Portraits of Makers: Paul
March 29th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
Who are you? I’m not a superhero or that guy from the big bang theory, I am however closer to a human than those would think, I am Paul Adams. What do you do? Some say I run the United states of America, but I don’t believe that, by education I’m a Graphic Designer by industry I’m a one man web development company. What inspires you? The learning process is inspirational but doing anything with stuff is just the greatest! What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? I like the makers, and I like making stuff, the crazy projects with the “don’t talk about it, go do it“ mentality is awesome. Plus if you’ve been around long enough you’ll start to learn things you never thought possible. An example is my first few visits to XinCheJian, I was hacking my first robot – a Hovercraft. I had no idea where to begin or what I was doing, it was He Qichen who took 10 minutes to give me the brief introduction to using a multimeter and I was setup and burning stuff quicker than you could scream ‘FIRE!” XinCheJian is a new experience, the fact you have the opportunity to do anything is mind blowing, the chance to share the chance to learn whilst being around like-minded people is phenomenal. I love the fact that the entire hackerspace community is not pretentious; true, honest people doing real things, you need to get your hands dirty, you need to build stuff. “Talkers walk but makers provoke!” (yes I should work on that one) What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience? I want to do something, accomplish many tasks, and learn as much as I can, share everything and experience both the good and bad, i have a thirst for experiencing new things, I also love the idea of being a pioneer. If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be? It would have to be how much I don’t know, especially some of those technical conversations that happen, I just nod my head in agreement and every now and then say “interesting, tell me more!” Tell us a secret.. One you haven’t told anyone else? This last year has been fulfilling, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, loved the bad and enjoyed the good, I wouldn’t change it. Who’s your idol? Lady Ada (Limor) is my idol. Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) I would rate myself at 42 on the geeky slider out of 63, 2/3rd geek.]]>wednesday meeting
March 29th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Portraits of Makers: Edward Jiang
March 27th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
- Who are you?姜昊, a fat guy.
- What do you do?Full time web developer, part time hacker.
- What inspires you?People who do more stuff than what they say.
- What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space?People who makes things, and things gets done. People help each other and exchange ideas.
- What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience?Make ideas into real physical thing. Knowing the path is totally different from walking the path.
- If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be?Food?
- Tell us a secret.. one you haven’t told anyone else?I am fatter than i look.
- Who’s your idol?André Tanguy
- Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way)6?
Portraits of Makers: Mika Lin | 林信義
March 27th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink
- Who are you?
I’m Mika Lin | 林信義,call me mika please:) - What do you do?
I’m a Interaction designer at ETU in Shanghai. - What inspires you?
Life and nature. And I like the way of communication between people and objects. - What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space?
i can get many instruments,knowledges,skills here.and make the imagination comes true. - What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience?
Combine human body and real object,present the data of body in a new way,make the original thing more interesting,more funny. - If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be?
No more excuses No more think. Just Make the thing in your mind expressing your imagination in your mind with real object. - Tell us a secret.. one you haven’t told anyone else?
Actually the white hair you see on my head. i just insert it into my head…(coool ?…….hahaha) - Who’s your idol?
Nature | Albert Einstein | Louis Isadore Kahn | James Francis Cameron, all of them enlighten me on study,observation and combination. - Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way)
Between 0 and 10,i choose 6,it is a place appropriate and still rest many spaces developed and obsorb many new things.
Happy birthday Xinchejian
March 26th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

cake is here
stop ! David Ricky and Min Lin what do you do to the cake!
Infy now fighting?
no no no, Lio don’t do that!!!
March 25, 2012, in thexinchejian,friends come together to celebrate the first anniversary of xinchejian, we share a sweet cake, we spent a pleasant evening.
The special correspondent of the xinchejian @rockets at the scene reported.]]>
Portraits of Makers: Lio
March 24th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
- Who are you? Lionello Lunesu, but please call me Lio.
- What do you do? I’m a Tech Lead at Microsoft China.
- What inspires you? People making stuff.
- What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? Everything you could possibly need to realize your idea is there, no more excuses.
- What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience? Being a programmer I’m making stuff all day, but nothing beats working with real materials.
- If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be? I’d like everyone to know that finishing a project, no matter how insignificant it seems, results in a high, and it will make you go back for more.
- Tell us a secret.. one you haven’t told anyone else? Uh, see the answer to the next question:
- Who’s your idol? I’m going to sound like a nerd, but Bill Gates inspires me. He’s a geek with business skills and his heart is in the right place.
- Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) From 0 (Queen Elizabeth) to 10 (übergeek), I’m probably around an 8: pretty geeky yet not unsociable (.. I hope!)
Portraits of Makers: Infy Zhang
March 23rd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
- Who are you? Infy Zhang
- What do you do? Tenant and Buyer Representation for MNC TOP500.
- What inspires you? Where you could do amazing things as you wish.
- What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? Use my own idea do wonderful things and could cooperate with friends and bring dreams come true.
- What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience? I want to do a image analysis of micro-expression by web camera .
- If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be? Time, to do a lot of things as wish.
- Tell us a secret.. one you haven’t told anyone else? I never fall in love with any one.
- Who’s your idol? If there must be one,absolutely myself.
- Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) I am a devil.17 of 10 if it must be rated.
Portraits of Makers: Stephany Xu
March 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Stephany Xu
- Who are you? Stephany Xu
- What do you do? I do Retail Design and Development.
- What inspires you? Individuals pursuing their passions inspires me. Efficient and elegant designs/systems.
- What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space? You feel at ease in Xinchejian, everyone is genuinely passionate and always up for doing something fun and helping each other.
- What do you want to do/accomplish/learn/share/experience? I want to create/build something that can be shared. I also want to build a giant robotic mimosa plant.
- If there is only one thing you could share with people, what would it be? Hm..I would share my experience of how I discovered my passion and the personal growth and rewards that come from it.
- Tell us a secret.. one you haven’t told anyone else? Awesomely rendered parametric designs have brought tears to my eyes.
- Who’s your idol? I don’t really have a particular idol, but i idolize people who are passionate about something and have a genuine drive that is unyielding to any kind of social or practical convention. They do what they love and it shows.
- Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way) I am medium geek/nerd..I would say I’m a 5 out of 10 at best. There is way more things for me to learn before I can put myself in the ranks of the greats. I’m just a girl with a hobby/interest.
Portraits of Makers
March 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Working with Shanghai Strobist, we have produced portraits of makers in XinCheJian. We will introduce each of the makers in the following posts. Here are preview of the portraits.
]]>record of wednesday
March 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
Mind Coder” a graph program.
Rockets show the light sensor piano with DFRobot model and promgram in ardublock which the piano.abp is share from the Heqichen.