New interns: Yu Liu (Right) Dooho (left) messing with the tools in Xinfab
]]>June 22nd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink
New interns: Yu Liu (Right) Dooho (left) messing with the tools in Xinfab
]]>January 12th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink
IDEO模式: 山寨设计是创新的开放平台
时间: 2011年元月二十二日,下午两点到五点
费用: 30元/人
山寨是一个为草根创意阶级提供的开放式创新平台: 复制苹果, 诺基亚, 三星智能手机, 这些仿冒品由原产品改装而成同时加入了更吸引于中国消费者的设计. 山寨设计师为电子产品注入闪光点和关键元素.
其目的正是为了使产品在价格, 外观, 价值和用户需求上能接近普通消费人群. 山寨设计为国际公司向中国本土消费者介绍他们的品牌提供了一个机会, 他们也能借机观察中国本土文化如何作用于他们的产品, 如何相互磨合与适应.
这些公司怎样通过观察山寨设计来学习? IDEO 将分享他们对于这一重大领域的观点和方法学.
开放: 新单位CEO 刘妍介绍活动内容,演讲者, 来宾, 目标阐述
1. 山寨设计作为一种商业创新的开放平台- IDEO (15分钟)
2. 怎样山寨?
-Arduino – Flamingo EDA -20分钟
– Android –20分钟
-从原型到制作 – C2Tech –20分钟
参访新车间, 相互认识新朋友.
Shanzhai Design as an Open Platform for Business Innovation – Pattern from IDEO
Time: 14:00 – 17:00, Jan 22, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: 30yuan/person
Shanzhai is an open platform for grassroots innovation. Apple, Nokia, and Samsung smartphones get copied, but the knockoffs adapt the original designs in ways that appeal to Chinese customers. Shanzhai designers might add a flashlight, key in areas with unstable electricity.
The effect is to make products accessible to common folks in terms of price, aesthetics, values, and needs. Shanzhai designs are an opportunity for international companies to introduce Chinese consumers to their brands, and then observe how local Chinese culture adapts their offerings.
How might companies harness learning by observing Shanzhai designs? IDEO will share their perspectives and methodologies on these big questions for business.
Opening: Introduce the event, speakers, guests and talk about the goals, by Liu Yan(xindanwei)
1.IDEO: “Shanzhai as an open platform for innovation” – 15 minutes
2.How to Shanzhai?
– “Rapid prototyping” – IDEO – 30 minutes
– Tool of prototyping
– Arduino – Flamingo EDA – 20 minutes
– Android – – 20 minutes
-From prototype to production – C2Tech – 20 minutes
Part Two: Android prototype boards and tools demonstration Followed by a visit to Xinchejian and networking
January 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink
