上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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Session 1
1. Introduce AutoCAD for Mac
2. Designing a closet with AutoCAD for Mac
Having Mac computer, or interested to learn designing with Mac.
Session 2
1. Applications of AutoCAD
2. 2D drawings and modification
3. Layout/design
4. 3D modeling
AutoCAD基础工作坊 | AutoCAD Beginners Workshop – July 04/July 11
June 24th, 2015 § 2 comments § permalink
Do you want to make things?
June 17th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
XinCheJian members get free access to a large range of electronic and workshop tools and also cheap access to parts and through a co-operation with XinFab you can also pay for access to CNC, Laser cutter and a whole lot more.
Workshops are run on a wide range of topics and when there are enough requests, this also includes an introduction the to Machine Room and also how to use the CNC and laser cutter.
To help members begin to learn how to CNC, a draft guide has been started here. You can practice at home!
This guide also gives good skills for learning how to laser cut and some for 3D printing.
Members are also encouraged to help add more guides and improve the existing ones.]]>
Gizwit IoT workshop 机智云IoT公开课 – June 12th
June 8th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
Sign Up 报名参加
本次workshop将通过主题演讲、演示和动手实验相结合的方式为开发者和创客们带来物联网领域的全新体验。以植物宝为例,演示如何使用GoKit 控制外设及完成对植物生长环境的监控,并实现对相关监控数据到云端的上传、存储及分析。
公开课 活动流程安排
时间 流程安排
14:00–14:30 签到进场
14:30—15:00 新车间分享
15:00—15:30 “机智云”IOT分享
15:30—15:45 茶歇
15:45—18:00 动手实验
参加者请自备笔记本电脑及智能手机,活动现场将提供实验所用 IOT 开发硬件,活动免费,名额有限,赶快来报名吧!]]>
XinCheJian Insectbot Workshop 新车间虫虫机器人工作坊-June 14th
June 8th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
Sign Up 报名参加
XinCheJian Insectbot Workshop
Time: Sunday 2015 June 14th, 3pm – 6pm
Price: 300rmb (including materials)
Come build your world-destroying INSECTBOT.
Audience: any person aged from 5 ~ 99 interested in robotics
Bring your own notebook
The Insectbot kit includes the following:
• 1x Beetle (Arduino compatible)
• 1x Beetle Shield
• 2x 9g Micro Servo
• 1x Sharp IR Sensor
• 1x LiPo Battery 3.7V/ 180mAh + Charger
• 2x Steel Wire 200mm x 1 mm
• 1x ABS Sheet (50x50mm)
• 1x Double Sided Foam Tape(L/W/H:40x30x3mm)
• 5x Cable Tie 1.8x100mm
• 1x Cable Tie 4x200mm