Tonight – Wednesday 7-9pm – Free @ XinCheJian

March 7th, 2012 § 0 comments

Tonight’s Presentations We have Derek Zhang coming down from his hobbyist store and bringing some things that he’s developed, last week he showed us some videos of boat racers able to hit 90km/h and copters of sorts – flying stunt patterns, he has a strong footing in the shanghai R/C crowd and invites us all to come play. Susan Evans From GoodToChina will be talking about the upcoming Eco Design Fair along with their two exhibits around Sustainable Build and Urban Farming and how you can get involved through XinCheJian and GoodToChina

This week

“Art+Tech”主题演讲 Dorkbot:《觉》+ 新车间=艺术+技术;JUE + Xinchejian = Art + Technology – 2012/03/10 Sign up here for a 10rmb discount: DIY声音合成器!- OSC6 Make Your Own Sound Synthesizer! – OSC6 – 2012/03/11 Build your own synthesizer in a day! Sign up here:

Coming up soon

全息鸡尾酒-增强现实AR入门工作坊 | Hologram Cocktail – Workshop Guide to Augmented Reality Technology : 3月17日(周六) 下午1点-4点 (还剩 13 个名额) Mar.17th (Sat.) 1:00P.M. – 4:00P.M. (13 spaces availabe) 线上报名省30元 Register here to get a 30RMB discount: Milkymist One开源视频合成器工作坊 Milkymist One Live Video Synthesizer Workshop: 3月17日(周六) 下午5点-8点 (还剩 1 个名额) Mar.17th (Sat.) 5:00P.M. – 8:00P.M. (1 space availabe) 请在此报名 Please register here:

A quick blurb about XinCheJian

XinCheJian is a community run hackerspace located in the heart of Shanghai, without your support we would not be able to keep the space alive and in the same form as it is today, think about giving back in any way you can and help alleviate the financial responsibilities. We have starter memberships from 300rmb a month with most members opting to take out a 500rmb membership a month to support the community, by being a member you’ll get access to the space whenever and workshops at the lessor price, we even have Startup memberships for people looking to build a business and gain access to the space and tools during 9-5 office hours.

Volunteer Jobs at XinCheJian

As a Volunteer you’ll earn your membership, you’ll also be expected to join Staff meetings at least once a month. Only apply if you’re serious. Without the generosity of the current volunteers and sharing tasks in their free time, it would be near impossible to keep XinCheJian alive. Treasurer As the Treasurer you’ll be responsible for.. treasure. you need to have your own calculator we’ll provide you a calculator. the following are what you’ll need to handle on a monthly basis. – Income/Outgoing spread sheets – Look after the donation box – Organizes the rent and bills from the bank account – We’ll even send you to business accounting with the government (we’ll pay for this) – Kind reminders to members to pay their membership dues Journalists A Journalist will be expected to write at least 1 article a week on a topic of whats going on inside XinCheJian, you pick a project and review it, can be a few hours an evening writing and a few hours in the day interviewing. – you’ll be given an account on – You will need a camera – English or Chinese – or both is encouraged – confident and outgoing – get as much information possible from people in the shortest amount of time.]]>

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