XCJ = 30 members (our goal: 70+ members every month)

May 10th, 2012 § 2 comments

翻译:Gang Gang (Samuel)

  1. Andrea Carlon
  2. Chris Carey
  3. 李大维
  4. Edward Giles
  5. Edward Jiang
  6. Francis Lam
  7. Habib Belaribi
  8. IHan Cheng
  9. Infy Zhang
  10. 杨冲
  11. Kevin Chen
  12. Lionello Lunesu
  13. 萨克森气势
  14. 林秋
  15. Michael Liao
  16. Mika Lin
  17. 谢旻琳
  18. Paul Adams
  19. 何琪辰
  20. Raymond Walintukan
  21. 伍思力
  22. Ricky Ye
  23. 青 夏
  24. Scott Ballantyne
  25. Silvia Lindtner
  26. Spencer Featherstone
  27. Svend Erik Hansen
  28. Valentin Gauffre
  29. Wenjia Zhou
  30. Ziyun Peng

§ 2 Responses to XCJ = 30 members (our goal: 70+ members every month)"

  • Daniel说道:

    Your “Contact Us” page says this:

    Opening hours: Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 5pm.

    Are those the only hours the space is available?

    • rngadam说道:

      No, of course not. Those are the regular opening hours where you can drop in without asking but we typically have a lot more. This evening, for example, there was 10+ persons in the space meeting up for the swarm robots team. Most evenings there’s at least one to four regulars that are there. You just have to ask the mailing list ([email protected]) the same day to know who’s going.

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