XinCheJian Roborace | 新车间机器车赛 – April 12th

April 1st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 424px-ROBORACING-500x700 Sign Up 报名参加 时间:4月12号周日, 下午2点半 – 5点. 欣赏一下新车间前几期机器人比赛的视频。是不是很火热?快快带着你的机器人来比赛吧! 🙂 活动安排: 下午2点半~3点:测试/调试/试跑 下午3点~5点:正式比赛!!! 规则: ]]>

XinCheJian T-Shirt Design Contest | 新车间T-Shirt设计大赛 – April 4th

April 1st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 TshirtContest Sign Up 报名参加 来新车间展示你的才华吧! T-Shirt设计大赛 报名,设计,成为新车间的模特 设计极客们和艺术家们的新车间T-Shirt,成为新车间社区的贡献者! 奖励 新车间一个月的会员身份,成为新车间T-Shirt的设计者,一件亲自设计的新车间T-Shirt,以及设计被大家穿上身的喜悦! 时间 2015年4月4日 请在4月4日上午9:30来新车间与大家头脑风暴! 设计截止日期 2015年4月11日 ]]>


September 3rd, 2014 § 4 comments § permalink

上海静安)上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 webwxgetmsgimg 立即报名 Register 视野决定高度。当你一直受囿于你固定的朋友圈、同事圈的时候,你是否想过你的思维可能会被慢慢局限住?四十八个小时,快速高效,紧张刺激。付出的是一个周末,收获的是不同行业、不同水平、不同背景的伙伴们的想法和经验。当然,如果你是冲着现场滴妹子们而来,那放下你的矜持,展示你的魅力,带个妹子回家也是极好的。 活动现场高强度脑力活动长时间持续,请自备大脑! 参赛说明 * 部分硬件由主办方提供,请参赛选手/团队提前一周提交所需硬件及工具列表。主办方无法提供的部分需自己准备,主办方提供一定资金支持; * 欢迎个人/团队报名参赛; * 评选是以团队为单位进行评选;团队人数最多5人; 组队流程 * 创意阐述:3分钟创意展示,最好配合PPT,(如有PPT文件,13日前提交给工作人员); 提问答疑2分钟;(项目名称,负责人,团队名称) * 现场组队:全部展示结束后,由各项目负责人负责招募其团队需要的人员,各参赛人员也去同自己喜欢的创意团队负责人进行沟通; 评选标准 * 组队指数:现场组队,搭配合理,协调一致; * 惊艳指数:产品立意独特,打破常规思维; * 完整指数:产品具有可演示性,而非一个概念模型; 日程安排 9月20日 09:30-10:00 团队签到 10:00-12:00 团队自行开发 12:00-13:30 午餐 13:30-24:00 团队自行开发 9月21日 09:00-09:30 团队签到 09:30-12:00 团队自行开发 12:00-13:30 午餐 13:30-15:00 团队自行开发 17:00-19:00 作品展示、宣讲、评比 19:30-20:30 颁奖环节 ]]>

Build your own sumo robot – April 13th (10am – 5pm)

March 19th, 2014 § 9 comments § permalink


Wednesday Meetup @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 17/07/2013

July 17th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


Robo Racing – Sunday 7th – 1pm – 3pm @ Shanghai Library 3rd floor

July 1st, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

Hack-a-weekend PM2.5

May 27th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


Group Buy – Doodle bot and competition

May 17th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink Lutz a long time member of XinCheJian has contacted them since we’re in china and negotiated a great deal if we do a group buy, our target.. at least 20 pieces and our price.. 198rmb/each if you want to get a doodle bot and not participate in the competition instead that’s fine! but if you want to get in on the competition, then it’s even more awesome! here is more information about the competition: Sign up to the XinCheJian google group (email [email protected]),  Send an email to [email protected]  titled “programming competition” with the words “i Pledge to buy X amount of Doodlebots if we succeed in our group buy” then get ready to send 198rmb to a group buy alipay account or drop into XinCheJian and hand over the cash to a staff member!  Lets put a deadline of May 22nd on this so we can hack the doodlebot sooner than later. Do not transfer or pay until Lutz gives us the word via email and verify it by checking website. Once the pledge is made, you’re on the hook for the cash!]]>

RoboRacing – Bragging rights

December 16th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

Bragging rights, well deserved, the winner of this years Autonomous racing championship is EdwardRF with his entry XHD, a 10 second car that flew around the track, sticking like glue to the ground, nimble and hightech in one.

5 competitors competed for best time in time trials on the track for 2012, but only one would win. first up on the track was “Icecream Breaker” which unfortunately didn’t make it off the starting track.


The second contestant was Charlie “wallbanger” famed for it’s uncanny desire to hit every wall in the past, for this year it had an upgrade, 2 Sharp IR range sensors a powerful microservo, a high current motor driver all on top of an arduino nano built right into the original platform, he was no longer a wallbanger but a high powered racing car which clocked in at 7seconds in testing on the same course but different surface. Charlie set the time to beat at 14.62 seconds

XHD time to roll around, with a tough 14.62 seconds to beat, it started out on the track for 1 flawless lap, unfortunately the second lap was not as great, but it did clock in at 10.25seconds. this was the highest tech vehicle to race, PID controllers, wickedly expensive racing platform, 3 Sharp IR range sensors, 1 nano, 1 703n, 1 micro servo, 1 high power motor for the quad wheel drive-shaft with differential driving allowing it to take corners like no ones business.

With a little intermission Cherokey was ready to try again, this 4 wheel drive platform from dfrobot needed a little more time to work out the bugs but it was a great start, it could turn 360° on the spot! equipped with 4 Basic IR sensors, 4 powered wheel drive shaft and a nice base, unfortunately it’s fastest time on the track was 25.02 seconds with 1 collision making it 35.02 seconds.


With man behind the wheel in the only entrant into the User controlled group Stanley clocked in with Loader Shovel with 31.96 seconds, not a good start for human controlled. anyway he won by default.

Lio finally entered in with the Lone Ranger – unfortunately time and a new platform didn’t work out for him, it was a good show of walloping wall-banging!.

in winner takes all, EdwardRF took home the prize of 500rmb 🙂 congratulations to EdwardRF, if you would like to challenge him, make sure you have a 10 second car or you’ll be paying the price of loosing to the champion.


Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 12/12/2012

December 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述 胡介鸣 – BlackBoxlab Alex Cureton-Griffiths – SpaceGAMBIT

Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍

胡 介鸣 will be presenting blackboxlab and some of their installation work done previously and how you can also get involved. Using art, electronics, design, interaction, any action! check out Alex from SpaceGAMBIT will hopefully be presenting this evening, it’s been hard to pin him down, so we just tied a rope to his rocketship! who else? *your name here* it’s also adhoc, so get ready, just keep it to 9 minutes plus Q&A afterwards]]>

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