OpenSourceCamp Shanghai上有很精彩对开源和山寨的讨论,王江川写了这篇相当有趣的文章。 — 这两日,看到大家在坛子里炒得确实很开锅,不时冒出一些新颖的单词来,什么云计算、创新工厂、开源商业模式,同时又似乎总被一个土的掉牙的词—“山寨”时不时搅和着。 耳边被山寨这个词浸濡许久了,今天,抽空进行点思考和梳理。 “山寨”,究竟何方神圣也? 从一开始的莫不关注,到身临其境,再至醍醐灌顶。不断地清晰和觉悟到,山寨本质上就是一种自然界创新精神与文化的代言。 国人发明各种辞藻的本事的确很强,乍一听,山寨,直愣愣就往水泊梁山108将而去。仔细寻思来去,竟然,极其地精准和绝妙,缘来,这背后其实是一回事情儿。 之前,看到一段探索频道的节目。 说的是一群勇于探险的科学家经过生死经历在刚果河考察而得出的一些发现。他们在刚果河中发现了很多之前不被人类所了解的不同鱼种,其中有些可能是新物种。我看到那些奇形怪状的鱼儿,有巨大凶猛的虎鱼,有像小手指那么大小的没有视力且出水就死的不明鱼种,有一种长着像大象鼻子模样的鱼儿,总之是稀奇古怪,像来自外星球。那群科学家似乎很兴奋,因为他们发现了新的基因宝库。对此奇异现象,他们做出了科学的分析:刚果河可能是世界上最深的河流,有一处地方居然深达230米,同时其深度和水流变化多端,形成很多个隔离开的区域。快速的流水和强大的急流制造了小型鱼类不能经过的天然屏障,而这恰恰是鱼类多样性的温床,因此在自然隔绝并经过了千万年的演化后,现实世界中就形成了刚果河物种工厂。 其实,再仔细想一想,其实分布在全球不同地理位置上的任何一个文化或民族或物种,以至于,你能想到的任何一个创新的、不同于其他事物属性的东西,是不是都要有一个或者是地理位置上,或者是文化领域里,或者是虚拟现实里,都相对割裂,同时又不乏与外界能完成各类不同交换的体系呢。看看,祖国的西南,横断山脉那些沟壑和激流造就了植物群落的丰富性,动物种类的多态性,以至于少数民族的多样性。 如果要我来这些个割裂的体系起个名称,我认为就可以是“山寨”。 仍然拿梁山泊占山为王的绿林好汉来说事,至于解释他们是为了占山为王建设自己理想中的桃花源也好,还是被社会分割淘汰逼到走投无路也好,反正,我认为,实际情况是他们在自己都闹不清楚的缘由下,给自己圈了一个山寨,打上替天行道的大旗,摇身一变,原先那些打家劫舍的、卖人肉包子的都似乎走上了正当营生的道路。也就是说,原先的盗版正在向正版验明正身之中。 不可否认,如果梁山泊接着能够自我日臻完善,不断精进去干一番不同天地的惊天伟业,是可以修得正果的,摸不准就创新出一个梁山号的朝代来。最最不济,看看澳大利亚吧,那些被流放的罪犯,生生不息,没用几百年,就建立了一个富饶的国度。 从某种角度来说,梁山泊的好汉们物以群分,人以类聚,给自己营造了一个创新的山寨氛围,这个不经意或有意中建立的寨子和刚果河湍流中或横断山脉中自然界形成的大大小小的寨子本质上没有什么区别的。 山寨理想中的悲哀其实就是忍不住地自责和自问:“我究竟是不是真命天子啊?”直至这背后,偷偷地问自己:“究竟我值不值钱啊?”从此也引发了我们坛子中众多关于山寨的纷纷扰扰的事端来。 感叹于前年,说是到湖南调研,主方实际安排了个红色之旅。毛主席韶山冲旧居的那个地盘啊,真是好风水啊。背山面水,独辟一峪。话说导游领我们来到主席家的灶房里,说他老人家当时年轻时闹革命,很多会议就是在这个灶房里开的。我突然解读为,原来革命的星星之火是从灶房里燎原的,真是太伟大了。于是乎,从此想开了去,当时William Hewlett、Dave Parkard的惠普车库,后来成为加州第976号的历史地标,也是硅谷的诞生地;而乔布斯年少时的兴趣,就是与好友沃兹一道,在自家的小车库里琢磨电脑,鼓捣出了苹果。此刻,一下子豁然起来,灶房、车库、手工作坊、四川的茶馆。。。。。。也似乎都是相通的道理,至于叫不叫山寨还真没什么本质的差别。 然而,麻烦来了,有那么一些人,想搞一个什么的灶房联盟,或者车库联盟,或者茶馆联盟。。。。。 这确实是非常好的想法,如果成功,把那些个灶房也好、车库也好,统统地联盟到一起,即使广种薄收,却也是从道义上也好,从成功保障系数上也好,总之,看似是一个极其完美的组合,好像可以保证将来的帝王将相将从自己的田野里长出来。但是,凭我的直觉来看,也许,创新的梦工厂(其实就是另一种投资基金联盟的别称)可以制造出一些喧闹的中不溜溜的物件来,但真正的王者似乎一般不会去选择这样的田地,至少,某一刻,即将有情况时,也一定要从梦工厂之类的机构中决裂开来。毕竟,终其一场,梦字开头,梦自结尾。 我反而崇尚,如果,有多多的灶房,如果有多多的车库,如果有多多的茶馆,如果每个灶房、车库、茶馆里都有那么一些人在废寝忘食地鼓捣一些东西,该是多么美丽的一件事情。那样,一定有更多不可思议并千奇百怪的鱼种出现,而且,终究,一定有大鱼会从中诞生,也许,就是那让科学家望而生畏的虎鱼。 我不反对,开源同盟中的一些优异者弄个公司出来,琢磨个好的商业模式,利益化运作一些事情。只是,我总觉得,即使你鼓捣个公司出来,最好从心底里还是把它看成个灶房、车库、茶馆什么来着,并同时保证原先在自个儿那“山寨”中的精神气儿,接着鼓捣手头的那些东西,千万别和公司形态、商业模式太较劲儿,那样子,有天,长成大鱼的几率要非常的大一些。 Richard 2011-1-4 ——————————————————————– 王江川 Richard * [email protected] ——————————————————————– ]]>
December 26th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink
Xinchejian kicked off the first of the “Xinshanzhai” series of talks and discussion on how “Shanzhai” micro manufacture efficiency combined with open innovation process and open source hardware will change how China innovate. We had the honor to have Eric Pan, CEO and Founder of Seeed Studio to give the talk “Facilitate Open Innovation – The Seeed Studio Approach” [Speech Slides].
