报名参加 Sign Up 时间:4月3日,17:00 -18:00 见过用电子制作的毽子吗? 每当踢一下则会发光,在傍晚和夜间玩将成为一道亮丽的风景。本次工作坊将使参加者体会电子焊接、制作、运动和合作的快乐,接触一些电子、力学的知识。 你会在工作坊中学习: – 电子焊接 – 电路原理 – 毽子构成 – 毽子的运动 *** 警示:焊接操作有一定风险,请注意安全。未成年人请家长陪同(陪同家长不另外收费)。*** Time: April 3rd, 17:00 – 18:00 Shuttlecock is a traditional Asian game in which players aim to keep a heavily weighted shuttlecock in the air by using their bodies, apart from the hands. To attract kids’s interest on electronics, we embed LEDs inside shuttlecock to make it blink when people kick it. It will create a much more fun and appealing experience for sports in the evening. Play it at night for even more fun! In this workshop, participants will learn – How to solder and – Build a basic circuit – Structure and mechanics of shuttlecock ***Caution: There are maybe some risks in Soldering, Parents please take care during this step.***]]>
[ Parent-Child ] Flashing Shuttlecock Workshop April 3rd
March 30th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink
Python零基础入门 3月27日|Python Beginners Workshop Mar.27th
March 22nd, 2016 § 3 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
3月27日,周日,14:00 – 17:00
[时间调整]四旋翼飞行器工作坊 4月8日|Racing Drone Workshop April 8th
March 21st, 2016 § 4 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
Notice: Due to not enough sign-ups, the drone workshop puts off to April 8th – April 9th. Because the instructor needs to buy material in advance, so please sign up before April 2nd.
Workshop descrition:
Build your own high speed drone! Kit consists of everything you need to get into the drone hobby ( including remote control). Capable of flying Kilometers away and can climb hundreds of meters into the sky. You may also install modules such as camera, sonar, Gps, great platform for your future projects. The drone is entirely made of extremely strong and light carbon fiber, it is almost impossible to break. Note: This is NOT a toy
Kit Fee:
Option 1: filght control system uses APM
XinCheJian Member: 3200
XinCheJian non-member: 3400
Option 2: filght control system uses PIXHAWK. This option also includes how to use cellphone plan the drone’s flight route.
XinCheJian Member: 3700
XinCheJian non-member: 3900]]>
Kossel Mini 3D打印机DIY制作坊 3月19日|DIY Kossel Mini 3D Printer Mar.19th
March 14th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
时间:3月19~20日,周六日,9:00 – 17:30(酌情延长)
kossel 3d 打印机 具有优点:
2.运行平滑,水平急转的惯性小 框架稳定
邮箱:[email protected]
游戏设计原理 3月13日|Fundamentals of Successful Game Design Mar 13th
March 8th, 2016 § 3 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
13:00 – 17:00, Sunday, Mar.13th
Personal biography:
Inspired by Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Alec Walker has been inventing games ever since he was four. His passion for game design led him to create an early mod and editor interface for Westwood Studios’ Command and Conquer games, and he went on to invented several sports in college and board games in graduate school. Alec studied game design in Stanford’s d.school, and ever since he has been bringing game design methods to creative fun lovers around the world.
Workshop description:
This workshop will focus on empowering game lovers with a general process useful in creating their own games. The workshop is low-tech, hands-on, and interactive, and it will feature theories and strategies from game making gurus from the Silicon Valley, including Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn (who is a hobbyist game designer!); Mark Pincus, the founder and CEO of Zynga; and Stanford game design theory collaborators Mathias Crawford and Michael St. Clair. We’ll be covering game design at a higher level, exploring the context and methodologies useful to game designers in many contexts: sports, board games, video games, and experience design. We’ll deep dive into analysis of popular game design tactics and explore a few short case studies together. Then we’ll open the workshop for participants to put the material to use directly and design a game right there in XinCheJian!
Workshop structure:
1. Ice-breaker and priming exercise.
2. Short, interactive history of games.
3. Categories of games and their key elements.
4. Conceptual overview of major reward types.
5. Concepts of Core Loop and Discreet Game Mechanic.
6. Best practices in storyboarding and prototyping.
7. Open game design.
8. Game demos from workshop participants.
This workshop can help you:
Have a process to go through whenever you want to invent a new game.
Learn specific tactics and general best practices for design of successful games.
Meet fellow game design enthusiasts and collaborators.
Develop creative confidence.
Bring home a game that you made and that you can play with your friends.
What to expect:
The workshop will be highly interactive. Expect to share ideas in front of others, to move around the room, to try crazy new ideas that might fail, and to laugh and play together. Note that when we say the workshop is low-tech, we mean that it is not a coding workshop. We will cover a few points about successful architecture and game mechanics very relevant for video game designers, but our goals for this workshop are to inspire participants to interact creatively in the context of game design and to come away with strong understanding of powerful methods as well as some working prototypes of self-made games.
Who should enroll:
This workshop is geared towards game design enthusiasts of all ages, although we recommend that participants younger than 12 years stick with a parent during the workshop. Some of the conceptual theories are slightly advanced, and the workshop will be taught in English, but we will have translators on-hand to assist, and the most valuable learnings will be from the exercises, for which English language is not required.
What to bring:
A pen and some paper.
An open mind.
Plenty of energy.
If you have any questions, you can contact the workshop organizer. WeChat: alec_walker
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian members.
Please sign up in advance to reserve a spot. Attendees who show up without sign up or informing the host will need to pay double price! Space is limited, so we will be accepting sign ups on a first-come, first-served basis. Thanks for understanding.