Just a quick note: this weekend on Saturday morning the scouts are coming! from 9am til 12noon – you might want to lay in bed a little longer as they will be cutting, drilling, hammering. sign up for Lucios 3D printing workshop next month! Checkout a recent post by him called “Brazil through lucio’s eyes”
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
Andrew Hakim Lie, 3D Artist from Indonesia
Lutz and MaTz, 3D fusion and robots
Rockets and Rex, the boys from DFrobot
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
Andrew Hakim Lie, will be talking about a genre in 3D Graphics called ‘Photorealistic 3D’, where images made using 3D softwares that are so life-like they appear like photographs. Mainstream public may not realize it, but its application ranges anywhere from the movie industry, design visualization, even Live Concerts and also tie into what his project at xinchejian will be.
MaTz of the 3D visualization last week and Lutz from Swarm robots will introduce a new project idea about the fusion of 3D mapping/projection and robots.
Rockets and Rex will be unveiling their latest 3D printer from DFrobot and the worlds smallest Arduino compatibible wearable low powered great for beginners and so cheap you’ll not want to miss it!
Build your own X-Bot in Xinchejian
If you want to support the X-Bot, buy a couple of them or just help to develop it further then please go to http://dreamore.cn/Project/Show/512 and see more details there.]]>
Aquaponic is a recirculating integrated growing system which convert fish waste into nutrient for plants and use the biological filtering system to keep water clean for the fish.
In this workshop, you will learn about the principles of aquaponics and build your own aquaponic system. It’s good for growing fresh herbs, planting ornamental plant with easy care and raising goldfish.
Date: Feb 2 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: 2nd Floor XinCheJian
Cost: rmb 280 (for the materials and equipment)
The Workshop is free to join and open to everyone; if you wish to buy the materials and equipment, please kindly RSVP by emailing to: David@xinchejian.com.
Thanks to the anonymous donations this week to whoever you are, those new tools and pieces will be put to good use! This weekend we had some great events, from DorkBot to “I’m a brave robot” workshop.
Just a quick note: this weekend on Saturday morning the scouts are coming! from 9am til 12noon – you might want to lay in bed a little longer as they will be cutting, drilling, hammering around the space.
Also it’s been pointed out that XinCheJian Wednesdays has been a little bit commercial, there’s no excuse and we’re sorry for this, i’d like to reinforce that presenters are either sent http://wiki.xinchejian.com/wiki/Wednesday-guidelines or informed in person, suggestions welcome for dealing with these situations on the mailing list xinchejian@googlegroups.com
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
MaT – Chromaphase, is going to present some “candy for your eyes”.
Lu Yang is a new media artist, This talented Shanghainese girl will show off some of her work and is also looking for like-minded, capable people for Augmented Reality projects.
曹锟 (Cao Kun) is working on a RGB color cube and will present it this evening.
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
MaT a french artist-designer from Paris. Is doing 3d Mapping, VJing live shows with music artists, dj from around the world, he’s worked with Huawei Mobile R&D running a Team in UI and GUI for mobile phones, now he’s a freelancer working on digital projects involving live music, arts and interactive design, tonight he’s going to unveil his 3D mapping live! and talk about some upcoming projects.
Lu Yang, This girl has a commendable list of exhibitions, she graduated in 2010 with an M.A in New media arts from the China Academy of Art and lives in shanghai, her work is set to shock and inspire at the same time.. take a look at her site: http://luyang.asia my favorites are under “Family DIY teaching graphics” – watch out, you might loose your lunch!
Chromaphase (aka Matthieu Tondeur) will be presenting this Wednesday at XinCheJian. In addition to having his own Wikipedia page, Matthieu is currently doing exciting 3D mapping video DJ using Mao Livehouse as his home base. Here’s his self introduction:
I’m a french artist-designer from Paris. I’m doing 3D mapping, VJing live show with music producers, DJ, live bands, etc…
I also worked for Huawei Mobile R&D where I lead a small innovation team makingn UI and GUI for Mobile Phones. Now I’m a freelance artist working on different projects that involve live music, art expo, interactive design and video games. (and maybe robots !! haha)
What I will speak about :
1- Introduction of myself (mon parcours)
2- What about my style of 3D mapping and live show (whole creation process) [Will make a live mapping demo]
3- Showing and explain what i did with my team in Huawei Mobile and my creative management method
4- Introduce my upcoming project and ask people that have some skill to join these projetcs
Which could lead to :
3D mapping workshop (A to Z creation workshop, research, process, inspiration, technical solution, etc..)
This workshop won’t be too much about technical skills coz it’s damn easy. But it will focus on creativity, story telling, creative content creation, innovative ways to use 3d mapping… Then we can make a small show with everyone’s projects/creations. And if they are good, try to find place/gallery to show it. Content could be traditional art to processing only, depending on the interest of participants. Whatever your field, you can create something!
Here’s video of one of my latest show in Guangzhou :
Jiu Xing Market is one of the best place to go for markets for everything except electronics. The market is over 1 million square meter with over 7000 shops and stores for all sort of building materials. Most of the shops offer customization and build to order services. For this who reads Chinese, Baidu has a great page on it. Here is a map.
Lutz and I took a quick morning walks around the area. The steel section are full of small shops no bigger then 40 sqm and impressive machines.
Photos by David
Photos by Lutz
We should organize a tour there for the members of XinCheJian! ;)]]>