上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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13:00 – 17:00, Sunday, December 6th
Personal Biography:
Zoe, Masters degree in fashion technology, expert in clothing recycling, provides environment regeneration solutions for fashion brands around the world.
Workshop Description:
Every cloth is a memory. We will upcycle your cloths into mini backpacks and bring you a brand new story during our workshop.
Workshop structure:
1,Sewing Pattern Cutting
2,Cloth Cutting
3,Hand Stitching / Machine Stitching
Workshop material:
1,Self-prepared Material (You can buy materials with 30 RMB at the workshop if you don’t have any.)
1)Old clothes facing fabric (Any old cloth. Can be T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, jeans, suits, or shoes.)
2)Old clothes lining fabric (Soft old fabric. Can be T-shirt or Shirts)
2,Accessories (Included workshop) Plastic zips, Nylon straps, shockproof lining, Piping tape / thread
3,Tools (Please bring if you have them) Fabric scissors, paper scissors, needles, thread, chock pen
This workshop can help you:
● Strengthen your creativity and handcraft skill
●Get knowledge about the bag making process
●Develop the sense of discovering new beauty from old things.
●Enhance environmental awareness and encourage you to understand the concept of upcycling.
What to expect:
This workshop will be creative and encouraging. All kinds of old cloths are possible to remake into new pieces. You can bring leather bags, shoes, or any unconditional materials. Makers finish project first can help others which can help you to review the work and improve leadership ability.
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members.
If interested, please sign up on www.huodongxing.com/event/3310978306800 in advance, so we can calculate attendees to prepare materials! Or send Email to [email protected] ]]>
Sewing Workshop: Clothing Upcycling – Mini Backpack Dec. 6th| 缝纫工作坊:旧衣升级改造 - 迷你双肩包 12月6日
November 30th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink
CNC数控铣床加工零基础课程|CNC Machining Course 11/28 – 12/19
November 24th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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Nov 28th , Dec 5th , Dec 12th , Dec 19th, Sat,14:00 – 16:30
Instructor Intro:
Kin is an enthusiastic maker who has encountered many difficulties on the way prototyping his creative ideas. One day he determined to take control of his process of making mechanical components by building his own CNC milling machine. By using high precision components and extra strong structure, his CNC machine is able to produce complex components. He has decided to allow Xinchejian members to share this machine as long as certain skills are equipped.
Workshop Intro:
This workshop will take place 4 times in a roll. From basic operation to CNC toolpath generation, Kin will walk you all the way toward to excellent CNC components making. After this 4 workshop, you will be able to
Run the machine with basic manual operation, write basic G-code Tooth path, perform surface milling
Use Master cam to generate G-code, perform contour milling, tool tip alignment, center setting
Use Master cam for advanced operation, perform pocket milling, rough cut & finish cut.
Use Master cam for nurbs surface, perform complex toolpath generation and optimization.
Workshop structure:
CNC Knowledge sharing
Team work for challenge
Solution generation
field practice
This workshop can help you to:
●make high precision prototypes
●make complex components
●improve design for production
One class: Non-member: RMB 200; XinCheJian member: RMB 150
Four classes: Non-member: RMB 750; XinCheJian member: RMB: 550
Material fee is RMB 50 / class, will need to give to the instructor each class.
To improve the quality of the class, we only accept 12 people in this workshop. Please sign up in advance. Participants who shows up at the workshop without signing up or informing the host will need to pay double fee for the workshop. Please understand!
Instructor Contact info:
Email:[email protected]
If you have other questions, please contact: [email protected]
近景魔术工作坊 | 哇哦魔术x新车间=?
November 24th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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Beer Making Crash Course with Mike Sherretz Nov 16th| 和Mike Sherretz 学习啤酒制作 11月16日
November 13th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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17:30 21:00, Monday, November 16th
Personal Biography:
A chemical engineer from the USA, Mike Sherretz worked in the oil and gas industry for 10 years. His chemical engineering background and ability to relate to others has allowed him to work in many places around the world. Mike is a consultant with TRI Corporation, is cofounder of Leaderstyles International Co., LTD, and more relevant here is the founder of My Homebrew Store right here in Shanghai. He made his first batch of beer in 1990, and now he’s a several time bechampion! He’s considered the godfather of beer in China, and XinCheJian is very lucky to have him stopping by. Mike says, “Everybody told me I couldn’t do it. They said that they had heard stories about people making ‘brew’, and it made people sick. So I told people, let me try it and you can say if it’s the same. I’ve been giving away wine and beer ever since with no complaints. Everybody keeps coming back asking for more.” He’s excited to teach others how to make good beer! Come join and learn how you can do it, too!
Workshop Description:
We’ll start with some discussion and learning, but we’ll quickly transition to go through the process ourselves, actually making a batch of beer together right here at XinCheJian. In addition, Mike will bring along some samples of his best beers for us to try at no added cost! How generous. After the workshop, the beer we’ve made will go through its fermentation stage for the next month, and then we’ll host a follow up workshop during which you are invited to come back and help bottle the very first batch of XinCheJian beer that you helped make, and we’ll give it away for your to keep!
