Tesla Coil Speaker 音乐电弧-有趣的特斯拉线圈 – Nov. 9

October 28th, 2014 § 0 comments

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 30771764662089731 报名参加 Register Time: 13:00 – 15:00 Sunday, Nov. 9th. Fee: 300rmb; 250rmb for xinchejian members. Price includes all materials needed. Are you tired of those old black speakers that only just make sounds? Maybe sound reactive lights are just not enough to impress you? How about a Plasma Speaker? A plasma speaker is a device that generates an high voltage electrical arc that makes purple light and music! Without any speakers or any moving parts! Sounds too good to be true? Well, you’re wrong, the high voltage arc really does ‘sing’ by vibrating in the air. (Of course, you will need to give the device musical audio for it to work.) *** Do NOT even attempt to build one if you have heart problems or weak heart or wearing a pacemaker, because one little shock from this thing can put you out. ]]>

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