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Time: July 5th,10am – 1:30pm
Workshop fee: rmb250 pay onsite (rmb200 pay online)
Age: 10+ years who is interested in robots
Robot material fee:
Option A – borrow for free, but need to return it at the end of workshop
选项A – 免费借用老师材料
Option B – 500RMB pack, and take home your own robot
选项B – 购买500元的套件,工作坊后可带回家自己制作的机器人
***Materials to bring: windows os pc
Workshop Content:
theory about robots
free assembly workshop
robot testing with remote control
programming robots workshop
testing and robot interactions
机器人工作坊 MultiploRobot Workshop – July 5th
June 24th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
3D Printing Workshop by Lucio 3D打印工作坊 – June 28th
June 22nd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Learn How to 3D Print and see a real live 3D Scanning by Lucio (weibo: @Lucio鲁修)!
学习如何应用3d打印技术并观看实时三维扫描 (微博:@Lucio鲁修)
Fee: 230rmb/person (200rmb/person for online payment)
Date: June 28th 2:30pm – 5:30pm
日期:6月28号下午2:30 – 5:30.
Preparations: 请携带:
Bring your own laptop and pre-installsoftwares (Cura, Repetier and Sketchup)
笔记本电脑并预先安装三款软件:cura,repetier,google SketchUp
What you will Learn: 您将可以了解如下内容:
A brief story about 3DPrinters;
Setup a3DPrinter;
Use the internet to Download 3D models;
Export a model using Google Sketchup
使用 google SketchUp 中导出你的模型
How to 3DPrint with Cura and Repetier Software
学习怎样使用cura 和 repetier 软件进行3D打印
Print by yourself a quick 3D model
What you will experience: 您将体验到如下内容:
One person will be chosen to get 3D scanned
3D printers in action
a 3d Scanner in action
A quick view to 3Dmodeling softwares;
Optional: 可选的附加项目:
If you want to have your own face scanned and later printed for an additional 350 RMB you will receive a 3DPrinted bust ofyourself by mail.
If you have, bring your 3D printer if youdon’t have there will be printers at the workshop.
3D扫描与打印 3D Scan and Print – June 22nd
June 16th, 2014 § 3 comments § permalink
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Learn How to 3D Print and see a real live 3D Scanning!
Fee: 230rmb/person (200rmb/person for online payment)
Date: June 22nd 3:00pm – 6:00pm
日期:6月22号下午3:00 – 6:00.
What you will Learn: 您将可以了解如下内容:
A brief story about 3DPrinters;
Setup a3DPrinter;
Use the internet to Download 3D models;
Export a model using Google Sketchup
使用 google SketchUp 中导出你的模型
How to 3DPrint with Cura and Repetier Software
学习怎样使用cura 和 repetier 软件进行3D打印
Print by yourself a quick 3D model
What you will experience: 您将体验到如下内容:
One person will be chosen to get 3D scanned
3D printers in action
a 3d Scanner in action
A quick view to 3Dmodeling softwares;
Optional: 可选的附加项目:
If you want to have your own face scanned and later printed for an additional 350 RMB you will receive a 3DPrinted bust ofyourself by mail.
Preparations: 您需要做的准备有:
Bring your own laptop and pre-installsoftwares (Cura, Repetier and Sketchup)
自备笔记本电脑并预先安装三款软件:cura,repetier,google SketchUp
If you have, bring your 3D printer if youdon’t have there will be printers at the workshop.
We are finally home! 新车间乔迁新居!
June 16th, 2014 § 16 comments § permalink
After being stuffed in a small temporary space for a month and half, XinCheJian has finally reached home! We are now officially located at Building 3 (west side entrance) of Donghai Plaza, No. 28 East Yuyuan Road, Jing’an District. It’s behind Building 1 of Donghai Plaza which is right by East Yuyuan Road. You’ll need to go through the hall of building 1 to reach building 3. Entrance to XinCheJian is to the west side of building 3 (where you can see a huge pile of construction waste ;)). 经过一个半月的蜗居生活后,新车间终于乔迁新居啦!!!我们现在的地址是愚园东路28号东海广场3号楼西侧入口(看到门口一堆建筑垃圾就是了;))。需要穿过临街的东海广场1号楼的大堂。快来看看我们的新家吧!]]>
3D扫描与打印工作坊 3D Scan and Print workshop – June 15th
June 9th, 2014 § 5 comments § permalink