Seeed Studio was founded 3 years ago in Shenzhen to explore combining open source hardware and the electronics supply chain in Shenzhen. Today, Seeed Studio employes over 30 engineers and support staffs with over USD$1 million in annual revenue mainly from US, Europe and Japanese customers which are 98% of its business. Seeed does not yet focus on Chinese market as Eric points out that the tinkers/makers community in China has not yet matured enough for Seeed and there is not enough community.
Seeed Studio has so far depends on words of mouth of open hardware community for its marketing and will launch its first marketing campaign in 2011. The following is one of the first ads to be run in Make Magazine.
Seeed’s current focus is to grow its WISH platform described by Eric as a ecosystem to support open source hardware designers to better manage the product life cycle. WISH platform let designers and users propose requests and new design and through the community voting and pre-ordering process to help to bring products to the market. The process is best illustrated by this slide from the speech. Seeed also works with partners sites such as Dangerous Prototypes to promote the platform.
Eric’s 30 minutes talk was followed by over 2 hours of heated discussion on the topics of open source hardware, innovation and manufacture. The talk and discussions were livecast on Sina Weibo by Steven Cheng under #新山寨#.
December 20th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink
Time: 3pm Dec 26, 2010
Location: Xin Che Jian, 2nd floor, Yongjia Rd 50 (close to Shaanxi Road South)
Cost: 30RMB for non-Xinchejian members, free of charge for Xinchejian members.
Seeed Studio is an open hardware facilitation company based in Shenzhen, China. Benefiting from local manufacture power and convenient global logistic system, we integrate resources to serve new era of innovation. Seeed also works with global distributors and partners to push open hardware movement.
We design modular electronics for quick prototyping and small scale projects, which could be found at Bazaar. It also carries inventories from community innovators, we help people make, distribute their designs and collect the revenue. It’s a win-win situation and taking a shape towards an ecosystem. By working with us, innovators could focus on the designs, provide better support to the user and promote the product. Seeed Studio or similar service provider could get more traffic and bring up other product sales.
The manufacture part of hardware involves a lot details. We provide Propagate service to facilitate the process. Innovator send finished prototype with manufacturing files including Gerber file, BOM, test plan and other requirements. Our engineering team will validate and integrate the design into small batch production line. All products will be tested and packed under instruction. Innovators could also view current manufacture and distribution status from propagate. After deducting the manufacture costs, profit will be returned to innovators when inventory sold out.
To estimate the popularity before investing manufacture, innovators could post the idea or prototype to Wish. The community would vote, comment and collaborate on projects. You could also join interested groups to see what’s hot being worked on. By participating Wish, ideas with many votes could convert the popularity into coupons to purchase product or service. The idea poster could also share some coupon to the valuable commenter as appreciation.
Products and service info are hosted at a wiki called Garden. Feel free to add your guide, project or yourself as a freelancer.
About the speaker
Eric Pan, founder and director of Seeed Studio, grew up with DIY culture in China. He graduated as an EE bachelor from Chongqing University, with experiences and prizes from national wide contests of MCU, Embe dded Design, Robotics, and English skills. He first joined Intel in Chengdu as a FCBGA product Engineer whose main job includes quality control and new product integration. Then he worked at Beamstream LLC as international sourcing manager on system solutions. He established Seeed Studio since 2008 from bare ground and now turning it into an open source hardware facilitator with 30+ employee.
新山寨第一期: 开源硬件与开放式创新
地点:徐汇区永嘉路50号2楼新车间 (靠近陕西南路)
费用:新车间会员免费, 非新车间会员每人30元
Seeed Studio 是一个位于深圳的开源硬件生产公司. 得益于本土制造业的巨大力量以及便利的全球物流系统. 我们整合不同资源从而服务于新纪元创新时代. Seeed也与全球分销商和合作伙伴合作共同推动开源硬件的前进.
Eric Pan 是Seeed studio 的创始人, 他从小受DIY文化影响. 他毕业于重庆大学,获得了电子工程学士学位. 他在微型计算机, 嵌入式设计, 机器人, 英文技能领域都有丰富经验集获奖. 他的第一份工作是在成都intel 担当FCBGA 产品工程师. 其主要工作是腹侧质量控制和新产品整合开发. 随后他在Beamstream LLC 工作担任国际采购经理. 在2008年他创立了Seeed studio —从零起点开始到现在拥有30名员工的开源硬件生产中心.