A feature packed Wednesday planned for this week, from @aGuegu to Ben Houge to China Haxlr8r Folks, as always come along and buy a beer or soft drink and listen to some great presentations, finished with a round of do-nothing-but-chat or build-something-awesome you decide! 7-9pm dont be lame, hit the hackerspace on your way home!
Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 22/08/2012
August 22nd, 2012 § 1 comment

Cyril Ebersweiler started the haxlr8r.com, a hardware accelerator program based in Shenzhen. Haxlr8r people will come visit on Wednesday afternoon and hopefully stay to the evening, there is a high chance that Cyril will not be able to stay as him and his wife are currently expecting a new hacker in the family.
Ben Houge, with 16 years of experience developing video games, including 4 years at ubisoft shanghai working on Tom Clancy’s EndWar, he will be teaching the MAX/MSP workshop this weekend at xinchejian on saturday (http://xinchejian.com/event/?ee=143), a tool in which he creates most of his musical mayhem, i’ve seen this guy present before, and wow, quite the experience. he currently teaches in Boston area, where he teaches video game music at Berklee College and is also working on a research project with MIT http://mit.edu/music21/ on musicological analysis.
[…] lots of extremely good presentations at Xinchejian – here is a link to this weeks sound and video processing, Nixies and LED cube and […]