August 24th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
March 27th, 2015 § 2 comments § permalink
Sign Up 报名参加
Time: April 18, 2pm – 4pm.
Address: 1555 Middle Huaihai Road, F3 of Shanghai Library.
Fee: 200 RMB includes hand watered hydroponic system, watering bottle/spray, nutrients。
If you know nothing about growing plants or what hydroponics is, this workshop is for you. This workshop will cover basic plant growing and hydroponic techniques that will allow you to understand and maintain one of the most basic hydroponic system types (hand watered container) with some of the lowest maintenance and resilient edible plants available.
You will also learn how to assemble a basic hand watered container hydroponic system, and how to transplant seedlings into the system. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a functioning hydroponic system with live plants and the knowledge to keep them alive. After that, all you will need for success is patience and motivation!
December 7th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Register
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Sunday, Dec. 21.
Fee: 150 RMB (for xinchejian members) and 200 RMB (non xinchejian members, including hand watered hydroponic system, watering bottle/spray, nutrients。
If you know nothing about growing plants or what hydroponics is, this workshop is for you. This workshop will cover basic plant growing and hydroponic techniques that will allow you to understand and maintain one of the most basic hydroponic system types (hand watered container) with some of the lowest maintenance and resilient edible plants available.
You will also learn how to assemble a basic hand watered container hydroponic system, and how to transplant seedlings into the system. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a functioning hydroponic system with live plants and the knowledge to keep them alive. After that, all you will need for success is patience and motivation!
October 28th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Register
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Sunday, Nov. 23rd.
Fee: 150 RMB (for xinchejian members) and 200 RMB (non xinchejian members, including hand watered hydroponic system, watering bottle/spray, nutrients。
If you know nothing about growing plants or what hydroponics is, this workshop is for you. This workshop will cover basic plant growing and hydroponic techniques that will allow you to understand and maintain one of the most basic hydroponic system types (hand watered container) with some of the lowest maintenance and resilient edible plants available.
You will also learn how to assemble a basic hand watered container hydroponic system, and how to transplant seedlings into the system. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a functioning hydroponic system with live plants and the knowledge to keep them alive. After that, all you will need for success is patience and motivation!
June 5th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
报名参加 Register
Date fixed on June 29th 2pm -4pm. 6月工作坊时间确定为6月29号星期天下午2点-4点。
(中英双语) 主题:学习种子培养、植物活体克隆和窗台水耕种植系统的建立
费用:现场付费375元/人,网上付费享300元每人的优惠价格;费用包括:种培育苗盒、窗台水培系统所需材料、水培营养液 (可持续6-8个月植物所需)。
Subject: Seed Starting, Cloning and Windowsill System Construction
Time: 14:00 ~ @ XinCheJian, 299 Tongren Road(beside the security stand by south entrance),
Fee: RMB 300 (pay online) and RMB 375 (pay at door), including: seed starting equipment, parts for windowsill system and enough nutrients to refill the system for 6-8 months.
Description: Ever wanted to know what hydroponic gardening is and how it is different from regular gardening? Ever wanted to know how to start a plant from seed? Ever wanted to build your own urban gardening system? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should sign up for the Hydroponics 101 workshop!
In this workshop you will learn the basics of hydroponics and what makes it substantially different from soil gardening. You will learn about the various hydroponic system types found in the world today and learn about how you can grow your own plants in a variety of urban environments, regardless of access to sunlight or soil. The second part of this workshop will be learning how to start plants from seeds and how to create clones of plants from existing mature plants. Finally, you will learn how to construct a basic deep water culture (DWC) system that you can place next to a windowsill to grow your own lettuce, herbs and cherry tomato plants.
At the end of this workshop, you will have both the knowledge, the equipment and the supplies to start and maintain your very own urban garden, using a system that takes up about as much space as a desktop computer case. The first 6 people that sign up will receive a bonus: live plants and seedlings to take home in your system, so that they can start growing with their system right away!]]>
November 26th, 2013 § 4 comments § permalink
This is a model Aquaponics system for home, similar to what you will create on Sunday.
The Subject : How to build a home Aquaponics system By Mr. Song and Mr. Bian
The Time:Dec 1st 1pm-3pm
The address:1035 Changle Rd, 2nd floor, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Sign up here
plastic basin
glass tank
2W aquarium pump
Goal: Everybody who attends this workshop could make a aquaponics system to take home, and learn how to do it.
February 8th, 2013 § 12 comments § permalink
Check out the link for the step by step to build aquaponic box with Ikea Samla.
January 24th, 2013 § 6 comments § permalink
Aquaponic is a recirculating integrated growing system which convert fish waste into nutrient for plants and use the biological filtering system to keep water clean for the fish.
September 23rd, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
We just tested the water and it’s perfect. 7.0 in PH, no ammonia and nitrite and full of nitrate. Looking forward to seeing these grow!
Location:Huashan Road,,China
]]>September 3rd, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink
I was referred to predator mites by a few organic farmers on weibo. They look badass! They are smaller then red spider mites but literally eat them for lunch. Each adult predator mite will eats about 200 to 400 red spider mites.