原型设计工作坊 10月24号| Prototyping Design Workshop Otc 24th

October 17th, 2015 § 0 comments

上海静安愚园东路28号3号楼一楼 新车间 afds报名参加 Sign Up Time: 13:00 – 16:00, Saturday, October 24th Personal Biography Alec Kennedy Walker, Stanford MBA, has conducted innovation consulting projects and workshops for a myriad of organizations around the world, including Y Combinator software startup SpinPunch, energy giants URS and AECOM in California and Shanghai, fast­-growing Silicon Valley money management firm Wealthfront, the Institute for Human Virology in Nigeria, Japanese health­tech startup Exmedio, Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Group, and several leading universities in the US and Asia. Workshop Description Startups, makers, and established firms worldwide are working increasingly on new and unprecedented problems that lack their own specific best practices. Because traditional research and planning are less helpful in predicting success, new ventures have wide variability in their implementation time and execution. Developed to solve this problem, Rapid Prototyping can be used to maximize progress while minimizing consumption of resources. This workshop will introduce the method and provide interactive exercises for participants to practice its implementation. Workshop structure: 1. Rapid Prototyping methodology essentials 2. Creativity priming exercise 3. Google X case study 4. Prototyping exercise 5. Startup simulation challenge 6. Sharing and conclusions This workshop can help you: ● Solve new problems more efficiently. ● Save lots of time in meetings. ● Strengthen your creativity. ● If you are curious about new techniques from Stanford. ● If you are willing to take creative risks in front of people who you do not know. ● If you are open-minded to try radically different methods from the usual routine. What to expect: This workshop will be predominantly interactive. There will be games and challenges. Participants will be encouraged to engage with one another to solve problems under time pressure. There will also be some team building exercises to help stimulate creativity and some lecture to clarify the context and to solidify the learning. Who should enroll: The workshop is ideal for anyone who wants use use their creativity in productive ways. For makers and entrepreneurs, the methods taught in the workshop will help to reduce planning time and increase the likelihood of project success. For employees at larger firms, the methods will help save time in meetings and channel resources efficiently across projects. For students, the methods will introduce important concepts in time-management and creative experimentation. All who enroll are required to bring an open mind and a willingness to actively participate. Fee: Workshop: RMB 200; RMB 150 for XinCheJian Members. ]]>

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