Quadcopter assembly workshop

October 29th, 2011 § 4 comments

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Building an army of inexpensive quadcopters…


§ 4 Responses to Quadcopter assembly workshop"

  • rk说道:

    hii….. can you mail me the details about quadcopter…

    • heqichen说道:

      Hi, This quadcopter made from aluminum tube, the controller is KK. You are welcome to visit Xinchejian, some of us are making micro quadcopter now 🙂

      • jelly说道:

        Hi, I am a rookie in the field of four-axis aircraft, could mail me about the progress of micro quadcopter? In addittion, I am a student in Hangzhou ,could I join you?Thank you!

        • eric说道:

          I would suggest you to switch to ardupilot or openpilot for controller the KK is ok but very limlited in any case dont fall into the super QQ that controller is a joke

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