We are finally home! 新车间乔迁新居!

June 16th, 2014 § 16 comments

xcjmap After being stuffed in a small temporary space for a month and half, XinCheJian has finally reached home! We are now officially located at Building 3 (west side entrance) of Donghai Plaza, No. 28 East Yuyuan Road, Jing’an District. It’s behind Building 1 of Donghai Plaza which is right by East Yuyuan Road. You’ll need to go through the hall of building 1 to reach building 3. Entrance to XinCheJian is to the west side of building 3 (where you can see a huge pile of construction waste ;)). 经过一个半月的蜗居生活后,新车间终于乔迁新居啦!!!我们现在的地址是愚园东路28号东海广场3号楼西侧入口(看到门口一堆建筑垃圾就是了;))。需要穿过临街的东海广场1号楼的大堂。快来看看我们的新家吧!]]>

§ 16 Responses to We are finally home! 新车间乔迁新居!"

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