Matt and Lucio are famous now! The foreigners determine to realize their dreams in China!
"Foreign Makers Pursue Dream in China" on China View, CNC World
March 27th, 2013 § 3 comments § permalink
Fast forward to 18:18!
Meet Your Makers: Lutz
March 26th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Who are you? My name is Lutz and I am member of Xinchejian. Now my job is robotics engineer and in my spare time i am taking photos (yeah, the Maker Portrait photos are my creation but David did the post processing). In Xinchejian I am mainly active in robotics and related workshops. I am from Germany and living 8 years in Shanghai now but if you wanna talk in Chinese to me then please be prepared that you might have to switch to English…谢谢
Why are you member of of XinCheJian?
Well, a couple of years somebody forced me to go there…really bad things happened after the first visit. I did not only abandon my first hobby (remember…photography) but also spend less time with the great photographer Flickr group here in Shanghai. Slowly I adapted to my new life and became another person…I mutated to … something else. Now instead of taking pictures of flowers, buildings and other stuff I am building robots, electronic things and even changed my job. I can also meet my needs to take pictures in Xinchejian since our new style is to combine those two hobbies. Now I am taking pictures of people with robots, people with lamps, with Mojito’s, pretty models with 3D printed stuff on them
Meet Your Makers: IHan
March 26th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
Who are you?
Hey y’all, my name is IHan, the geek wannabe. I’m an interaction designer and an amateur cook. You’ll see me in Xinchejian a lot, mainly baking cookies and making Mojitos, not exactly high tech… but one day, it’ll be cookies with edible health monitoring chips and Mojitos with blood alcohol level reader straws;)
Why are you member of of XinCheJian?
I admire people who can make things and I hope if I hang out with the cool gang a lot, I might be able to be just as cool one day;) People are very generous and open here. I’m always inspired to see how XCJ is pushing science and technology to the general public. Shanghai is very lucky to have this group of people and this space, and I’d love to see more people joining the force. Also, I love the culture in XCJ. At work, everything is designed for a reason, so the “making for the sake of making” attitude in XCJ is very liberating.
Photo by Lumi
《Group Buy》XinCheJian Anniversary Celebration: DreamMaker 3D Printer
March 25th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink
To celebrate 2 years of XinCheJian, we’ve organized this Group Buy with DFRobot. Special offer is limited to 20 printers.
Shipping dates:From Apr. 17th to 24th
Order here:]]>
XinCheJian Birthday 2013
March 25th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Calling all members, Come celebrate XinCheJian’s 2nd birthday with us, official date is 26th of March at 7pm on the roof top!
Live music + DJ, robots, great people, drinks, snacks and cake!
* You are a member of XinCheJian
* Each member can bring 1 non-member
* Just drop 30rmb at the door
Register here:
]]>Weekly Creative Programming Meeting @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 25/03/2013
March 25th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Time: Mondays at 7PM
Wednesday Meetup – Free as in beer – or 5rmb – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 20/03/2013
March 20th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Updates this week:
- this week we want your 5rmb at the door, that money is going straight into the donation box
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- XinCheJian is turning 3 this month, join us for a wild party @ the space mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – members can bring 1 guest, but please let us know if you are coming (for food and drink orders) by signing up here
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- two new groups formed in the last 7 days, with quantified self and also creative programming.
Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述
- 诸晓鸣 – Blind PHP/C++ Programmer making games (CN)
- Matthew DeBlock – DScript – a new form of writing (EN)
- ..You..
Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍
诸晓鸣 is Visually impaired, self taught to program in C++ and PHP and works to improve accessibility across computers for others in the same situation, from text to speech and information accessibility development and builds games! Matthew DeBlock has invented his own writing style that looks like a script language however it encodes roman alphabet, if anyone has designed a font before, now imagine how hard it is to design an entire writing style!]]>First Creative Programming Meeting @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 18/03/2013
March 18th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink
The creative programming meeting aims to bring together everybody who is interested in programming.
In the first meeting we hope to find the tools to use to gather our knowledge to be able to realize together a project. All participants will have an opportunity to give a brief description of their idea (and occasionally we will breakout into smaller groups based on shared interests)
In previews discussions people expressed their interest in Visualising data with D3.js:
Or highlighted the simplisity of paper.js:
It seems to be easy to connect javascript to everything which understands OSC in one or another way:
or we do something totally different:
Wednesday Meetup – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 13/03/2013
March 13th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
Announcements this week:
- This week we want your 5rmb at the door, that money is going straight into the donation box!
- Spring Cleaning – this weekend the 16th of march we have a spring cleaning organized, everyone is welcome to join in – we’ll start from 11am for a brunch at XinCheJian – Baozi’s, Egg on Toast and a little cleaning/organization to our favourite hackerspace.
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now
- XinCheJian is turning 3 this month, join us for a wild party @ the space mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – we need help, we need your help – a BIG cake for XinCheJian’s birthday – feed 50+ people, you can make one or help organize one!
- Roboracing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
=Summary for Wednesday/本周三开放日综述=
- Mike Loh – Cosplay (EN)
- CSK – RoboPeak Mini Robot (CN)
- Allen Yang – Machines will make it (CN)
=Wednesday Presenters/本周演讲者介绍=
Mike Loh from uratz Studio will be giving his presentation on Cosplay and some awesome things he makes and is also looking to go electric, think Iron Man costumes and some Holly wood animatronics! CSK has been followed around all week by TV cameras as he prepares to give his presentation this week on RoboPeak Mini Robot and robotics. Allen yang from the machining industry is excited to present this week, he built him self a low cost CNC previously and knows his Equipment: lathes, milling machines, machining centers, shears, bending machines, presses, CNC press! you name it he does it.]]>Wednesday Meetup – Free – @ XinCheJian – 7-9pm – 06/05/2013
March 6th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink
3月6日周三开放日 Congratulations to those that built a 3D printer on the weekend with @Lucio鲁修 Lots of announcements this week, where to start:
- From next week we’re going to ask you for 5rmb at the door for non-members, sign up on the night as a member and get your 5rmb back!
- Ladies, it’s your turn, sign up for 3months at XinCheJian and get 1 month for free, starting.. now,
- it’s XinCheJian’s 2nd anniversary this month, join us for a wild party @ the space – mark your calendars the 26th of march – it’s a Tuesday – we need help, we need your help – a BIG cake for XinCheJian’s birthday – feed 50+ people, you can make one or help organize one!
- Robot racing – it’s on the 6th of April! 2pm – 5pm bring your 10 second cars! or your ultra fast line followers, the competition is just starting for the season, plus work on your car Thursday and Friday as it’s a tomb sweeping holiday!
- Make+ is gaining traction, email us to find out how you can get involved.
Summary for Wednesday
We need your support this week, we have 2 fragile live demonstrations, dont touch! just look- @Chromaphase几何焱 ( @Lumi3005 /@艾蒙81 ( / @三根门闩 – Leo from swarm robots will be presenting DAEDALUS CITY PROJECT