Upcoming Workshop-Processing & Grasshopper

July 8th, 2013 § 1 comment

XinCheJian_WorkshopPoster_Processing+Grasshopper 下周末,美国建筑师和哥伦比亚导师Biayna Bogosian会在新车间教大家如何用Processing 和 Grasshopper 两个软件。工作坊座位有限,报名尽快! *同时参与两个工作坊的学生,将会有20%的优惠。 July 13/Crowd Simulation in PROCESSING: Originally developed for computational media design and interaction education, Processing platform is arguably the easiest programming language to learn and experiment code-based digital media design. This workshop will introduce focused use of Processing in order to simulate crowd behavior using real-time or simulated data. 登记链接 July 14/Motion Tracking in GRASSHOPPER: Originally developed as a plug-in for Rhinoceros, one of the most versatile 3D NURBS modeling software in the market today, Grasshopper (GH) is a generative design tool that has been supported with a wide array of add-ons developed by an international community of programmers. During this workshop, students will have a quick introduction to the software environment of Rhino and GH and then we will focus quickly to specific add-ons developed for GH, such as Firefly to capture, translate and abstract movement using web-cam, smart-phones or Kinect into 3D geometry and visual images. 登记链接    ]]>

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