Chinese Lantern Festival Special Event: YuanXiao Night this Saturday from 7pm.本周六晚7点,来新车间庆祝元宵吃汤团
February 21st, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Mini Workshop #4 – Acquaponic & Hydroponic introduction this Saturday (25th) from 2pm
August 23rd, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
这个周六(8月25)下午2到3点在新车间会有都市农耕迷你工作坊,介绍鱼菜共生和家庭简易水培系统。欢迎新车间会员参加; 工作坊免费。
照片是10天前工作坊做的水耕菜盆,现在已经可以收成炒菜吃啦! 😀
]]>Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ the NEW XinCheJian – 7-9pm – FREE
April 18th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink
http://xinchejian.com/contact-us/?lang=zh Unfortunately those wishing to hack tonight will not have all of the tools normally available, but nothing stopping us from getting them out and putting them away when we’re done! =Wednesday Presenters= James Tichenor, interaction designer from Rockwell Lab (http://www.rockwellgroup.com/lab) has just flown into Shanghai and will present tonight at XinCheJian on some of his crazy-out-there projects he’s worked on using electronics and arts! Qichen and Rockets will present their Home Sous Vide machine that they hacked together in 20 minutes, along with some egg tasting which i hear is out of this world. =Coming up soon= 机器车竞赛 – Roboracing Competition – 2012/04/22 – http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=110 Are you ready!? Line followers, Autonomous’rs and remote specialists, take part in the 2nd race of this year, come show us what you’re made of! the 2012/04 track has been published on the wiki and demo’d at Barcamp! http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/RoboRacing Processing class (English instructions) – 2012/04/28 – http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=114 Finally, given the huge success of the Ravens Processing classes in chinese, he’s -beenforced- agreed to run the class in English! he is doing some awesome stuff. =Recent changes at XinCheJian= Membership is now Just 100rmb per month per member, for an additional 200rmb a month you can also store your projects/stuff in the space in a box that does not exceed 50x50x30cm, you can contribute more money if you want as a donation. Failure to pay membership will result in your junk being stored at XinCheJian becoming a donation to the space. XinCheJian will no longer offer community parts but instead sell them in sets, for example 10 resistors for 1rmb to cut down on waste and mess. Members will have access to the space and the tools, strangers must be accompanied by a member at all times and will be responsible for that friend during that period at XinCheJian. For Full details see http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Policy or http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Policy/zh]]>
Sous Vide Cooker Hack
April 13th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink
Shenzhen Maker Faire with Rocket and tasted the delicious sous vide eggs from Lower East Kitchen, a great new startup to bring sous vide to everyone! We have been missing the eggs since return and can’t wait for the machine from Lower East Kitchen. Hackers we were, we went components shopping on Taobao to build a machine of our own. The components are fairly easy: a hot pot cooker, a PID controller and a temperature sensor. With Qichen, we built one today and cook a few eggs! They taste awesome! YUMMY!!! 😉
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