Promoting Makers on the street

September 29th, 2013 § 6 comments

On Saturday, we decided to run a mini Maker Carnival on the container hackerspace currently in front Grand Gateway in Xujiahui, Shanghai. This being the one of the busiest intersections in Shanghai, we have attract a lot of interested and meet interesting people. Thanks for the volunteers from our space, Make+ and DFRobot.

Busy event

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Make+ and brain matter!

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Firefly from Make+

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The Snake Robot steals the show

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The kids can’t get enough of the snake

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Beauties and snake… That’s how men got into trouble in the first place? 🙂

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Mr. Wen built the snake and explain to visitors about it

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Boys and robots

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People are still trying to figure out this 3D printing thing…

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