Kevin Yu's Internship Review
August 27th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
On learning Hydroponics at Xinchejian
August 24th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

Yu Sun's Intern Report
August 21st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink
XinCheJian's Second Makers' Hour | 新车间的第二次“创客一小时”
August 17th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink
Mr. Wu, who also attended Makers’ Hour the week before, is working on a wireless camera. He wishes to integrate technologies such as Raspberry Pi to create a wireless and wearable camera.
These three young men made their own motorcycle and are ready to manufacture and sell within this year. They wish to bring in technologies such as Bluetooth headset helmets and mobile device applications to accompany their product.
Jerry is able to control his wireless LED panel through a mobile application. His application can not only change the brightness but also the color temperature of the light source. He believes color temperature has an effect on the productivity and emotions of a person.
XinCheJian strongly encourages makers to come by on Wednesday nights to present their creations. By having makers communicate with one another, makers can gain insight and opportunities they would not have had working alone. Through making connections with each other, makers may overcome problems they have with the project, find partners to collaborate with, and sharing experience about commercializing products. Makers’ Hour is for makers who have physical projects to show. This means projects such as: embedded devices, robots, internet of things, and other practical devices. We will be strict about not having people without physical projects.