AFRON $10 robot challenge winners announced at World Maker Faire New York 2012

September 30th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink


3D printing in time lapse

September 28th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink


Barcamp Shanghai Fall 2012

September 28th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Barcamp Shanghai Fall 2012. Barcamp is an “unconference” where people come to share ideas, usually with a focus on technology. Over 500 people came to the event, and Xinchejian had a room to ourselves. Here are some of the things we were doing: * Xinchejian had an LED badge soldering station thanks to Min Lin Hsieh * Arcade machine (Xinchejian’s unofficial day care for kids) by Lionello Lunesu * Analog Line Followers and Swarm Robots by Lutz Michaelis * Social glasses by Valentin Gauffre * Space Gambit by Alex Cureton-Griffiths * Lophilo by Ricky Ng-Adam * 3D printing by Stephany Xu * Compact micro-controller board by Sunny Jr * Translation Station by Victoria * Turning your stuff into a kit by Spencer Featherstone * Adopt-a-Kitten by Freda * Fish poo farming by David Li * Robots Wars by Rockets 夏青 Many thanks to Paul Adams who was onsite all day for his help with the schedule and setup. Read the total event recap from Techyizu ]]>

Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 26/09/2012

September 26th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink


李欧大侠终于有机会给大家介绍一下著名的计算机艺术小众文化:Demo Sene ( 他们专注于制作演示程序,一种利用实时运行的电脑程序来生成超猛的视觉声音展示,给猛程序员,猛艺术家,猛音乐人臭显摆技术的一个专业活动,尼玛,一起来整整吧。

#Aquaponic#: we have perfect water

September 23rd, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

We just tested the water and it’s perfect. 7.0 in PH, no ammonia and nitrite and full of nitrate. Looking forward to seeing these grow!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Huashan Road,,China


Swarm Robots Workshop and competition entry

September 17th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

SwarmRobot workshop 上周六,我们成功地举办了第一场群体智能机器人工坊,有10位成员参与其中:3位10岁左右的小创客,4位美女和3位帅哥。虽然过程中有些小插曲(元件替换和未收到电池),但现在电池和充电器都已经就位了。工坊成员可以在本周三晚上的开放活动,或是周四晚上的群体智能机器人小组聚会,过来领取电池和充电器,也可以发邮件到:[email protected] 另约时间。 另外,新车间的群体智能机器人也已经参与到了世界范围内的教育比赛中,详情可点击这里 SwarmRobot]]>

Weekly Update 5 september 2012

September 5th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink


Cara Silver 和 Ihan Cheng 之前因工作转战卢旺达。借此机会介绍在非洲做的项目,会有好多好多照片分享哦。
Wang YongTing 博士宣布成立新车间生化创客小组;当晚将介绍如何复制水母的荧光基因,并植入大肠菌内。听起来是不是很搞怪? 有兴趣的一起来动手玩基因吧。
有创业计划的创客们请注意了:上海追梦网 ( 的创始人会畅谈如何发起项目,筹集资金;可别错过了。
Yeelink 来自青岛的一个开放的公共物联网接入平台,给大家介绍如何用Arduino连接传感器云服务,一个位于中国的服务器。

It's a Bugs Eats Bugs World

September 3rd, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

I was referred to predator mites by a few organic farmers on weibo. They look badass! They are smaller then red spider mites but literally eat them for lunch. Each adult predator mite will eats about 200 to 400 red spider mites.

I ordered a few bags of them and just finishing deploying them in the garden. There are both adults and eggs in the bag. Place the opening close to stem of infested plants and the predator mites will climb out of the bags to track down the spider mites. It’s a long night waiting but I can’t wait to see if any of them come to action by the morning.

Go Killer Bugs!!! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

沪JS 2012, International JavaScript event in Shanghai from September 14th to 16th.

September 2nd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

On September 14 to 16th JavaScript developers are converging in Shanghai for a new JavaScript event, HuJS ( The event will feature two solid days of international and local speakers giving hardcore sessions on both client and server JavaScript development. The event will feature a mix notable international and local JavaScript experts. The hope is the event will help build bridges between the international and local community and will help further establish JavaScript development in China.

The main event will be held at the Knowledge and Innovation center in the YangPu district with a Hackathon in 2 locations including KIC and People Squared Yanping Attic in Jing’an.

HuJS is a grass roots effort organized by folks from Microsoft, AppFog, TaoBao and the CNode community. It is has a list of sponsors both in China and abroad.

If you are interested in sponsoring HuJS please contact me at [email protected].


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