Serial Arduino Workshop for Beginners | Arduino 入门系列工作坊(3周) – April 18th

March 30th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 ArduinoUno_R3_Pinouts Sign Up 报名参加 Time: April 11th – April 25th, Every Saturday10:00am – 12:00pm. The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. ]]>

C++ Workshop for Beginners|C++入门工作坊 – May 9th

March 30th, 2015 § 3 comments § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 dynamic Sign Up 报名参加 C++ for Beginners Time:Sunday April 26th, 1pm-3pm This class will be for those with little to no programming experience to start learning the C++ programming language. It will be taught by Sean Purser-Haskell, a former Google engineer and expert C++ programmer. The class will use visual tools in order to better engage students and convey the effects of their programs. The first two-hour session will introduce the Microsoft Visual C++ development environment and then teach basic control flow using integers. Requirements: Must be at least 13 years old, proficient in English, and bring a laptop with Windows 7 or higher installed. Preparation: Students must install Visual C++ Express 2013 on their laptops prior to coming to class. It can be downloaded for free under “Express 2013 for Windows Desktop” here: ]]>

Basic Hydroponic System Construction|基础水培系统工作坊 -April 18

March 27th, 2015 § 2 comments § permalink

hydropnics Sign Up 报名参加 Time: April 18, 2pm – 4pm. Address: 1555 Middle Huaihai Road, F3 of Shanghai Library. Fee: 200 RMB includes hand watered hydroponic system, watering bottle/spray, nutrients。 Description: If you know nothing about growing plants or what hydroponics is, this workshop is for you. This workshop will cover basic plant growing and hydroponic techniques that will allow you to understand and maintain one of the most basic hydroponic system types (hand watered container) with some of the lowest maintenance and resilient edible plants available. You will also learn how to assemble a basic hand watered container hydroponic system, and how to transplant seedlings into the system. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with a functioning hydroponic system with live plants and the knowledge to keep them alive. After that, all you will need for success is patience and motivation! ]]>

Arduino Level 4 Serial Workshop|Arduino进阶工作坊(10周)-April 5th

March 25th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 600_431999265 Sign Up 报名参加 Every Sunday 10am – 12am for 10 weeks, starting from April 5th, XinCheJian will be hosting serial Arduino level 4 workshop. This is the first time ever in XinCheJian to run Level 4 Arduino workshop. As many new makers are trying to figure out their way through all possibilities with Arduino, the majority may have only attended one or two introduction sessions to Arduino and afterwards never get the chance to continue playing with all the electronic parts and start doing fun projects. Many may have put their Arduino starter kits up on the shelf to collect dust. It that’s what’s happening with your Arduino kits, that would be too bad and now comes your chance to pick them up again and really get to understand everything about Arduino. This serial Arduino workshop will include all parts in the starter kits. As participants finish playing with these parts, some fun projects will be introduced to the workshop. This is a workshop that will inspire you to create and make! ]]>

Thank you, MINI China | 感谢MINI中国

March 23rd, 2015 § 9 comments § permalink

mini-logo-AT-1 176px To Mini, On behalf of all the members of XinCheJian: THANK YOU! Thanks to the generous donation of our new gold sponsor MINI China, we no longer have to worry about paying our rent for the next year! This means that the money we collect from our other sources (memberships, workshops, sales) can all go toward improving the space. Being a not-for-profit, the volunteer staff members of XinCheJian are always looking for ways to make ends meet. Securing this sponsorship releases the monthly pressure and allows us to spend more time on organizing exciting events. Join us! 致宝马MINI的一封感谢信 谨代表新车间的所有会员向宝马MINI致以诚挚的谢意! 感谢新车间金牌赞助商宝马MINI的支持,解决了新车间接下来一年的房租问题!这意味着新车间终于可以着手改进我们的空间,为大家提供更好的场地和工具。 新车间作为一个非营利社区,曾一度每个月都要为支付房租担忧。宝马MINI对新车间的这笔赞助费让核心志愿者们可以释放更多精力把新车间的活动组织起来!对新车间会员们来说,这意味着以后会有更多各类学习分享和交流的活动! 借此机会,也衷心感谢一直以来参与新车间运营的核心志愿者们和常来新车间动手制作的会员们!是你们的参与支持和理解,让我们这个纯粹的创客社区发展为现在的新车间! 衷心感谢你们! ]]>

“VR部落&新车间”虚拟现实分享会 - March 20

March 14th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 30181896537918798 活动时间 2015年3月20日上午17:30-19:30(周五下午) 活动地点 上海新车间上海市静安区愚园东路28号三号楼一楼 主题内容 邀请了上海周边VR领域的开发团队介绍市场趋势以及分享技术干货; 光学位置追踪技术解析 虚拟现实游戏开发 全景拍摄 虚拟现实头盔开发分享 虚拟现实体验 Oculus Rift DK2 、GearVR、单相机追踪等虚拟现实头戴显示设备体验交流 最新3D虚拟现实游戏体验]]>

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