Make+ Art & Technology program, after three months of hard work, will finally show the world what’s it got. Go check out our very first exhibition at the swissnex China booth, Shanghai exhibition center from August 28 – September 2. It will display three of the Make+ projects. Free admission by ordering from
Make+ 1st stop@2013 Shanghai International Science and Art Exhibition
swissnex China booth
Shanghai Exhibition Center (1000 Yan An Zhong Road)
August 28, 2013 (9:30-16:30)
August 29, 2013 – September 1 (9:00 – 16:30)
September 2, 2013 (9:00 – 15:00)
Also, we are celebrating the 2013 Make+ program on August 28 (Wednesday) @7pm with a summer party+presentation. All friends welcomed! More info will be posted later this week.
Make+ program is initiated by Sophia Lin, with a partnership between XinCheJian and V Art Center, and is supported by DFRobot and swissnex China. For more information, please check out our [email protected] or our sina weibo@Makeplus-sh
August 20th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
Busy week for Helper and Assistive device group
August 13th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
Helper Sessions and Assistive Devices group is growing, another new member joined last week and is learning Arduino – from blinking LED to accelerometer! A big feature was added to the air-mouse – a virtual mouse button. The virtual button (gesture) is controlled by horizontal shaking as seen in the video. You can also see the mouse control needs a little fine tuning. Code is is on github. The Helper sessions are about sharing and learning anything. The Assistive devices are used as one focus for learning. If you would like to join in and just explore a big range of hardware including the new Xadow, a wearable Arduino, that has eight add on modules and a wearable frame to mount the modules inside, all just shipped directly from the SeeedStudio research lab – hence at least one minor issue to fix. There are also bluetooth devices, 3D printing, eyetracking and heaps of code to write, so come and join in Thursday night from 7:30, no experience required, just Xinchejian membership. Group members also arrange to meet at other times, so make contact directly or via the mailing list to arrange! Several wiki updates including this new page for heaps more good stuff to work on! More information is here and here.]]>