Workshop structure:
1. Mike will do a quick introduction of himself, the chemistry of the process, and an overview of the equipment needed;
2. After a brief Q&A about the steps and materials involved, we’ll jump right into actually implementing the process, ourselves. The first step is steeping the grains in a large pot. Kind of like making tea, you have to soak the grains in hot water to begin with;
3. The next step is adding the grain extract. This stuff is thick, syrupy, and heavy, and it must be stirred well to ensure that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot.
4. The next step is adding the hops and turning up the temperature! Hops are those little green buds that look like tiny broccoli. They’re responsible for adding flavor, and they’re famous for giving beer that satisfying bitterness.
5. Finally, we’ll cool down the brew and prepare it for the fermentation stage. The beer needs a month or so of time for the yeast to break down the sugars and release the ethanol that makes our beer alcoholic and to release the carbon dioxide that makes the bubbles in our beer.
6. We’ll be enjoying free beer throughout the process!
This workshop can help you:
● Understand the essential steps to making your own beer safely in the comfort of your own home
● Get familiar with the different types of equipment needed to make various types of beer
● Learn the chemistry of beer and what makes it so delicious
● Gain an understanding of the various categories of beer and how their flavor and alcohol content varies
● Meet other beer enthusiasts and partners for home brew collaboration
What to expect:
Part of the workshop will take place inside XinCheJian, and part will take place directly outside the building in the parking lot. Make sure to bring warm clothes, and bring along a flashlight, too, if you want to be able to see inside the boiling brew and notice the cool way the grains churn. The process of making beer is very safe, especially with Mike Sherretz leading the workshop, so please do not worry about any danger. People will be consuming beer at the event, and it will be a social event, but it will not become a wild party. The purpose of the event is to learn about beer.
Who should enroll:
Mike says, “The Craft beer market is still new (in China). Probably the first ones were the Paulaner Restaurants. However, they sold their beers only in their restaurants and things progressed slowly from there. Since there is not much variety in the commercial beers available here, it was only natural that passionate guys would try to fill that gap. So, now there is a fast growing trend of microbreweries springing up in China. This is really helping the public to be better educated about good beer and is increasing the interest in both the expat communities and the upward mobile locals.” Mike is a firm believer that anyone with passion and discipline can make good
beer, and he’s eager to teach all willing students and inspire us bring more interesting brews into the world.
What to bring:
· Warm clothing to wear as we spend some of the time out front of XinCheJian
· An appetite for beer tasting you’ll be trying various types and learning the differences
· A flashlight (optional), to help you see the process clearly
· A paper notebook to write down notes about the process (we advise not bringing your
laptop for this workshop)
· A curious attitude please ask Mike lots of questions and stay closely involved in the steps of the process
If you have any questions, you can contact the workshop leader.
WeChat: alec_walker
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members.
Due to limited space, please sign up in advance to reserve seat. Attendees who show up without sign up or inform host will need to pay double price.]]>
学习设计Arduino兼容板 11月14号| Learn how to design Arduino compatible board Nov 14th
November 11th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
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Class Introduction:
This class serial is for people who want to learn how to design AVR8. The PCB design software going to use is eagle. Classes will start with design Arduino Uno, then students will design a simple Micro controller by themsleves. After that, they are also going to learn how to make a bootloader.
The classes serial will take 3 Saturday afternoons, each time will be 3 hours around.
Please prepare:
laptop with eagle(http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download-eagle/freeware/)and Arduino IDE1.6.5(https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software)installed.
Class language: Chinese
Workshop Structure:
Nov 7th: 13:00 – 16:00
Hardware Design-1
Introduce Eagle -1
How to use Datasheet
Learn Arduino UNO schematic diagram
Nov 14th: 13:00 – 16:00
Hardware Design-2
Introduce Eagle -2
Design a low-power MCU board-uHex(atmega328)
How to output gerber file
Nov 21st: 13:00 – 16:00
Bootloader Design
Learn boot loader of Arduino UNO
Design boot loader for uHex
Add a new board ‘uHex’ to Arduino IDE]]>
入门谷歌工具 11月22日| Intro to Google Developer Tools Nov 22nd
November 11th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间
报名参加 Sign Up
13:00 – 16:00, Sunday, November 22nd
Personal Biography:
Before arriving at Stanford to pursue his MBA, Alec Kennedy Walker had never done any real software development, but after some basic exposure to Google Drive and the suite of free tools it offers, he realized he could use Google Script to tie together various products and make powerful web apps with very little coding. After applying some design thinking, he was able to create a professional and successful web app officially adopted into Stanford’s system that is still completely hosted frontend to backend on Gmail, Google Sheets, and Google Forms, and it only took one night! Come join the workshop to learn how you can make easy web apps, too.
