This week @XinCheJian – Wednesday 7pm Free

September 28th, 2011 § 0 comments

XinCheJian crashed this party, we presented throughout the day and hijacked a presentation room, while Lio took the big stage with the D programming language and Oil waste management workshop last Saturday where a group of enthusiasts worked on designing solutions to prevent used cooking oil from being reused. Interesting ideas around intelligent oil recycling bins and cheap one time paper tester.. Robo Racing last Sunday left Lio still holding onto the championship trophy, next month – he had better be careful as we have some new robots that came together or got improved on after the race. === Wednesday === This week at XinCheJian we’ve got the following happening: Micheal is running the safety workshop, this quick 20 minute workshop on the Bandsaw and Drill Press with common safety precautions and outlines, be warned everyone must do these workshops to use these tools. Did you know the original design for a bandsaw was cutting meat.. yummy. Lock-picking study starts tonight, the first Lock will come today and the research will begin, Micheal’s Safety workshop will be useful as we’ll have to slice a lock open. Raven by popular demand is back tonight for those that missed his processing presentation, he’s generating a lot of buzz.. an earlier message on weibo read “can processing do motion tracking” he replied “yep, it can even detect color changes and blobs”.. – I cant wait to tie Processing, Servos, Arduino, and a laser assisted Nerf gun together. The not-Harry-potter Severin Schols will be dropping in tonight before his sad departure on Friday from China. 🙁 another true hacker needs to be replaced.. so here is the job description: Looking for male/female – 12-13yr old – 4ft 5″ – Blond haired – Blue Eyes (bleached hair and coloured contacts fine), must be able to do German accent, must like Cats and Barbie dolls ready for immediate replacement. Hopefully finishing off the side tables. A Good time to finish off or make your racing robot, parts are available in XinCheJian. Mitch Altman kits are still available, get the MintyBoost to charge your phone off of 2xAA batteries for when you’ve forgotten to charge your phone the evening before. === Make Things, not War === There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t === Holidays at XinCheJian === For non-members/members we’ll keep the Wednesday meetup during the holiday open, For members the space will be open if you have a Key, nothing is planned over that week but some of us will be there. If you don’t hold a key one of the best ways is to send an email to [email protected] the day before if you are planning on going down to see if anyone will be there, no reply means no.


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