Learn How to 3D Print and see a real live 3D Scanning! 学习如何应用3d打印技术并观看实时三维扫描 Fee: 230rmb/person (200rmb/person for online payment) 收费:230元/人(网付200元/人) Date: June 15th 9:30am- 12:30pm 日期:6月15号上午9:30 – 12:30. Location: Shanghai Library, 1555 Middle Huaihai Road 地点:淮海中路1555号上海图书馆创新空间 What you will Learn: 您将可以了解如下内容: A brief story about 3DPrinters; 关于3d技术的简史 Setup a3DPrinter; 对3D打印机进行设置 Use the internet to Download 3D models; 从开放网络获取3D模型 Export a model using Google Sketchup 使用 google SketchUp 中导出你的模型 How to 3DPrint with Cura and Repetier Software 学习怎样使用cura 和 repetier 软件进行3D打印 Print by yourself a quick 3D model 尝试独立打印一个耗时较短的3D模型 What you will experience: 您将体验到如下内容: One person will be chosen to get 3D scanned 现场将有一人被选为模特,亲身体验3D扫描 3D printers in action 零距离接触3D打印机 a 3d Scanner in action 观看3D扫描全过程 A quick view to 3Dmodeling softwares; 概览主流3D建模软件 Optional: 可选的附加项目: If you want to have your own face scanned and later printed for an additional 350 RMB you will receive a 3DPrinted bust ofyourself by mail. 若您希望扫描并打印自己的特写,可以另附350元人民币,我们将在之后为您打印并快递送出。 Preparations: 您需要做的准备有: Bring your own laptop and pre-installsoftwares (Cura, Repetier and Sketchup) 自备笔记本电脑并预先安装三款软件:cura,repetier,google SketchUp If you have, bring your 3D printer if youdon’t have there will be printers at the workshop. 现场提供3D打印机;有3D打印机的朋友们欢迎带来进行交流。]]>
在家做的水培系统Hydroponics 101 Workshop – June 29th
June 5th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
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Date fixed on June 29th 2pm -4pm. 6月工作坊时间确定为6月29号星期天下午2点-4点。
(中英双语) 主题:学习种子培养、植物活体克隆和窗台水耕种植系统的建立
费用:现场付费375元/人,网上付费享300元每人的优惠价格;费用包括:种培育苗盒、窗台水培系统所需材料、水培营养液 (可持续6-8个月植物所需)。
Subject: Seed Starting, Cloning and Windowsill System Construction
Time: 14:00 ~ @ XinCheJian, 299 Tongren Road(beside the security stand by south entrance),
Fee: RMB 300 (pay online) and RMB 375 (pay at door), including: seed starting equipment, parts for windowsill system and enough nutrients to refill the system for 6-8 months.
Description: Ever wanted to know what hydroponic gardening is and how it is different from regular gardening? Ever wanted to know how to start a plant from seed? Ever wanted to build your own urban gardening system? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should sign up for the Hydroponics 101 workshop!
In this workshop you will learn the basics of hydroponics and what makes it substantially different from soil gardening. You will learn about the various hydroponic system types found in the world today and learn about how you can grow your own plants in a variety of urban environments, regardless of access to sunlight or soil. The second part of this workshop will be learning how to start plants from seeds and how to create clones of plants from existing mature plants. Finally, you will learn how to construct a basic deep water culture (DWC) system that you can place next to a windowsill to grow your own lettuce, herbs and cherry tomato plants.
At the end of this workshop, you will have both the knowledge, the equipment and the supplies to start and maintain your very own urban garden, using a system that takes up about as much space as a desktop computer case. The first 6 people that sign up will receive a bonus: live plants and seedlings to take home in your system, so that they can start growing with their system right away!]]>
Introduction to PCB Design – PCB电路板设计入门 June 8th
June 1st, 2014 § 6 comments § permalink
=Introduction to PCB Design=
June 8th 1pm – 4pm 6月8号下午1:00 – 4:00
Online payment: 300RMB; Pay at door: 350RMB 网上支付300元;现场支付350元;
***Members enjoy 100RMB reduction!!! 新车间会员减免100块!!!***
Learn the basics of designing your own PCB, you can use free tools such as EagleCAD (freemium) or kicad (opensource). For this we’ll use EagleCAD first learn how to layout the schemetrics and then move into the layout tool and layout your very first PCB.
学习电路板基础知识,可以使用一些免费软件,如EagleCAD 或者 kicad。这次我们会使用EagleCAD 软件学习电路布局,布局工具,然后开始设计你的第一块电路板。
We will design and Layout our very own Micro controller called “Annoying ATTron” using the ATTiny85 which is compatible with Arduino Core with a few addons but just 6 pins to play with and no external crystal needed. we’ll also use autoroute for the routing quickly, and you dont like it, no problem, on your own time after the workshop you’ll be able to handroute.
我们将使用 ATTiny85设计与布局你的第一块“烦人的ATTron”单片机。这块单片机与Arduino核心兼容,添加了其他功能,但是只有6个引脚,而且无外部晶振。我们会使用自动切换器进行快速切换。如果想要学习手动切换,可以在工作坊后向主讲人学习。
We’ll use 0805 SMD components as much as possible because drilling holes just suck!
我们将尽可能多地使用0805 SMD元件,尽可能少打孔。
=What you must prepare= 请务必
1. Download EagleCAD and activate the freemium version:
下载好EagleCAD 软件并激活免费版。
2. bring your computer, yourself to the workshop
=The Workshop= 工作坊
The workshop will be a guided tutorial for 3 hours, it’s ideal for both kids and adults without programming or electrical knowledge. The workshop will be in English only given by Paul.
工作坊语言为英语,主讲人为Paul Adams.
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