William's Internship Review
July 28th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
William Kim Internship Review
July 28th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
SMIC Private School, as a XinCheJian intern to our space for over 100 hours between July 15th and July 27th 2015 at our Hero Center location (Jing’an, Shanghai). XinCheJian is a community space focused on technology that provides its members with a space to work on their project, Internet access, tools and components in an atmosphere focused on making. As the space sees heavy use daily by members, it’s essential for us to have people in charge of the space to help and interns are very appreciated in that role. In school, William had already shown great leadership being president of both the computer sciences and the sciences club. He’s planning on pursuing studies in Computer Sciences or Electronic Engineering abroad so was looking for a volunteer internship relevant to his interests. To that end, he already acquired skills in programming and Arduino microcontrollers which are very useful within an Hackerspace. William first took on the space as a project in itself, completing over 50 different individual tasks. Increasing entropy is a natural state of things, especially in an hackerspace that sees many projects and many contributions. Regular cleaning and sorting is required to get the handle on the chaos. First set of tasks he took on covered a massive and much needed cleaning and installing of new shelves to allow better sorting of the electronics components that followed. Another good organization innovation was the labeling of the rental storage boxes to track usage. Another significant tasks was around XinCheJian computers: from testing the donated computers to making sure that as many of them were functional with Internet access. In addition, he’s taken the initiative in promoting the space through videos and welcoming personally members to the space, introducing them to the hackerspace. He signed up 7 new members to the space. He also supported the Arduino workshops organized by Yu, another intern. William’s contributions, completing his Objectives and Key Results set at the start at 100%, have made the space more efficient and a better working space for all makers. William’s work ethics, knowledge and initiative were impressive and all the senior members that have worked with him believe he has a bright future ahead of him.]]>
夏日里的Arduino工作坊 热情满满 / Enthusiastic Summer Day Arduino Workshop
July 25th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
1F, No.3 Building, No 28 East Yuyuan Road
Saturday, a warm sunny day after some rain last week, it’s 34 degree celsius today, but it won’t stop our enthusiastic makers to come and join the Arduino workshop. Enjoy these snap shots from the workshop, and big thanks to Yu and William who is our host for this!
[caption id="attachment_7455" align="aligncenter" width="470"] Arduino 工作坊 725[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_7456" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
LED 小灯 Blink[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_7457" align="aligncenter" width="470"]
William 乱入[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_7458" align="aligncenter" width="470"]
Hi I'm the new intern Kevin
July 23rd, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
Smart Pet Collar Project STARTUP!
July 19th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
Smart Pet Collar Project Startup
Have you shown photos of your cute pets on Instagram, with proud and excitement? When your good boy looks pale, have you worried about its health, but feel helpless in caring for it? Even, when thinking of dognap news reported on TV, have you woke up suddenly in a fear, feeling afraid of the terrible result if being careless? You should have been enjoying assured simple fun with pets, yet it’s always so hard to be assured in reality.
But now, it’s time to let my efforts ease your trouble!
With the rapid development of wearable products, glasses, bands, or even shoes have been made ‘smart’ by geeks. A billionaire even put the smartwatch on his puppy’s paw, however, it made a stupid error that only one third of the dog’s pulse was detected. No doubt that pets need something especially for them!
In the remaining summer vacation, I’ll make a prototype of the smart collar. I’ll try to acquire Lua and Android programming next week. Simple communication and using accelerometer are the short term goals as well. Any tutoring, directing or advices will be appreciated, and much thanks to you here in advance.
I’m going to take part in the Xinchejian Hackathon in early August, and complete the prototype later that month. It will achieve some preliminary functions including data gathering, Wi-Fi communicating and mobile app connecting. At the same time, it can play a role as developing platform for future products as well.
Furthermore, an improved product with track and trace, health detection, entertainment and other surprising features will be shown at the end of this year, starting the experimental manufacturing then as well. To achieve the commercial value of the technology will be my goal right in 2016.
Besides, as a caring young man, I really hope to take more social responsibilities by innovation. After sales, I plan to provide the products for all the 27 guide dogs (1 missed 3 days ago) for free. The useful functions can greatly improve the safety for the blind and their dogs, protecting the precious resource of guide dogs and helping the disabled.
Arduino新手系列工作坊 7月25-8月08|Arduino Beginners Serial Workshop Jul. 25 – Aug. 08
July 19th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
1F, Building 3, No 28 East Yuyuan Road
报名参加 Sign Up
Just started your summer break and want to create something cool? Have special interests in electronics and want to know more about what Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Majors are doing? Or do you want to add some special flavours to your life? Join the Arduino workshop specially designed for beginners!
During the three Ardruino workshop series, you will get introduced to contents related to micro-controllers such as Arduino and what you can do with Arduino, includes:
1. Learn about a few fundamental electronic parts, how they work, and how they could possibly be applied to your own project. 2. Learn some basic programming, including variables, conditionals and loops.
3. Learn how to apply different electronic parts in 5 interesting projects
4. Learn how to make a slightly more complicated project: an electronic lock in the final workshop At the end of the workshop, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge necessary to start your own project!
Workshop Fee:
Arduino Kit with Basic Components (special discounted price) : RMB210 原价300
Each of the 2 hours workshop is RMB150 (member), RMB200 (non-member)
All three workshop package cost: RMB 710 (3 workshops with kit and 1 month XCJ membership)
Registration details please contact “interns@xinchejian.com”
// ]]]]> Please download and install Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Location: 1F, No.3 Building, No. 28 Yuyuan East Road (XinCheJian)
Labels on the storage boxes!
July 18th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink
The new label includes, name, email, phone, today’s date and expiry date. With these information, it is now easier to identify the information about the user.
The new label is attached to each boxes, so if you own a storage box , please go fill in the labels up ASAP.
If you want more label papers, they are available on the top of the fridge.
Pablo's internship review
July 16th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
bold, bring in your own ideas and don’t wait for others to tell you what to do – in the end it’s all about making your own project.]]>
Hackerspace Cleanup
July 16th, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink
Increasing entropy is a natural state of things, especially in an hackerspace that sees many projects and many contributions. Regular cleaning and sorting is required to get the handle on the chaos.
熵的增加是自然规律之一。因为新车间有着许许多多的工程项目,所以这规律也能在这儿发现 。为了避免这样的混乱,整理肯定是必须的。
We’ve collected equipment, parts, components, used equipment without owners into an outgoing pile in the space . If you wish to take ownership of something from that pile for projects purpose, you must either:
take ownership and label it (name, project, contact info, expiry date) and store it in your storage box (storage box are 30RMB/month)
OR, for shared stuff: put it on the proper shelve or box that has a category label
Work surfaces and space under the tables are NOT storage areas.
Anything left on the tables, under the tables, without labels or not properly organized will be added to the outgoing pile.
Wednesday July 22nd 7pm is the deadline before we start donating to the outside from the pile.
七月22号晚上7点钟(星期三), 我们将会开始捐赠小空间里面的零件和无主人的项目。
]]>Hello I'm new intern William Kim!
July 16th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink