目,所以这规律也能在这儿发现 。为了避免这样的混乱,整理肯定是必须的。

We’ve collected equipment, parts, components, used equipment without owners into an outgoing pile in the space . If you wish to take ownership of something from that pile for projects purpose, you must either:


take ownership and label it (name,  project, contact info, expiry date) and store it in your storage box (storage box are 30RMB/month)


OR, for shared stuff: put it on the proper shelve or box that has a category label


Work surfaces and space under the tables are NOT storage areas.


Anything left on the tables, under the tables, without labels or not properly organized will be added to the outgoing pile.


Wednesday July 22nd 7pm is the deadline before we start donating to the outside from the pile.

七月22号晚上7点钟(星期三), 我们将会开始捐赠小空间里面的零件和无主人的项目。

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Hello I'm new intern William Kim!

July 16th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

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