Workshop Description:
These are the tools that developers at Google actually use themselves, and they’re available for free for the world to use! First, make sure you have a working VPN on your laptop, or else you won’t be able to participate actively in the workshop (more info on that below). In the workshop, we’ll start with a quick introduction of the suite of Google tools, and you’ll be able to play around with them right away to get used to their features and benefits. Next, we’ll take a look at some basic Google Script and see how it can help us tie together the different tools so that we can make our own web apps. Finally, we’ll work to build a real web app right there in XinCheJian together. Participants will leave with the source code and the ability to elaborate on it for their own purposes, and they’ll be able to continue working together to improve their software development skills using Google Script.
Workshop structure:
1. We’ll learn how to access Google Drive and get familiar with cloud storage and sharing
2. We’ll explore the kinds of files we can create on Google Drive
a. Docs, similar to Microsoft Word
b. Sheets, similar to Microsoft Excel
c. Forms, which is a very handy survey tool
d. Slides, similar to Microsoft Powerpoint
e. Drawings, similar to Microsoft Paint
3. We’ll set up Google Script and use some templates and builtin functions to explore how these tools can interact with one another
4. We’ll make a useful app together combining at least three of the tools
5. We’ll use a Wechat group and shared Google Drive folder to continue learning and collaborating after the conclusion of the workshop!
This workshop can help you:
● Collaborate with colleagues on shared documents and worksheets so you don’t have to email each other drafts back and forth
● Keep your files and information safe and easily accessible across devices with free cloud storage
● Learn the basics of software development: front end and back end
● Get some experience coding and debugging your code
● Create valuable tools to solve problems and save yourself time and energy
● Meet awesome people to collaborate with remotely on fun and useful app development
What to expect:
The main goal of this workshop is to get you excited about doing basic coding to achieve advanced results. You’ll be following along from instructions, but there will also be some puzzles and challenges to help solidify your learning. You’ll be able to work together in groups, and although the finished app you’ll walk away with won’t be one of your own choosing, you’ll be empowered to edit it or to create your own to accomplish your individual goal. The workshop will not make you into an expert programmer, but it will help you understand that achieving powerful results has never been so easy and will motivate your continued learning.
Who should enroll:
The workshop will not teach software engineering in rigorous detail, but beginner programmers are encouraged to attend. The workshop will also be useful to those with some experience in software development but who have no exposure to Google Script or to Google’s suite of tools. The workshop will be collaborative, not competitive, so it’s a great place to apply skills you already have to helping others, but it’s not a good place to show off.
What to bring:
Make sure you bring a laptop that has a working VPN and a Gmail account. If you join the workshop with friends or family, you can share a laptop. The Chinese government blocks access to all Google tools and services, so you’ll need the VPN to regain the normal access that the rest of the world enjoys. We won’t have time in the workshop to set up VPNs or to create new Gmail accounts together.
If you have any questions, you can contact the workshop leader.
WeChat: alec_walker
Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members. To reserve a seat for you, please sign up in advance.]]>
Meet Your Makers: Spring
November 6th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
1.Who are you?
Spring Wang, Guangdong China.
2.What’s your job?
Unemployment. I used to be ERP, enterprise resource planning – . Net is the tool I use to work.
3.Do you like your job? Why?
I liked it in the beginning. Because I could solve other people’s problem. But now, I want to do job that is opener to the public.
4.How did you start your job?
It was the first job I got after graduated from university (Nanjing), six years ago. I chose it because it needed me.
5.Your story.
I majored in ecology and computer science (minor major). When the company hired me I was doing production managment. But one year later, they transferred me to IT department. When I was at high school, I learnt little bit computer. Because I was interested in computer science, I chose it as my minor major at university.
6.How did you start to learn programming?
Minor major at university.
7.What project have you done?
I did ERP for my computer on my own. It was a producing management software, helps company to management production better. I wish I could make it generalize. But it only suits to that industry.
8.What attracts you to the space/what do you like about the space?
Two years ago, I was attracted by cars and saw XinCheJian was doing similar projects. Later on I found out that XinCheJian also hosts various workshops. I attended from time to time, because I lived little bit far. Now I’m an intern at XinCheJian because I just quitted my job and have more time. I like the open and free environment.
9.What do you want to learn at the space?
I want to know what others are doing and how they are doing their projects. I want to do some contribution to XinCheJian, so I come here and hopefully will simplify some process.
10.Where would you rate yourself on a geeky slider? (or nerdy if you are that way)
Five. I’m not that geeky compared to most of geekies here, but I’m geekier than normal people, so I’m at 5.
11.How do you want the space to support you?
It’s good enough now. I like events and workshops here, I hope it can keep doing it and maybe have more events. I’d like to promote more software here.
12.Do you have suggestions for people who wants to build their own projects?
About programming, work on projects and looking at how others solve the problem.