Make+ First Meetup
April 19th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Meet Your Makers: Rockets
April 18th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

Battle of 3D Printers
Both Lucio and Rockets are working on 3D Printers.
Meet Your Makers: Lucio
April 18th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Brazilian, Lawyer, MBA, and ex-executive, turned his life on its head, sold his house and bought a sailboat, crossed the Atlantic twice and lived for a year with his wife, three kids and dog at sea, sailing along the coast of Brazil and through the Caribbean Islands. Loves sailing, cycling, movies, practicing Kung Fu and cooking.
Now living in Shanghai, joined the Shanghai Hackspace (XinCheJian) and built the space’s first working DIY 3Dprinter from scratch.
Photography by Lumi and Postprocessed by David
]]>Meet Your Makers: Chromaphase
April 11th, 2013 § 4 comments § permalink

Matthieu Tondeur aka Chromaphase
Live visual artist / 3D mapping
Actually working on the Daedalus city project. Its a gigantic city robot that carry swarm robot and received real time synchronization 3D mapping with advanced content. Robots inside robots.
Why XCJ ?
As an artist that is passionated in science and electronic i found my place in Xinchejian. here I can cooperate with people that are from different cultures and expertises. Making stuff that link art and technology is my aim. Also its a good working atmosphere when doing some projects. Always a member is around for help or advise, help you to “make stuff”
Weekly Creative Programming Meeting @ XinCheJian – 8pm – 08/04/2013
April 8th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Time: Mondays at 8PM
Wednesday Meetup – Free as in beer – or 5rmb – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 03/04/2013
April 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
4月3日周三开放日 Holiday folks! it’s time to hack stuff! Thursday -> Saturday, Check the website often over this holiday time, we’re going to be doing all sorts of magic.
Announcements this week:
- Valentin from Social glasses is back in town, catch him around the space!
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. last week
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season – we’re waiting on a special location announcement for this race, i think you dont want to miss it, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- May is dedicated to the month of Cinematography – keep an eye out for events revolving around cinematography
- June is dedicated to “intro” for everything, from introduction to arduino, machine room, 3d printing, 3d modeling, electronics, this is the ultimate makers month!
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- Tom Igoe – one night only! see him in XinCheJian – Internet of Things Expert: Author, Arduino Team Member and Teacher